psych 401 quiz 1

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 6
subject Words 1209
subject Authors Dee Unglaub Silverthorn

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1) a condition that produces a reduction in bone mass or density sufficient to
compromise normal function is
a) cretinism.
b) osteoporosis.
c) osteomyelitis.
d) osteitis.
e) acromegaly.
2) the vessels that are the main site of variable resistance in the circulatory system, and
that contribute more than 60% of the total resistance, are the
a) muscular arteries.
b) elastic arteries.
c) arterioles.
d) venules.
e) veins.
3) urea is
a) actively secreted in the distal tubule.
b) actively reabsorbed in the proximal tubule.
c) passively reabsorbed in the proximal tubule.
d) completely eliminated in the urine.
e) actively transported into the filtrate by the cells of the collecting duct.
4) which of the following statements about the resting membrane potential is true?
a) it is normally equal to zero volts.
b) the inside of the membrane is positively charged compared to the outside.
c) it results, in part, from the concentration gradients for na+ and k+.
d) it is due in part to the presence of extracellular proteins.
5) match the specific receptor to its typical stimulus.
a. free nerve ending
b. merkel receptor
c. meissner's corpuscle
d. ruffini corpuscle
e. pacinian corpuscle
7) the matching of blood flow to the changing metabolic needs of a tissue is due to
a) neural control.
b) hormonal control.
c) local control.
8) match the ploidy with a cell stage.
a. haploid
b. diploid
spermatogonium or oogonium
9) which cellular organelle is a lipid bilayer that controls which objects can leave or
enter the cell?
a) endoplasmic reticulum
b) golgi apparatus
c) nucleus
d) plasma membrane
e) ribosome
10) lipoproteins that carry mostly cholesterol and phospholipids from peripheral tissues
to the liver are called
a) very low-density lipoproteins (vldls).
b) low-density lipoproteins (ldls).
c) intermediate-density lipoproteins (idls).
d) high-density lipoproteins (hdls).
e) very high-density lipoproteins (vhdls).
11) cerebrospinal fluid is produced by the
a) choroid plexus.
b) arachnoid villi.
c) frontal sinuses.
d) pia mater.
e) ventricles.
12) compensation for decreased blood volume includes increases in
a) sympathetic stimulation to blood vessels.
b) sympathetic stimulation of the heart.
c) water conservation by the kidneys.
d) sympathetic stimulation to blood vessels and water conservation by the kidneys.
e) sympathetic stimulation to blood vessels, sympathetic stimulation of the heart, and
water conservation by the kidneys.
13) the structure that overlies the organ of corti and is attached to the tips of the hair
cells is the
a) basilar membrane.
b) tectorial membrane.
c) stapedius.
d) perilymph.
e) endolymph.
14) match the structure or compound to its function.
a. ezetimbe
b. ferroportin
c. hepcidin
d. dmt1
e. npc1l1
transports iron to the blood
15) during starvation,
a) carbohydrate utilization increases.
b) gluconeogenesis accelerates.
c) there is a decline in circulating ketone bodies.
d) structural proteins cannot be used as a potential energy source.
e) all of these answers are correct.
16) the flattening of the action potentials of myocardial contractile cells, called the
plateau phase, is due to a combination of ________ k+ permeability and ________
ca2+ permeability.
a) increasing, increasing
b) decreasing, decreasing
c) increasing, decreasing
d) decreasing, increasing
17) match the symptoms to the problem.
a. damage to the cerebral cortex
b. degeneration of hair cells
c. ringing in the ears
d. dizziness and nausea
e. problems with structures of the middle ear
18) in the lungs, the
a) blood flow rate is higher and the blood pressure is lower, respectively, than the blood
flow rate and the blood pressure in other tissues.
b) blood flow rate is higher and the blood pressure is higher, respectively, than the
blood flow rate and the blood pressure in other tissues.
c) blood flow rate is lower and the blood pressure is lower, respectively, than the blood
flow rate and the blood pressure in other tissues.
d) blood flow rate is lower and the blood pressure is higher, respectively, than the blood
flow rate and the blood pressure in other tissues.
e) blood flow rate and the blood pressure are the same as in other tissues.
19) amylin
a) is co-secreted with insulin.
b) is co-secreted with glucagon.
c) helps regulate glucose homeostasis by speeding up gastric emptying.
d) is co-secreted with insulin and helps regulate glucose homeostasis by speeding up
gastric emptying.
e) is co-secreted with glucagon and helps regulate glucose homeostasis by speeding up
gastric emptying.
20) describe the phases of a normal sleep cycle.
21) plasminogen is activated by an enzyme called ________.
22) hemoglobin binds to and has a much higher affinity for carbon monoxide (co) than
for oxygen. co is colorless and odorless and can be produced in homes heated by
natural gas; victims usually do not realize they are being poisoned and often die in their
sleep. describe the likely changes in a co poisoning victim.
23) the addition of stimuli arriving in rapid succession to produce an action potential is
called ________.
24) the ________ is the amount of blood in a ventricle at the beginning of systole.
25) nucleoli function in the production of ________.
26) draw and label a typical antibody molecule. be sure to include the light chain, heavy
chain, fab, fc, and the hinge region. identify the antigen-binding site and disulfide

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