Psych 69102

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 15
subject Words 4160
subject Authors Robert E. Slavin

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Which of the following is a recommended use of testing in conjunction with backward
a) Be sure that each objective used in developing the unit test is covered by the same
number of items.
b) If you construct a test as part of backward planning, use exactly the same items when
you give the test at the end of your actual course unit.
c) Construct a preliminary version of the unit test before the unit has been taught.
d) Base your course objectives on ready-made unit tests that are provided by textbook
A teacher starts a home-based reinforcement program. Over time, the student responds
positively with increased frequency of good behavior. Given this result, the
reinforcement should now be:
a) reduced gradually.
b) kept at the same level indefinitely.
c) terminated.
d) gradually increased.
Which of the following statements would a student suffering from learned helplessness
be likely to make?
a) I need to adjust my strategy for taking my next driver's test.
b) If I try harder, I can succeed.
c) It doesn't matter what I do.
d) I failed the quiz because I didn't study enough.
In cooperative scripting, the greatest gains in student performance often occur when:
a) the students serve as the teacher.
b) the student serves as the listener.
c) the student serves as the recorder.
d) the teacher serves as the teacher.
According to the text author, which of the following strategies facilitates learning and
a) Avoiding the use of advance organizers
b) Isolating new learning from the students' established schemata
c) Organizing information into a hierarchy
d) Using analogies that are similar to the information being learned
When the senses receive stimuli, the mind immediately begins working on some of
them. Therefore, the sensory images of which we are conscious are not exactly the same
as what we saw, heard, or felt. Which of the following terms relates most closely to
these statements?
a) Perception
b) Reception
c) Attention
d) Registration
Students with learning disabilities are likely to spend most of the school day in a:
a) general education class.
b) special class.
c) one-to-one tutoring situation.
d) special school.
Some teachers count grammar, spelling, and other technical features when evaluating
essays. Is this practice appropriate?
a) Yes, evaluation of essays should be based on rules of grammar.
b) If this practice is used, the teacher should also grade the essays on effort.
c) Yes, if two separate grades (one for content and one for writing mechanics) are given.
d) No, evaluation should be based on content knowledge only.
What is the term for a test that is designed to measure general learning potential?
a) Summative test
b) Norm-referenced achievement test
c) Criterion-referenced achievement test
d) Aptitude test
The second stage of Piaget's theory of moral development is the stage where an
individual understands that people make rules and that punishments are not automatic.
This stage is called:
a) autonomous morality.
b) heteronomous morality.
c) preconventional.
d) postconventional.
Students do not know when a reinforcer is coming, but know that if
they continue to do their work, it will eventually appear. The students
are being reinforced on what type of schedule?
a) Fixed ratio
b) Continuous
c) Fixed interval
d) Variable ratio
A training department wants to know whether prospective plant employees can operate
different types of heavy machinery that are now available. What would be the best type
of test to give?
a) Norm-referenced achievement
b) Criterion-referenced aptitude
d) Criterion-referenced achievement
d) Norm-referenced aptitude
Studies have shown that the most successful students:
a) correctly estimate the degree to which their success is due to their own effort.
b) are not affected by the difficulty of a task.
c) tend to overestimate the degree to which their own behavior leads to success.
d) have an external locus of control.
Research on gender differences in moral reasoning suggests that:
a) Women never reach what Kohlberg considers the higher stages of justice.
b) Women are more likely than men to make everyday decisions based on an ethic of
c) Both justice and caring seem to be important bases for moral reasoning for men and
for women.
d) Men do not experience growth in moral reasoning until adulthood.
Which grading practice involves the use of work samples and rubrics, to convey to
parents an understanding of what students have learned?
a) Performance grading
b) Mastery grading
c) Contract grading
d) Relative grading standards
During the incubation period teachers should value:
a) ingenuity and careful thought.
b) superficial responses.
c) the speed at which students can finish problems.
d) individual accountability.
A deficiency need has been defined by Maslow as:
a) the need to know and understand.
b) critical to physical and psychological well-being.
c) an understanding of the world around us.
d) a need to be satisfied by a peer.
Pregnancy and childbirth are major concerns for all groups of female adolescents, but
particularly among those from:
a) lower-income families.
b) middle class families.
c) white middle class families.
d) black middle class families.
Mr. Wright uses a constructive writing process in his class. In Mr. Wright's class
students work:
a) with detailed outlines of expectations.
b) in small groups or teams working together.
c) individually on assigned lessons.
d) with tutors who scaffold them.
Which one of the follow category of attributions is internal and stable?
a) Effort
b) Luck
c) Ability
d) Task difficulty
In a survey conducted in 2011 on bullying, what percent of high school students
admitted to participating in bullying?
a) less than 10 %
b) 30%
c) 50%
d) 90%
According to our text, which of the following is the most important aspect of quality of
a) The degree to which the lesson makes sense to students
b) Advanced technology that is available to all students and bridges the Digital Gap
c) The extrinsic rewards provided by the instructor
d) Sufficient allocated time
An achievement test is primarily designed to assess:
a) vocational and academic interests.
b) general learning potential.
c) specific academic deficits, for diagnosis of disabilities.
d) skills or abilities that have traditionally been taught in schools.
Research finds that well-designed consulting models can be effective in assisting
