psych 514 homework

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 6
subject Words 1261
subject Authors Dee Unglaub Silverthorn

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1) homeostatic control that takes place at the tissue or cell by using paracrine or
autocrine signals is called ________.
a) local control
b) reflex control
c) cannon's law
d) down-regulation
2) transcription occurs in the ________ of the cell.
a) nucleus
b) cytoplasm
c) golgi apparatus
d) smooth endoplasmic reticulum
e) plasma membrane
3) match the disease with the description.
a. addison's disease
b. cushing's disease
c. graves' disease
d. paget's disease
4) when a body is dehydrated, water in the urinary bladder
a) can be returned to the circulation directly.
b) can be returned to the circulation after moving back into the kidneys.
c) will still be expelled from the body in the urine.
5) epoc is
a) excess physiological oxygen contribution.
b) extra phosphorylated oxygenated creatine.
c) excess postexercise oxygen consumption.
d) exercising physiological oxygen consumption.
e) extraneous preoxygen contribution.
6) when sodium channels open during an action potential, the opening is caused by
a) binding of sodium ions.
b) binding of potassium ions.
c) presence of calcium.
d) presence of positive charge.
7) passive immunity is a type of ________ immunity.
a) acquired
b) innate
8) when voltage-gated na+ channels of a resting neuron open,
a) na+ enters the neuron.
b) na+ leaves the neuron.
c) the neuron depolarizes.
d) na+ enters the neuron and the neuron depolarizes.
e) na+ leaves the neuron and the neuron depolarizes.
9) match the lung disease to its description.
a. fibrotic lung disease
b. emphysema
c. asthma
d. pulmonary edema
destruction of alveoli
10) when voltage-gated k+ channels of a resting neuron open,
a) k+ enters the neuron.
b) k+ leaves the neuron.
c) the neuron depolarizes.
d) k+ enters the neuron and the neuron depolarizes.
e) k+ leaves the neuron and the neuron depolarizes.
11) the pituitary hormone that stimulates milk production by the mammary glands is
a) tsh.
b) acth.
c) growth hormone.
d) fsh.
e) prolactin.
12) lymphocytes that attack foreign cells or body cells infected with viruses are
a) b lymphocytes.
b) plasma cells.
c) helper t cells.
d) cytotoxic t cells.
e) suppressor t cells.
13) the beta cells of the pancreas produce insulin, a protein-based hormone. which of
the following organelles would be found in higher levels in the beta cells?
a) mitochondria
b) ribosomes
c) microvilli
d) lysosomes
14) the respiratory quotient is ________ for consumed carbohydrates compared to
proteins and fats.
a) highest
b) lowest
c) the same
15) a positively charged ion is called a(n)
a) electron.
b) proton.
c) neutron.
d) cation.
e) anion.
16) match the answers to the questions.
a. true only for the sympathetic division
b. true only for the parasympathetic division
c. true for both divisions
the ganglia are found in a chain that runs close to the spinal cord or along the
descending aorta.
17) which is not considered to be a primary function of the respiratory system?
a) regulation of water balance
b) regulation of ph balance
c) protection against pathogens
d) vocalization
e) gas exchange
18) list and explain the factors that influence the presence of gases in liquids.
19) briefly describe the difference between tonic and phasic receptors, and illustrate this
difference by sketching graphs showing any type of stimulus (as a rectangular wave),
the receptor potentials generated by each type of receptor, and the resulting action
potentials in the neurons that respond to each type of receptor. you do not need to put
numbers on your axes; rather you are to demonstrate you understand the relative
differences in the responses.
20) once the promoter region of a gene is activated, ________ unwinds the dna of the
downstream gene and begins the process of ________. what is the molecule generated
by this process? how does the cell control the amount of this molecule released from the
21) the ________ is the portion of the mrna that contains the coding sequence of the
22) ________ is a protein cofactor that is secreted by the pancreas and that allows
lipases to access fats inside the bile coating.
23) candace is a normal-looking 15-year-old girl but has never had a menstrual period,
though she has other signs of puberty such as breasts and pubic and axillary hair. during
a pelvic exam her physician determines that she has no uterus. blood tests reveal that
she has elevated amounts of testosterone in her blood, similar to that expected in young
adult males. name two typical sources of testosterone. given the lack of a uterus, what is
the likely source of testosterone in this case? what may be wrong with her? (hint:
consider general principles of hormone secretion and action.) why is there no uterus?
what genetic test may confirm this suspicion?
24) because the suffix "itis" means ________, swelling of the lower extremities due to
blockage of lymph flow is not called ________-itis; rather it is called ________.
25) most reflexes are regulated by ________.

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