psych 321 homework

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 5
subject Words 913
subject Authors Dee Unglaub Silverthorn

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1) the addition of a phosphate group to a substrate is called ________. the enzyme that
catalyzes this reaction is referred to as a ________.
a) proteolysis; phosphatase
b) phosphorylation; phosphatase
c) proteolysis; kinase
d) phosphorylation; kinase
2) match the terms to changes presented, assuming a resting membrane potential of -70
mv. answers may be used once, more than once, or not at all.
a. electrical polarization
b. hyperpolarization
c. depolarization
d. repolarization
e. more than one of the answers
to -70 mv from -50 mv
3) there are ________ primary taste (gustation) sensations.
a) 2
b) 4
c) 5
d) 20
e) 400
4) the cardiac output is equal to
a) the difference between the end-diastolic volume and the end-systolic volume.
b) the product of heart rate and stroke volume.
c) the difference between the stroke volume at rest and the stroke volume during
d) the stroke volume less the end-systolic volume.
e) the product of heart rate and blood pressure.
5) the cells responsible for the production of circulating antibodies are
a) nk cells.
b) plasma cells.
c) helper t cells.
d) cytotoxic t cells.
e) suppressor t cells.
6) if the sodium-potassium pumps in the cell membrane of a neuron fail to function,
over time
a) the extracellular concentration of potassium ion will increase.
b) the intracellular concentration of sodium ion will increase.
c) the membrane resting potential will become more positive than normal.
d) all of the answers are correct.
7) plasma is
a) found within the circulatory system.
b) the fluid portion of blood.
c) a subdivision of the ecf.
d) sometimes donated instead of blood.
e) all of the answers are correct.
8) the chloride shift occurs when
a) hydrogen ions leave the red blood cells.
b) hydrogen ions enter the red blood cells.
c) bicarbonate ions enter the red blood cells.
d) bicarbonate ions leave the red blood cells.
e) carbonic acid is formed.
9) classify each scenario below as to primarily which type of work is being done.
a. chemical work
b. transport work
c. mechanical work
enlarging one's muscles through body-building exercises
10) match the specific enzyme to its class.
a. oxidoreductase
b. hydrolase
c. transferase
d. ligase
e. lyase
11) the cardiovascular control center in the brain can directly cause
a) arterioles to dilate or constrict.
b) the heart rate to increase or decrease.
c) the contractility of the heart to increase or decrease.
d) arterioles to dilate or constrict and the heart rate to increase or decrease.
e) all of the answers are correct.
12) match the type of immunity to its description.
a. specific
b. nonspecific
secreted lysozyme kills bacteria.
13) most of the time, the parallel thick and thin filaments of the myofibrils are
connected by ________ that span the space between myosin and actin molecules.
a) tropomyosin molecules
b) crossbridges
c) nebulin molecules
d) sarcomeres
e) calcium ions
14) beta-endorphin is produced from the same prohormone as
a) adrenocorticotropin (acth).
b) insulin.
c) aldosterone.
d) thyroxine.
e) glucagon.
15) the term axonal transport refers to
a) the release of neurotransmitter molecules from the axon.
b) the transport of microtubules to the axon for structural support.
c) vesicle transport of proteins and organelles down the axon.
d) the movement of the axon terminal to synapse with a new postsynaptic cell.
e) none of the answers are correct.
16) cholesterol is a precursor for the synthesis of
a) progesterone.
b) aldosterone.
c) estradiol.
d) calcitonin.
e) progesterone, aldosterone, and estradiol.
17) in the equation co2 + h2o h2co3 h+ + hco3-, which of these is an acid?
a) hco3-
b) h2co3
c) h2o
d) co2
e) h+
18) briefly compare and contrast the structure and behavior of cardiac, smooth, and
skeletal muscles.
19) present in breast milk
20) draw a cell that secretes hcl into the lumen of the stomach, selecting transporters
from the following list (you may not need them all):
chloride channel
cftr channel
cl- - hco3- antiport
cl- - hco3- symport
label the cell showing the lumen, interstitial fluid, the basolateral membrane, and the
apical membrane.
21) describe the distribution of water in the body's fluid compartments.
22) the signal molecule produced by one animal that may affect the behavior of another
animal of the same species is the ________.
23) the ________ adjusts the shape of the lens to keep objects in focus.
24) chemical signals released into the blood by neurons are called ________.

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