Psych 220 Quiz 2

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 3
subject Words 492
subject Authors David W. Carroll

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1) the bundle of fibers that connects the left and right hemispheres is called the:
a.angular gyrus
b.association cortex
c.arcuate fasciculus
d.corpus callosum
2) browns (1973) study of grammatical morphemes found that the _____ morpheme
was the earliest acquired.
b.present progressive
d.past tense
3) _________ is crucial for establishing the truth value of a sentence.
4) when experiencing the tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon, people typically remember a
word that ________ the word they cant retrieve.
a.means the same thing as
b.sounds like
c.shares the syntactic category with
d.has no relation to
5) according to the text discussion, the best overall comprehension strategy when faced
with unfamiliar material is to:
a.use schemata to guide discourse processing
b.draw as many inferences as possible
c.use shadowing as much as possible close attention to local discourse structure
6) shatz (1978) examined how young children responded to complex questions (e.g., do
you want to put the dog in the car?) and simple imperatives (e.g., put the dog in the
car). shatz found that children:
a.made more correct responses to simple imperatives than to complex questions
b.did not comprehend either questions or imperatives
c.comprehended questions and imperatives equally well
d.tended to make action responses to both questions and imperatives
7) roschs research with the dani found that:
a.the dani learned the names for color categories best when focal colors were at the
center of the categories
b.the dani preferred nonfocal colors to focal colors
c.focal colors influenced the performance of english speakers but not dani subjects
d.nonfocal colors are more perceptually salient than focal colors
8) bresnans lexical-functional grammar:
a.postulates case relations in deep structure
b.replaces transformational rules with more complete lexical entries
c.assumes that lexical encoding places a heavy burden on working memory
d.explains how we can produce and comprehend novel sentences
9) codability is defined as:
a.the time take to name a color
b.the frequency of usage of a word in a language
c.the length of a verbal expression
d. the similarity of labels given by different individuals to the same object
10) although we generally forget the exact form of a sentence shortly after we have
heard or seen it, we tend to retain the exact wording when: is repeated more than once is pragmatically significant
c. it is presented in an excessively polite way
d.we know we will be tested on it

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