teachers to keep disabled students in general education classes. To which group of
students does this finding best apply?
a) Students with severe emotional problems
b) Students with cerebral palsy
c) Students with mild disabilities
d) Students with severe disabilities
During which stage of development is the basic goal is to develop a sense of trust in the
a) Trust versus mistrust
b) Autonomy versus doubt
c) Trust versus inferiority
d) Doubt versus mistrust
Research on feedback has found that providing information on the results of someone's
a) needs to be accompanied by a material motivator to be useful.
b) can be an adequate reward if it is specific, clear, and prompt.
c) is most often ineffective as a reward.
d) is most effective when used infrequently.
Students receive a reward every third time they score 90 percent or
higher on a test. What schedule is being used to reinforce the
a) ,xed interval
b) variable interval
c) variable ratio
d) ,xed ratio
Ms. White, in conducting a lesson, draws attention to what students had learned
previously by saying, "Yesterday we learned how to find the area of a rectangle. Who
will remind us how this is done?" Ms. White believes that this brief reminder is
sufficient because today's lessonfinding the area of a triangleis a direct continuation of
yesterday's. Which of the following strategies does the example reflect?
a) Reviewing prerequisites
b) Using wait time
c) Applying a rule-example-rule pattern
d) Evaluating student work
Research-based professional development opportunities offer teachers:
a) Traditional approaches to education
b) Innovative methods that have yet to be evaluated
c) Methods known to make a difference in children
d) Approaches to a fast-track to learning
One study found that students in schools were a variety of cooperative learning methods
in all subjects were used for a two-year period, differed from students in schools using
traditional teaching approaches. How did they differ?
a) High- and low-achieving students from cooperative learning schools were not helped
by cooperative learning, but those with average achievement levels benefited
b) Students from cooperative learning schools achieved less in reading and math than
students from traditional schools.
c) Students from cooperative learning schools achieved significantly more than students
from traditional schools.
d) Students from cooperative learning schools achieved less than students from
traditional schools.
Explain the basic ideas of levels-of-processing theory, using an example to illustrate
your explanation. How do the research findings that support levels-of-processing theory
help us understand why some study strategies, such as highlighting, are not always
You are a teacher who will have a student with learning disabilities in your class. How
are teaching responsibilities divided between you and the special education teacher? In
other words, what responsibilities do you have to the student and others in your class?
What responsibilities does the special education teacher have to the student?
Explain how criterion-referenced achievement tests are different from norm-referenced
achievement tests.
Define and compare external validity and internal validity. Which do you feel is more
important to emphasize in educational research? Explain the rationale for your choice.
An instructional objective has three basic parts. What are they? Create two instructional
objectives for lessons you could teach, incorporating the three basic parts. For each
objective, identify the three parts and explain how they will help in designing
Classroom lessons often focus on teaching conceptscategories under which specific
elements may be groupedin two ways. What are the ways? Give an example of each.
If you were teaching the concept of positive reinforcement, you would be selecting
examples to aid student learning. Describe the sorts of examples you would use: to ease
initial learning, and then to maximize students' ability to apply the concept to new
Student evaluations serve six purposes. What are they? Using an example, illustrate
how two or more of these six functions can be at cross purposes. In other words,
illustrate how two of these purposes could call for conflicting evaluation strategies.
Give an example of each of the following applied behavior analysis programs:
home-based reinforcement, individual daily report card, and group contingency.
For each example, state an advantage or benefit of using the technique. Then, state one
difficulty a teacher might encounter in implementing the technique (in other words,
what could go wrong?).
Compare a child in the elementary grades to the same individual in high school,
focusing on Erikson's stages of social and personal development. What changes had this
student undergone? Briefly describe two examples of how the high school teacher's
awareness of these types of changes might benefit students.
Incorporating the text author's viewpoint on labeling, write a response to the following
statement "Labels are harmful and should be eliminated from schools."
In teaching by direct instruction, at what steps in the lesson will a teacher need to assess
students' skills or knowledge? At each of these steps, what is the purpose of the
How is a whole-class discussion activity different from a typical (e.g., direction
instruction) lesson? What type of information is learned best through discussion?
A teacher wants to know: Do students behave better in class when they help to create
classroom rules or do they behave better when teachers create the rules for them. How
can you set up a study to help answer this question?
Using the attribution theory of motivation, describe a situation in which a person
attributes success to each of the following: ability, effort, task difficulty, and luck.
For each of these situations, quote the specific attribution made, and indicate the
attribution's locus of control, and whether it is stable or unstable.
How would a behavioral theorist explain motivation? Briefly explain the relevance of
the schedules-of-reinforcement concept to motivation.
Write a brief explanation of a concept that theorists such as Maslow and Weiner would
include in their theories, but that a behavioral theorist would not. On what grounds
would the behavioral theorist object to this concept?
Reviews of research focusing on the best-designed studies of quality bilingual programs
yield positive results. What are they?

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