Psych 37224

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 12
subject Words 1602
subject Authors James W. Kalat

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A person with damage to V1, but not V4, would be able to perceive:
a. motion, but not shape or color.
b. shapes, but not color.
c. color, but not shapes.
d. motion and color.
Electrical gradients lead to what kind of movements?
a. the general movement of ions into the neuron
b. the general movement of ions out of the neuron
c. the movement of ions to areas having the same electrical charges
d. the movement of ions to areas having the opposite electrical charges
An antidepressant drug operates by blocking reuptake of serotonin and catecholamines,
but also blocks histamine receptors, acetylcholine receptors, and certain sodium
channels. This drug would most likely be classified as a(n):
a. tricyclic.
b. MAOI.
c. selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor.
d. atypical antidepressant.
If suprachiasmatic nucleus neurons are disconnected from the rest of the brain, they:
a. no longer produce any activity.
b. continue to produce activity that follows a circadian rhythm.
c. produce a 20-hour rhythm.
d. produce spontaneous bursts of activity, but on no rhythmic pattern.
Someone with deterioration of everyday functioning and hallucinations or delusions or
thought disorders would likely be classified as having which disorder?
a. schizophrenia
b. bipolar disorder
c. attention deficit disorder
d. Klinefelter's syndrome
Once within the cerebral cortex, the parvocellular pathway continues as a pathway
sensitive to:
a. details of shape.
b. depth.
c. visual memories.
d. movement.
Which neurotransmitter is most often used by postganglionic neurons in the
sympathetic nervous system?
a. Dopamine
b. Serotonin
c. Acetylcholine
d. Norepinephrine
People with pure autonomic failure have ____ changes in their heart rate and other
organ responses; they usually report ____ intensity of emotions.
a. increased, increased
b. increased, decreased
c. decreased, increased
d. decreased, decreased
The surest way to disrupt the biological clock is to damage the:
a. substantia nigra.
b. caudate nucleus.
c. lateral hypothalamus.
d. suprachiasmatic nucleus.
The branch of the autonomic nervous system that is responsible for preparing the body
for fight or flight behaviors is called the:
a. parasympathetic nervous system.
b. sympathetic nervous system.
c. somatic nervous system.
d. craniosacral nervous system.
Which drugs most closely resemble the neurotransmitter serotonin?
a. hallucinogens
b. cannabinoids
c. opiates
d. stimulants
Itching is primarily the result of:
a. bad circulation.
b. baby powder.
c. histamine release.
d. substance P release.
If a monkey with low serotonin turnover survives, they are more likely to:
a. be extremely fearful.
b. be submissive.
c. have fewer offspring.
d. have dominant status.
Under which conditions would the sodium-potassium pump be far less effective in
creating a concentration gradient?
a. if dendrites were generally longer than axons
b. if the glia-to-neuron ratio were higher
c. if selective permeability of the membrane did not exist
d. if it were an active transport system that required energy
Of the various hypotheses based on hormone levels, which is the most plausible
explanation for male homosexuality?
a. adult testosterone levels are low
b. adult estrogen levels are high
c. prenatal testosterone levels were low during some sensitive period
d. prenatal estrogen levels were high during some sensitive period
The resting potential of a neuron refers to:
a. the net positive charge on the inside of the neuron.
b. ions which rest in one place in the cell.
c. the movement of ions to the outside of the neuron.
d. the net negative charge on the inside of the neuron.
Orexin, produced by neurons in the hypothalamus, appears to be necessary for:
a. getting to sleep.
b. waking up.
c. raising body temperature.
d. staying awake.
The season-of-birth effect is sometimes taken as evidence that schizophrenia is caused
a. genetics.
b. viruses.
c. stressful experiences.
d. vitamin deficiencies.
If a brain area loses a set of incoming axons, we can expect some combination of ____
by the remaining axons and collateral sprouting by other axons that ordinarily attach to
some other target.
a. disuse supersensitivity
b. decreased response
c. denervation supersensitivity
d. response supersensitivity
Uniquely, endogenous cannabinoid receptors are located:
a. on the presynaptic neuron.
b. on the cell body.
c. on the dendrites of the postsynaptic neuron.
d. inside the cell membrane.
Male meadow voles can be genetically altered to remain with a female he mated with
by increasing ____ levels.
a. vasopressin
b. renin
c. testosterone
d. estradiol
Three small bones connect the tympanic membrane to the oval window. What is the
function of these bones?
a. They hold the tympanic membrane in place.
b. They convert airwaves into waves of greater pressure.
c. They spread out the air waves over an area of larger diameter.
d. They change the frequency of air waves into lower frequencies that can be heard.
The raphe system:
a. increases the brain's readiness to respond to stimuli.
b. is important for balance and coordination.
c. controls the sensory areas of the spinal cord.
d. regulates the rate of production of cerebrospinal fluid.
The postcentral gyrus contains _____ separate representations of the body.
a. one
b. two
c. four
d. six
A continuing sensation of an amputated body part is called:
a. phantom limb
b. ghost limb
c. Neuralgia
d. tingling limb
Ischemia and hemorrhage kill neurons by:
a. understimulating them.
b. overstimulating them.
c. overactivating the sodium-potassium pump.
d. depleting the glutamate supply available to neurons.
Migration is the:
a. production of new cells.
b. movement of primitive neurons and glia.
c. gradual formation of dendrites and an axon.
d. insulation process that occurs on some axons.
Someone with a mild to moderate case of Alzheimer's disease would be most likely to
remember which of the following?
a. how to drive a car
b. what make of car he or she drives
c. where he or she parked the car
d. the time he or she most recently drove a car
The common measure of fear or anxiety that is popular because it can be used with
non-humans as well as humans is:
a. facial expressions.
b. the startle response.
c. spontaneous muscle twitches.
d. hyperventilation.
____ cells proliferate after a stroke.
a. Penumbra
b. Microglia
c. Ischemia
d. Cancer
Which of the following mate-selection preferences is stronger for men than for women?
a. acceptable odor
b. likelihood of being a good provider
c. youthfulness
d. intelligence
When chromosomes cross over, it is more likely to affect genes that are on separate
chromosomes than genes that are on the same chromosome.
List the stages of sleep including their dominant electrophysiological marker.
Newborn animals survive at first on mother's milk.
List some examples of "zeitgebers".
The genes controlling early-onset Alzheimer's disease cause a protein called amyloid-
Supertasters are more likely to enjoy spicy foods.
Schwann cells build the myelin sheaths in the periphery of the body.
In general, animals that have the most total sleep also have the highest percentage of
REM sleep.
The paraventricular nucleus normally inhibits meal size.
Describe the role of heredity and environment of violent behavior..
Answers will vary.
Control of a single muscle is distributed over a population of cells in the motor cortex.
Generally speaking, a neuron will release a greater number of neurotransmitters than
what it will respond to with its own receptors.
Many people with schizophrenia have a characteristic body odor.
A rat in a more stimulating environment develops a thicker cortex, more dendritic
branching, and improved learning.
Muscle relaxation during REM sleep occurs because of decreased activity in the pons.
If both parents are heterozygous, then all of their children should be homozygous.

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