Psych 32681

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 14
subject Words 1716
subject Authors James W. Kalat

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Which of the following shows a decreased need for sleep?
a. birds during migration
b. mammalian mothers during pregnancy
c. cats during the mating season
d. children when they are ill
A person with damage to their cerebellum may experience several problems, including:
a. poor eyesight.
b. inability to be classically conditioned.
c. weakened conditioned eye blinks.
d. exaggerated eye blinking.
Who was the first researcher to demonstrate that neurons are separate from one
a. Curt P. Richter
b. Santiago Ramon y Cajal
c. Charles S. Sherrington
d. Jose Delgado
The ability to hear a note and identify it perfectly is called:
a. ultimate pitch.
b. sharp pitch.
c. tonal pitch.
d. absolute pitch.
The nuclei for most of the cranial nerves are located in the:
a. cerebral cortex.
b. hypothalamus.
c. midbrain.
d. pons and medulla.
An animal is most likely to eat more frequently and gain weight after damage to the:
a. preoptic area.
b. areas surrounding the third ventricle.
c. ventromedial hypothalamus.
d. lateral hypothalamus.
A study of patients with amnesia reveals that people:
a. lose all aspects of memory equally
b. have predictable memory loss
c. can be categorized into distinct forms of memory loss
d. do not lose all aspects of memory equally
The bipolar cells send their messages to ____, located closer to the center of the eye.
a. spiny cells
b. cornea cells
c. bipolar cells
d. ganglion cells
The input from the eyes to the suprachiasmatic nucleus, responsible for shifting the
phase of the circadian rhythm, originates from:
a. cones only.
b. ganglion cells that are not connected to any cones or rods.
c. cones and rods equally.
d. rods only.
The purpose of creating a sham lesion is to:
a. destroy a brain area believed to be interfering with normal behavior.
b. assess the effects of introducing an electrode.
c. test the stereotaxic map.
d. create a path for injecting chemicals.
What structure is composed of two layers of fat molecules that are free to flow around
one another?
a. the endoplasmic reticulum
b. a ribosome
c. a mitochondrion
d. the membrane
If a neurologist tests an adult patient for infant reflexes, the neurologist is probably
trying to determine whether the person has suffered damage to the:
a. cerebral cortex.
b. toe.
c. peripheral motor system.
d. cerebellum.
Under what conditions is it impossible for a stimulus to produce an action potential?
a. if the membrane is in its absolute refractory period
b. if it occurs at the same time as a hyperpolarizing stimulus
c. if sodium ions are more concentrated outside the cell than inside
d. if the potassium gates have been blocked
A neuron's sodium gates are firmly closed and the membrane cannot produce an action
potential during:
a. the absolute refractory period.
b. the relative refractory period.
c. depolarization.
d. saltatory conduction.
Before testosterone can masculinize the development of the hypothalamus of an infant
mammal, it must first be converted into:
a. estradiol.
b. epinephrine.
c. ACTH.
d. dopamine.
Breathing, heart rate, vomiting, salivation, coughing, and sneezing are all controlled by
which structure?
a. Medulla
b. Thalamus
c. Cerebellum
d. Pons
In general, a single neuron releases ____ neurotransmitter(s) and can respond to ____
a. one; many
b. dozens of; only one
c. several; only one
d. several; many
High frequency tones produce maximum displacement:
a. at the base of the basilar membrane.
b. at the apex of the basilar membrane.
c. at the narrow end of the cochlea.
d. in the eighth cranial nerve.
The part of the cortex that responds mostly to the sensory signals that lead to a
movement is the:
a. premotor cortex.
b. prefrontal cortex.
c. supplementary motor cortex.
d. tabes dorsalis.
In adulthood, the rooting and Babinski reflexes:
a. continue to occur, just as in infancy.
b. are completely lost, as the reflexive connections disappear.
c. are suppressed, but they can return if cortical activity decreases.
d. are suppressed, but they can return if the person is motivated.
Which function is NOT performed by glia?
a. removing waste materials
b. building myelin sheaths
c. transmitting information
d. guiding the growth of axons and dendrites
The hammer, anvil and stirrup are found in the:
a. cochlea.
b. middle ear.
c. external auditory canal.
d. temporal lobe.
Which lobe contains the precentral gyrus?
a. Occipital
b. Parietal
c. Temporal
d. Frontal
If you were interested in determining if the volume of the hippocampus is associated
with the amount of stress a person was experiencing, which of the following methods
would be the best choice?
a. CAT
b. fMRI
c. PET
d. rCBF
Procedural memory is to ____ as declarative memory is to ____.
a. jogging; walking
b. reading; writing
c. carrying on a conversation; listening to the radio
d. juggling; explaining the sequence of moves in juggling
The primary taste cortex is known as the:
a. flavor cortex.
b. olfactory cortex.
c. insular cortex.
d. occipital cortex.
Which of the following, if any, is impossible for the parrot Alex?
a. Form concepts.
b. Count.
c. Name colors.
d. All of the other choices are possible for Alex to do.
One might find cells that respond best to moving borders within specific receptive
fields in the:
a. striate cortex.
b. middle temporal cortex.
c. retina.
d. lateral geniculate.
Findings from people with pure autonomic failure suggest that:
a. autonomic output is important for experiencing emotion.
b. the James-Lange theory is incorrect.
c. feelings are the same thing as emotions.
d. lack of physiological feedback makes us happy.
Most of the axons of the pyramidal tract go to which side of the body?
a. Contralateral
b. Ipsilateral
c. Bilateral
d. Ventrolateral
Astrocytes remove waste material created when neurons die and control the amount of
blood flow to each brain area.
Of the three types of skeletal muscles found in fish, which type is least susceptible to
a. Red
b. White
c. Blue
d. Pink
According to the law of specific nerve energies, the brain tells the difference between
one sensory modality and another by:
a. which neurotransmitter is released.
b. which neurons are active.
c. the velocity of the action potentials.
d. the amplitude of the action potentials.
When a newborn baby is found to be intersexed, how have most authorities over the
past few decades recommended raising the child?
a. Raise the child according to whether the chromosomes are male or female.
b. Wait until later and let the child decide whether to be called male or female.
c. When in doubt, call the child male.
d. When in doubt, call the child female.
Congenital adrenal hypertrophy is most likely to have which of these effects?
A Genetic male develops looking partly feminized.
B Genetic male develops a homosexual orientation.
C Genetic female develops looking partly masculinized.
D Genetic female develops excessive appetite.
The physiological changes that defend body temperature depend on areas in and near
the hypothalamus.
What is prosopagnosia?
Briefly describe the main categories of methods for studying brain function.
Answers will vary.
The most commonly used anti-anxiety drugs are the benzodiazepines.
The pinna helps us identify the location of a sound.
Habituation is a decrease in response to a stimulus that is presented repeatedly and
accompanied by no change in other stimuli.
List the four biological explanations of behavior.
Deterioration of the basal ganglia may lead to Parkinson's disease.
Antidepressant drugs produce their effects on catecholamine and serotonin synapses
within hours, but people need to take the drugs for two or more weeks before they
experience any mood elevation.
Biological clocks are very resistant to environmental influences.
A small gap is usually present between neurons.
Genes are the units of heredity.
In what way, if any, is it possible to decrease spatial neglect?
A Redirect the person's attention.
B Give the person certain muscle exercises.
C Increase the person's relaxation.
D It is not possible.
Angiotensin II acts on the kidney to retain more sodium.
Briefly describe the general organization of the Cerebral cortex, including a brief
description of each cortical lobe.
Answers will vary.
What is saltatory conduction?

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