Psych 393 Midterm 1

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 4
subject Words 785
subject Authors Diane Halpern, Michael Gazzaniga, Todd Heatherton

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1) according to cognitive-social theories of personality, which of the following factors
do not shape our behaviors and personalities?
a.our personal beliefs
b.our expectancies
c.other peoples expectations for us
d.our interpretations of the world
2) the main reason that people make just-world hypothesis attributions is that these
a.increase peoples self-esteem
b.make people feel safer and the world more understandable
c.let people avoid their own errors
d.ease peoples consciences
3) how is brain functioning related to remembering information about the self?
a.when self-relevant information is retrieved, the amygdala is less active.
b.when self-relevant information is retrieved, the parietal lobe is more active.
c.when self-relevant information is retrieved, the frontal lobes are more active.
d.when self-relevant information is retrieved, the hypothalamus is more active.
4) cordelia is massaging her shoulders to rid herself of a tension headache. according to
gate control theory, the massage should:
a.distract cordelia from the headache, closing the pain gate from the brain down
b.intensify the pain by sending additional sensory messages to the brain
c.have little effect
d.activate large sensory nerves, closing the pain gate from the spinal cord up
5) according to your textbook, a mental disorder that involves a persons losing
awareness of time and events is called:
a.dissociative amnesia
b.dissociative fugue
d.bipolar disorder
6) researchers have found that the trait of conscientiousness predicts_____, and that
openness to experience predicts_____.
a.friendliness; extraversion
b.intelligence; impulsivity
c.high school grades; standardized test scores
d.shyness; extraversion
7) which of the following taste sensations was most recently discovered?
8) which of the following recent treatment options has shown initial promise for
patients with severe depression?
a.electroconvulsive therapy and deep brain stimulation
b.deep brain stimulation and transcranial magnetic stimulation
c.transcranial magnetic stimulation and dialectical behavior therapy
d.dialectical behavior therapy and electroconvulsive therapy
9) when one learns the consequences of an action by watching another person perform
the action, this type of learning is called:
a.vicarious learning
b.indifferent learning
c.occupational learning
d.amplitude learning
10) as a child, erin was always getting into trouble with her parents because she liked to
steal cookies from the cookie jar. she was not concerned with the consequences and
would steal cookies even when she knew she might get punished. erins impulse is based
in what freud called the:
a.electra complex
b.pleasure principle
c.death instinct
d.anal personality type
11) the cognitive knowledge structure that guides attention and affects behavior is
referred to as:
d.self-evaluative mechanism
12) you start to answer an exam question. even though you know the word for the
answer, you cannot remember it. you can remember the shape of the word, the first
letter, where on the page of your notes the word is, but not the word itself. you are
suffering from:
a.change blindness
b.tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon
13) people usually remember how many days there are in the months of september,
october, and may by using:
a.verbal mnemonics
b.episodic memory
c.semantic memory
d.elaborative retrieval
14) jason is doing a psychology experiment in which he is seated in an absolutely dark
room. an initially undetected point of light in front of him is gradually made more
intense. with each increase, he is asked if he can see the light. in this experiment, jasons
_____ is being measured.
a.difference threshold
b.absolute threshold
c.just noticeable difference
d.psychophysical limit
15) even though trait theories, such as the five-factor theory, are descriptive in nature,
they are important because they:
a.provide information on unconscious processes
b.allow for the use of projective techniques in understanding personality
c.rely on situationism, an important theory in personality psychology
d.can predict behaviors
16) when the teacher in milgrams obedience study received orders over the phone
instead of face-to-face, the level of compliance:
c.remained unchanged
d.either b or c

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