Psych 39580

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1564
subject Authors B. R. Hergenhahn, Tracy Henley

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Within a neural network model, learning is explained in terms of changing patterns of:
A. parallel distributed processing
B. if-then statements
C. excitation and inhibition
D. mathematical weights
For Watson, thinking is:
A. internal speech
B. imageless
C. implicit, unlearned behavior
D. explicit, learned behavior
For Socrates, essences were:
A. impossible to determine
B. verbal definitions
C. transcendental truths
D. unimportant
For Tolman, independent variables are ____ and give rise to internal, unobservable
events that, in turn, cause behavior.
A. environmental events
B. theoretical concepts
C. variables that are unrelated to any other variables
D. behavioral events
In the 1930's and 1940's, Hull and Tolman postulated intervening variables. For Hull,
these variables were ____; for Tolman, they were ____.
A. mainly cognitive; also mainly cognitive
B. mainly physiological; mainly affective
C. mainly physiological; mainly cognitive
D. mainly affective; mainly cognitive
Galileo used experiments to do which of the following?
A. Demonstrate the existence of God.
B. Convince Skeptics that scientific laws are useless.
C. Show the uselessness of metaphysics in science.
D. Show that essences are important for explanations.
What important epistemological question was raised by Heraclitus' philosophy?
A. What does it mean to be me?
B. How can something be known if it is constantly changing?
C. Why would a man want to step into the same river more than once?
D. What constitutes the good life?
Members of the Nancy School believed that hypnotizability was ____, whereas Charcot
believed it to be ____.
A. a sign of mental pathology; perfectly normal
B. perfectly normal; a sign of mental pathology
C. a sign of sexual conflict; the result of prolonged concentration
D. the result of prolonged concentration; a sign of sexual conflict
Bessel used personal equations to:
A. select the most skillful astronomers
B. correct differences in the reaction times among various observers
C. ensure that his assistants had exactly the same reaction times
D. demonstrate the value of experimental psychology
For Titchener, the ____ of psychology involved a search for the neurological correlates
of mental events.
A. what
B. how
C. why
D. when
According to Titchener, all feelings can be explained by employing the dimension of:
A. tension-relaxation
B. excitement-calm
C. pleasantness-unpleasantness
D. joy-sadness
The major conclusion from Terman's study of genius was that:
A. gifted children became gifted adults
B. gifted children became more average as they grew older
C. although gifted children remained gifted as adults, they tended to have more
emotional problems than did average individuals
D. "early ripe, early rot"
In explanations of behavior, sociobiologists urge social scientists to avoid ____.
A. biological distractors
B. complex factors
C. competing principles
D. nothing-butism
Dewey believed that the best way to learn is by:
A. rote memorization
B. engaging in the activities to be learned
C. listening to knowledgeable lecturers
D. observing a knowledgeable person who acts as a model
According to Aquinas, predestination maintains that:
A. God has preordained which people will be granted salvation
B. good deeds can bring one closer to salvation
C. salvation will come if one accepts Jesus as the son of God
D. sin must precede repentance and salvation
When one has mixed feelings about one goal, what type of conflict is this?
A. approach-approach conflict
B. avoidance-avoidance conflict
C. double approach-avoidance conflict
D. approach-avoidance conflict
Weber found that subjects could detect much smaller weight differences when they
lifted the weights than when the weights were simply placed in their hands. He
attributed this increased sensitivity to:
A. kinesthesis
B. the two-point threshold
C. the method of adjustment
D. unconscious inference
According to Wundt, sciences like physics were based on ____ experience, whereas
psychology should be based on ____ experience.
A. immediate; mediate
B. mediate; immediate
C. sensory; emotional
D. sensory; physiological
According to Hering's theory of color vision, if a person stares at a blue object for a
considerable time and then looks at a white sheet of paper, he or she will experience a
____ afterimage.
A. yellow
B. red
C. green
D. blue
The goal of the 1905 version of the Binet-Simon scale of intelligence was to:
A. distinguish between normal and children with intellectual disabilities
B. distinguish among levels of intelligence for normal children
C. distinguish among levels of intelligence for children with intellectual disabilities
D. help children make reasonable career choices
In the 1970's, information-processing psychologists combined their efforts to
understand cognition with other professionals such as philosophers, linguists, engineers,
and computer scientists, thus creating the field of:
A. artificial intelligence
B. information theory
C. cognitive science
D. ecological psychology
How did the work of such researchers as Broca, Fritsch, Hitzig, and Ferrier relate to
A. The research showed that brain function is not localized to specific cortical regions.
B. The research showed that protrusions of the skull can be used to map cortical motor
C. The research demonstrated localized brain function, just as the phrenologists had
D. The research demonstrated localized brain function, but not as the phrenologists had
What was the outcome of Mesmer's proposal that 10 of his patients be treated by him
and 10 be treated by members of the French Academy of Medicine, and then the results
A. Mesmer's treatment was far more effective.
B. the treatment of the French Academy members was much more effective.
C. the treatments of Mesmer and of the medical doctors were equally effective.
D. Mesmer's proposal was rejected.
The supposed intelligent behavior of a nonhuman animal has often been found to be
nothing more than the animal's responses to subtle cues (consciously or unconsciously)
provided by its trainer. This observation is called the:
A. self-fulfilling prophecy
B. Clever Hans phenomenon
C. Stumpf phenomenon
D. Wrzburg phenomenon
____ promotes that life can never be completely explained in terms of material things
and mechanical laws.
a. Vitalism
b. Determinism
c. Monism
d. Materialism
____ is the branch of philosophy that studies the nature of existence or being.
A. Phenomenology
B. Dasein
C. Ontology
D. Humanism
Helmholtz found that when individuals with normal sight wear distorted lenses, they:
A. continue to perceive normally
B. make perceptual mistakes at first but then adapt and perceive normally
C. make perceptual mistakes until the lenses came off
D. cannot make any correct judgments of object distances
After visiting with Galileo, Hobbes became convinced that:
A. humans could not simply be described as machines
B. humans could be completely understood employing only the concepts of matter and
C. expressing one's true beliefs could be very dangerous
D. Descartes was correct about the innateness of ideas in the universe
If you define a concept in terms of the procedures followed while measuring the
concept, you are using a(n):
A. reflexive definition
B. operational definition
C. scientific law
D. observational term
Presentism maintains that:
a. the present state of a discipline is the most important
b. to truly understand something you must be present to observe it
c. it is important to understand the past in terms of contemporary knowledge and
d. history should be studied for its own sake without regard for how historical events
relate to present events
Why is the Bell-Magendie law significant?
A. It solved the mind-body problem.
B. It confirmed Hartley's view of nerve conduction.
C. It demonstrated that specific mental functions are mediated by different anatomical
D. It allowed individual differences in reaction times among individuals to be
Dewey believed that the goal of education should be to facilitate creative intelligence
A. prepare children to live effectively in a complex society
B. transmit traditional knowledge
C. obtain increasingly higher levels of education
D. strengthen the reasoning faculty of the mind
According to Darwin, because there are many more offspring than can survive in a
given environment:
A. there are individual differences
B. there is a struggle for survival
C. there must be ecological engineering
D. humans must decide which animals survive and which ones do not
Kelly called his approach to treatment:
A. propositional therapy
B. fixed-role therapy
C. constructivistic therapy
D. existential therapy

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