psych 687 final

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 6
subject Words 1335
subject Authors Dee Unglaub Silverthorn

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1) the term cellular (metabolic) energy indicates any biological process requiring
a) energy in any form.
b) atp.
c) thermal energy.
d) chemical energy.
e) thermal energy and chemical energy.
2) which of the following is a way for solutes in an aqueous solution to move from an
area of high solute concentration to an area of low solute concentration?
a) only facilitated diffusion
b) only osmosis
c) only active transport
d) both facilitated diffusion and osmosis
e) none of the answers are correct.
3) if the ovaries were removed from an otherwise healthy 20-year-old female, which of
the following would you expect to see?
a) increased blood levels of gnrh
b) increased blood levels of fsh
c) increased blood levels of lh
d) cessation of menstruation
e) all of these observations
4) the cell body of neurons is generally
a) 90% of the cell volume.
b) 50% of the cell volume.
c) 10% of the cell volume.
d) found in the same position on every neuron.
5) the total amount of neurotransmitter released at the axon terminal is directly related
a) the amplitude of the action potential.
b) the length of the axon.
c) the total number of action potentials.
d) the amplitude of the graded potential.
6) stretching a myocardial cell
a) only decreases the force of a contraction.
b) only allows more ca2+ to enter.
c) only increases the force of contraction.
d) decreases the force of a contraction and allows more ca2+ to enter.
e) allows more ca2+ to enter and increases the force of a contraction.
7) if humans administered a physiological dose of ufo-epi responded to the chemical,
which of the following would indicate ufo-epi is an epinephrine agonist?
a) constriction of respiratory tubes
b) hyperglycemia (high blood glucose)
c) increase in fatty acids in the blood
d) localized sweating
e) decreased heart rate
8) chronic inhalation of fine particles that reach the alveoli leads to ________ lung
a) obstructive
b) restrictive
c) fibrotic
d) compliant
e) congestive
9) when a quantity is expressed as "4 cm/sec," what is being described is the
a) flow rate.
b) velocity of flow.
c) pressure.
d) pressure gradient.
e) volume.
10) match the type of breathing with its description.
a. hyperpnea
b. hyperventilation
c. tachypnea
d. dyspnea
e. apnea
rapid breathing
11) the template strand of dna
a) is not involved in mrna synthesis.
b) serves as a guide for mrna synthesis.
c) includes the base uracil.
d) is alternatively spliced to generate the exon.
12) which is not a kidney filtration barrier?
a) glomerular capillary endothelium
b) basal lamina
c) bowman's capsule epithelium
d) juxtaglomerular apparatus
13) collateral pathways take vestibular receptor signals from the medulla to the
a) reticular formation only.
b) thalamus only.
c) cerebellum only.
d) reticular formation and cerebellum.
e) thalamus and reticular formation.
14) a zygote with the genotype yo will
a) develop into a male.
b) develop into a female.
c) have turner's syndrome.
d) have kleinfelter's syndrome.
e) die.
15) all of the following are characteristics of acquired immunity except
a) cell-mediated immunity.
b) nonspecific immunity.
c) humoral immunity.
d) adaptive immunity.
16) match the structures with the accurate description.
a. muscle fiber
b. fascicle
c. sarcolemma
d. myofibril
e. t-tubules
a bundle of adjacent muscle cells
17) extracellular fluid is a protective component of the cns. the ________ fluid, found
inside the pia mater, and the ________ fluid, found in ventricles between the pia mater
and arachnoid membrane, make up the extracellular environment for neurons. they
communicate across leaky junctions of the ________ membrane and the ________ cell
layer that lines the ventricles.
18) if the dissociation constant of a protein is less than one (kd < 1), what can you
conclude about the affinity of the protein for the ligand?
19) ________ are phagocytic cells that are permanent residents of specific tissues and
20) brain cells are able to absorb glucose independent of insulin. what must be missing
from brain cells compared to most other cell types? one of the risks of diabetes mellitus
is diabetic coma, which results when insufficient glucose is available to the brain.
would you expect diabetic coma to be triggered when insulin is low or high? explain.
(hint: think about regulation of the number of glucose transporters in brain cells and
how the hyperglycemia present prior to insulin treatment may affect transporters.)
21) cluster of gray matter in the brain
22) too little oxygen in cells is called ________.
23) cell junctions in contractile cells are called ________, which consist of two
components: ________ and ________.
24) cody has always carefully controlled her caloric intake, and is lean. during her
unplanned pregnancy, she continued to eat the same, hoping that taking prenatal
vitamins and minerals would ensure that her fetus would grow normally. her only
complication during pregnancy was persistent constipation and consequent
hemorrhoids. she gained only the minimum weight suggested by her doctor, and
delivered a healthy, full-term infant; her pre-pregnancy weight was rapidly
reestablished. propose an explanation for how she managed to gain enough weight, did
not violate the law of conservation of mass, and for her only complication. what does
this suggest about "eating for two" that some pregnant women do?
25) explain neural plasticity in the brain, in the context of recovery from injury.

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