Psych 655 Quiz

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 5
subject Words 1322
subject Authors Jeanne Ellis Ormrod

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1) Three of the following are recommended practices when using punishment to reduce
an inappropriate behavior. Which one is not recommended?
a.Punish the behavior each time it occurs.
b.Describe the inappropriate behavior to the would-be offender in concrete terms.
c.Change the environment to lessen the chances that the misbehavior will occur.
d.Punish frequently to get the point across.
2) Given the roles that the right hemisphere typically plays in language comprehension,
which one of the following tasks would rely most heavily on the right hemisphere?
a.Hearing the rhyme in the words hypocrisy and democracy
b.Writing precise definitions of abstract words such as hypocrisy and democracy
c.Realizing that That blonde is really hot has as least two possible meanings
d.Translating Leo Tolstoys novel War and Peace into English
3) Three of the following statements describe how cooperative groups can promote
more effective problem solving. Which statement is not an accurate statement regarding
the benefits of cooperative group problem solving?
a.Group members are likely to come to quick consensus about the best way to solve a
b.Group members can clarify their individual sources of confusion regarding the subject
matter in question.
c.By describing possible problem-solving strategies to their peers, students may gain
better insight into the cognitive processes they use.
d.Group members who possess effective problem-solving strategies model the use of
such strategies for others.
4) Which one of the following statements best illustrates prior knowledge activation in
a geometry lesson?
a.Today we will be studying three different kinds of triangles: acute, right, and obtuse.
b.Calculating the volume of a sphere is similar to a procedure you learned last
monthcalculating the area of a circle.
c.Okay, class, its time to put your reading assignment away so that we can begin todays
geometry lesson.
d.Do you know how many square feet you have in your bedroom? After learning how
to calculate the area of a rectangle today, you will know how to figure out exactly how
big your bedroom is.
5) Which one of the following statements best describes behaviorists two-step theory of
avoidance learning?
a.Avoidance of the aversive stimulus is negatively reinforced by the presence of the
pre-aversive stimulus.
b.Remaining in the situation is punished by the aversive stimulus; avoiding it is
positively reinforced by the pre-aversive stimulus.
c.Fear of the pre-aversive stimulus is classically conditioned, and escape from that
stimulus is negatively reinforced.
d.Escape responses occur prior to avoidance responses.
6) At the dentists office, Teresa has a painful experience that leaves her tense and
fearful. The next time her mother brings her to the dentists office, Teresa begins to get
tense and anxious. In this situation, the dentist and dentists office are _____; Teresas
fear of pain is a(n) _____.
a.unconditioned stimuli; conditioned response
b.unconditioned responses; conditioned stimulus
c.conditioned stimuli; unconditioned response
d.conditioned responses; unconditioned stimulus
7) Three of the following statements are true about inquiry learning as an instructional
strategy. Which statement is false?
a.Students benefit from inquiry learning activities only when theyre given total control
over the topic to study and how to study it.
b.Inquiry learning activities require students to use various reasoning processes to
examine the phenomena under investigation.
c.Inquiry learning activities can be effective even when they involve experimentation
with virtual objects in a computer program.
d.Students sometimes misinterpret their observationsfor instance, by finding what they
expected to find.
8) Nadia is an only child who lives on a ranch that is located many miles from the
homes of other children. Although she enjoys being with her peers at school, she is
often physically aggressive toward them. School personnel have made many small
attempts to curb Nadias aggression (for example, they have scolded her, kept her in
from recess, and put her in a time-out situation) but always without success. They are
now thinking about taking more drastic measures. According to the textbook, which one
of the following is most likely to be effective?
a.Putting Nadia in in-house suspension
b.Giving Nadia extra classwork in school subjects she knows well
c.Scolding Nadia in front of her peers about her inappropriate behavior
d.Suspending Nadia from school
9) A mother has been paying her daughter Melissa one dollar an hour to shovel snow off
the driveway. At the end of January, the mother raises the rate to two dollars an hour.
Based on research related to contrast effects, we can predict that Melissa will probably:
a.Shovel half as much snow as she would have otherwise, and then shell quit.
b.Shovel the same amount of snow as she would have at a dollar-an-hour rate.
c.Shovel less snow than if the pay for shoveling snow had always been two dollars an
d.Shovel more snow than if the pay for shoveling snow had always been two dollars an
10) Three of the following are possible reasons that many students dont use effective
learning and study strategies. Which one is not a reason that theorists have offered?
a.Students believe they wont learn no matter what they do.
b.Students think strategies involve too much time and trouble.
c.Students have insufficient knowledge about a topic to use such strategies effectively.
d.For some students, things learned at a rote level stay with them longer than things
learned meaningfully.
11) After a serious motorcycle accident, Tom has trouble controlling his impulses.
Without knowing anything else about Toms injury, you might reasonably conclude that
the accident affected his:
b.frontal lobes
c.parietal lobes
d.occipital lobes
12) Norman is studying Chinese and needs to remember that the word for exit is chu, so
he remembers the sentence The choo-choo train is exiting from the station. Normans
technique illustrates the use of: external retrieval cue
b.the keyword method
c.the pegword method
d.verbal mediation
13) Which one of the following cooperative groups is using the jigsaw technique?
a.When attempting to solve several challenging mathematics problems, group members
brainstorm various approaches to solving each one.
b.As it prepares for a debate about capital punishment, a cooperative group decides
which member will present each argument for the groups position.
c.When studying types of mountains (volcanic, dome, fold, and block), each student
studies one type and teaches what he or she has learned to other group members.
d.After everyone has read Shakespeares Julius Caesar, group members divide up the
scenes of the play, and each student skims through his or her scenes for examples of
14) Which one of the following would Piaget be least likely to advocate for elementary
school children?
a.Discussions with classmates
b.Field trips to hands-on science museums
c.Laboratory-type experiences with physical objects
d.Lectures that describe interesting scientific facts
15) Teachers expectations for student performance sometimes affect the grades they
give. Considering the textbooks discussion of when expectations are likely to have their
greatest effects, choose the situation in which teacher expectations are most likely to
influence grades.
a.A second-grade teacher grades a 20-word spelling test.
b.A fourth-grade teacher grades a homework assignment of 30 long division problems.
c.A high school social studies teacher grades a 40-item multiple-choice test.
d.A high school creative writing teacher grades students short stories.

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