Psych 32649

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1298
subject Authors B. R. Hergenhahn, Tracy Henley

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Some believe that although cognitive events are a result of brain activity, such events
cannot cause behavior. Such a belief represents:
a. materialism
b. interactionism
c. epiphenomenalism
d. occasionalism
Nativist is to ____ as empiricist to ____.
a. inheritance; experience
b. experience; inheritance
c. God; freewill
d. freewill; God
According to Seligman, ____ determines how easily an animal will learn an
A. an association's place on the preparedness continuum
B. environmental factors independent of genetic predisposition
C. the prior experience of the animal involved
D. strength of the association
According to the ____, energy is never created or lost in a system, but is only
transformed from one form to another.
A. Bell-Magendie law
B. vitalist's position
C. antivitalist's position
D. principle of conservation of energy
Philosophy began:
A. to explain how the supernatural controls natural events
B. with the introduction of deductive reasoning
C. when logos replaced mythos
D. with the discovery of the brain as the center of intelligence
Which of the following is true of the Hippocratics?
A. They encouraged the naturalistic treatment of physical illness but not mental illness.
B. They encouraged the naturalistic treatment of mental illness but not physical illness.
C. They encouraged the naturalistic treatment of both physical and mental illness.
D. They encouraged the naturalistic treatment of neither physical nor mental illness.
Weber called the smallest difference that could be detected between two stimuli the:
A. two-point threshold
B. just noticeable difference
C. limen
D. psychophysical threshold
Ebbinghaus invented nonsense material to free his research material from the influence
A. experimenter bias
B. prior learning
C. neurophysiological delay
D. introspection
According to Mller, we are directly aware of:
A. objects in the physical world
B. sensory impulses
C. primary qualities
D. categories of thought
For Watson, speech:
A. is uniquely human
B. is a type of overt behavior
C. reflects the contents of the mind
D. is implicit, unlearned behavior
Hebb's preferred approach to studying cognitive processes was to speculate about:
A. neural networks
B. computer modeling
C. their implications on behavior
D. their biological foundations
Among the Renaissance humanists, Skepticism was most clearly demonstrated by:
A. Montaigne
B. Pico
C. Petrarch
D. Luther
Bouchard and his colleagues found that the most important determinant of a person's
religious interests, attitudes, and values is:
A. degree of education
B. socioeconomic status
C. genetics
D. early childhood experience
According to May, ____ examines the stories by which people live and understand their
lives and the effectiveness of those stories.
A. role-play
B. narrative therapy
C. myths
D. a construct system
Ebbinghaus is often mistaken for a(n) ____, but he was in fact a(n) ____.
A. empiricist; rationalist
B. rationalist; empiricist
C. structuralist; empiricist
D. empiricist; structuralist
Xenophanes believed that:
A. religious and moral "truths" are innate
B. if animals could convey their impression of gods, those gods would have animal
C. using the techniques of inductive definition, objective truth can be ascertained
D. the only way to arrive at truth is to introspect on the contents of the soul
Because he believed learning occurs in one trial, ____ rejected the law of frequency in
his explanation of learning.
A. Pavlov
B. Hull
C. Watson
D. Guthrie
Luther's new religious movement that denied the authority of the pope was called:
A. Protestantism
B. Reformation
C. Puritanism
D. Catholicism
Which of the following did St. Paul add to the Judaic tradition?
A. One God created the universe.
B. God is omniscient, omnipresent, and omnipotent.
C. Hymans fell from a state of grace in the Garden of Eden.
D. God sacrificed his son to atone for our shared transgression, otherwise known as
original sin, which allows humans to reunite with God.
In his explanation of physical events, Galileo emphasized:
A. forces external to physical events
B. natural places
C. essences
D. purposes
According to Jerre Levy, which of the following is true?
A. Some people with normal brains are left-brain dominated and others right-brain
B. Educational practices can be designed that enhance either right-brain of left-brain
C. In normal people under normal circumstances, the functions of the left and right
hemispheres of the brain are inseparable.
D. Although a radical approach, split-brain preparations may benefit those with severe
mental illness.
Which is a characteristic of a self-actualizing person?
A. They do not let reality distort their perceptions.
B. They have a high need for success.
C. They have many friends and acquaintances.
D. They are creative.
The first Doctor of Psychology degree (Psy.D.) was offered by the:
A. California School of Professional Psychology (CSPP)
B. University of Illinois
C. American Psychological Association (APA)
D. Vail Institute
May refers to the fact that humans are both the objects and subjects of experience as
A. existential conflict
B. human dilemma
C. source of all human problems
D. mind-body problem
According to the third-force psychologists, behaviorism neglected ____ and
psychoanalysis focused on ____.
A. rational thought; external forces
B. moral consciousness; the role of memory
C. the uniqueness of humans; the abnormal
D. objective reality; subjective reality
The allegory of the cave demonstrates:
A. how difficult it is to deliver humans from ignorance
B. that truth is relative
C. that most humans have a passionate desire to know the truth
D. that learning is remembering
What provided Darwin with the principle he needed to tie his many observations
A. Lyell's Principles of Geology
B. Malthus' Essay on the Principle of Population
C. Spencer's Principles of Psychology
D. Lamarck's notion of the inheritance of acquired characteristics
What was Watson's final position on the mind-body problem?
A. interactionism
B. epiphenomenalism
C. psychophysical parallelism
D. physical monism
The Jonah complex refers to the:
A. fear of failure
B. fear of one's own success
C. human need to acquire information about oneself
D. abnormal need for success
Hume distinguished between ____, which were strong, vivid perceptions, and ____,
which were relatively weak perceptions.
A. schemes; inspirations
B. inspirations; schemes
C. ideas; impressions
D. impressions; ideas
According to the Turing test:
A. when a human can solve a computational problem as well as a computer, the human
can be considered intelligent
B. if an observer cannot differentiate between the answers to questions given by a
human and those given by a computer, the computer can be said to think
C. a computer must score at least 100 on an IQ test in order to be considered intelligent
D. it must be demonstrated that a computer understands what it is doing before it can be
said to think

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