Psych 34359

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 10
subject Words 1668
subject Authors B. R. Hergenhahn, Tracy Henley

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A psychologist who believes that human behavior is indeed determined but the causes
can never be accurately known would be a(n):
a. indeterminist
b. psychical determinist
c. nondeterminist
d. physical determinist
According to the Sophists, what is it that determines if an idea is accepted as the truth?
A. The truthfulness of the idea
B. How effectively the idea is communicated
C. The scientific evidence offered to support the idea
D. The idea's usefulness
Which law and scenario pairing best illustrates one of Hume's laws of associations?
A. Law of resemblance: Trevor thinks of his favorite gift, a pocket knife, stimulating
thoughts of his friend Jim, who gave him the gift
B. Law of contiguity: Nancy thinks of her friend Grace and instantly recalls her friend
C. Law of cause and effect: Gertrude sees lighting and consequently expects thunder
D. Law of constructive association: At the grocery store, Jada comes across eggs, flour,
and sugar, causing her to remember that she is supposed to bake a cake
According to the sociobiologists, the strategy typically used by males to project copies
of their genes into the next generation is ____, whereas for females, it is ____.
A. promiscuity; the careful selection of an adequate mate
B. the careful selection of an adequate mate; promiscuity
C. to seek females with good resources with whom to reproduce; to seek males who are
young and physically attractive
D. to seek females with prominent family backgrounds with whom to reproduce; to
seek selfish males
The romantic philosophers considered which human characteristic as most important?
A. irrational feelings
B. rational thought
C. refinement
D. benevolence
What is the belief that the world is as we immediately experience it?
A. direct realism
B. epiphenomenalism
C. petites perceptions
D. faculty psychology
Tolman learned from Holt and Perry that the ____ aspects of behavior could be studied
without sacrificing scientific objectively.
A. purposive
B. cognitive
C. molecular
D. S-R
Titchener defined ____ as the sum total of mental experience at any given moment.
A. the mind
B. the consciousness
C. the apperceptive mass
D. general impression
The Brelands referred to the interference or displacement of learned behavior by
instinctive behavior as:
A. response generalization
B. the habit family hierarchy
C. instinctual drift
D. the leash principle
Although Ladd-Franklin completed all of the requirements for her Ph.D. in 1882, she
was not granted the degree until 1926. The delay was because:
A. she was accused of falsifying data
B. she was a woman
C. of her dissertation topic
D. the quality of her research was considered inferior
Which of the following did Hebb accomplish?
A. He characterized equipotentiality.
B. He identified the existence of instinctual drift in many species.
C. He linked the reticular activating system with cognitive and behavioral performance.
D. He conducted research on hemispheric specialization with split-brain patients.
Helmholtz found that when individuals who have been blind since birth acquire sight,
A. need to learn to perceive
B. immediately perceive normally
C. can perceive normally only while wearing distorted lenses
D. can never perceive normally
What did romanticism and existentialism have in common?
A. The importance of subjective experience
B. A belief in fate
C. The respect for rationalism
D. A quest for scientific truth
The part of the cortex known as Broca's area is associated with:
A. speech comprehension
B. visual analysis
C. speech articulation
D. motor movement differentiation
What important lesson did Freud learn from Charcot?
A. Hypnotizability is a sign of mental pathology.
B. Only something physical can influence something physical.
C. Hysteria is best explained as malingering.
D. Psychological disorders can cause physical problems.
In all of the applications of Skinnerian principles, which of the following general rules
is always the same?
A. Change subjective reality and you change behavior.
B. Change expectancies and you change behavior.
C. Change reinforcement contingencies and you change behavior.
D. Change patterns of stimulation and you change behavior.
Yerkes believed that immigration ____.
A. was important to the vitality of the United States.
B. introduced new genes and couple build intelligence and creativity.
C. was morally imperative that all persons who wanted entry to the United States be
allowed entry.
D. should be restricted so those with low intelligence could be refused.
What did Rousseau trust most as a guide for human conduct?
A. reason
B. personal feelings
C. science
D. religion
For Locke, all ideas come from:
A. sensation and attention
B. reflection and association
C. sensation and reflection
D. attention and association
From the experiment with the pendulum clock (thought meter), Wundt concluded that:
A. experimental psychology was not feasible
B. attention is involuntary
C. time is a dimension to be studied
D. experimental psychology must stress selective attention
According to Darwin, evolution resulted from the ____ of those accidental variations
that proved to have survival value.
A. natural selection
B. sharing
C. inhibition
D. extinction
Kraepelin's catalog of mental illnesses:
A. brought order to an otherwise chaotic mass of clinical observations
B. encouraged the treating of labels rather than individual patients
C. gave support to the psychological model of mental illness
D. is the predecessor to The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
According to Spinoza, all human emotions are derived from:
A. notions of good and evil
B. experiences of pleasure and pain
C. passions
D. love and hate
The co-option of an original adaptation for a useful but unrelated function is called:
A. a spandrel
B. an extirpation
C. an exaptation
D. pseudoevolution
A. denied consciousness existed
B. supported the use of introspection, believing it was the only way to understand
mental processes
C. stated that only overt behavior was reflexive
D. postulated that both overt and covert behavior (mental processes) result from
physiological processes in the brain
According to James, a person could increase his or her self-esteem by:
A. finding a spiritual advisor
B. completing formal education
C. seeking positive and affirming companions
D. both succeeding more and attempting less
What did Weber called the smallest distance between two points at which a subject
reported sensing two points instead of one?
A. just noticeable difference
B. two-point threshold
C. psychophysical threshold
D. localization of experience
Those supporting the Doctor of Psychology degree (Psy.D.) argue in favor of:
A. the scientist-practitioner tradition
B. Witmer's vision of clinical psychology
C. a clinical degree modeled after the Doctor of Medicine degree (M.D.)
D. the Boulder model of training clinical psychologists
Who taught Watson that plants and simple animals, because of their biological makeup,
respond automatically in characteristic ways to particular environmental stimuli
A. Moore
B. Dewey
C. Loeb
D. Angell
According to humanistic psychology, we have to ____ as a frame of reference in order
to realize our actualizing tendency.
A. understand where we came from
B. use our own valuing process
C. focus on our basic human drives
D. abandon our sense of mortality
One of the earliest conflicts Darwin had with organized religion was over:
A. the age of the earth
B. his study of animals
C. his refusal to be a church member
D. his comparison of humans and animals
Lashley's search for the engram:
A. ended with the identification of the locus of memory and learning
B. was unsuccessful
C. lead to the development of electrophysiology
D. refuted the concept of equipotentiality
Which of the following has been described as "radical relativism"?
A. modernism
B. enlightenment philosophy
C. postmodernism
D. premodernism
Which of the following best describes the views of U.S. industrialists such as John D.
Rockefeller and Andrew Carnegie regarding survival of the fittest?
A. The development of large corporations and the elimination of smaller ones simply
demonstrates survival of the fittest and is not evil, but rather the result of the application
of the laws of nature.
B. Employers have an obligation to provide employees with ample money to satisfy
their needs. Healthy, happy employees are likely to produce healthy, happy offspring
who will, in turn, become the skilled workforce of the future.
C. Wealthy industrialists should be permitted to encourage the brightest, hardest
workers to have more children by paying them more for each child they have, thus
increasing the pool of bright, hardworking individuals.
D. Belief in the theory of evolution rather than in creation by a divine being invites the
wrath of the divine being and therefore bad for business.
By using the ego defense mechanism of ____, one sees the causes of failure and
undesirable urges as "out there" instead of in one's self.
A. sublimation
B. projection
C. rationalization
D. identification

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