Psych 157 Quiz 2

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 3
subject Words 574
subject Authors Diane Halpern, Michael Gazzaniga, Todd Heatherton

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1) which type(s) of job(s) would use the skills learned in an undergraduate program in
psychology? manager
b.police officer
c.research assistant
d.all of the above
2) posttraumatic stress disorder is an example of:
a.retrograde amnesia
c.anterograde amnesia
d.none of the above
3) joel is fantastic at solving logic problems and analogies, but he does not have a very
good vocabulary and could not find most countries on a map. joel would probably score
_____ on a test of crystallized intelligence and _____ on a test of fluid intelligence.
a.low; low
b.low; high
c.high; high
d.high; low
4) cognitive-social theories of personality emphasize:
a.the patterns of reinforcement people have experienced in the past
b.biological factors as determinants of personality
c.the role of expectancies in guiding our behavior
d.unconscious processes in social situations
5) susan is wearing a bright red skirt. she is trying to decide whether she wants to wear
a pink top or a brown top with it. if she decides on the pink top, then the top and the
skirt will vary in _____. if she decides on the brown top, then the top and the skirt will
vary in _____.
a.hue; saturation
b.hue; brightness
c.brightness; hue
d.saturation; hue
6) blake is waiting to hear whether he has been accepted to medical school. he is so
anxious that he is having trouble working. to cope with the situation, he tries to keep
himself from thinking about medical school or the admissions process. by engaging in
this _____, blake is likely to _____.
a.rumination; rebound and improve his mood
b.rumination; delay his medical school admissions
c.thought suppression; think about medical school even more
d.thought suppression; reduce his anxiety
7) gender roles are _____, whereas gender schemas are _____.
a.culturally defined norms that differentiate the behavior and attitudes of men and
women; cognitive structures that influence how people interpret the behavior of men
and women
b.cognitive structures that influence how people interpret the behavior of men and
women; culturally defined norms that differentiate the behavior and attitudes of men
and women
c.biologically defined norms that differentiate the behavior and attitudes of men and
women; cognitive structures that influence how people interpret the behavior of men
and women
d.biological structures that influence how people interpret the behavior of men and
women; culturally defined norms that differentiate the behavior and attitudes of men
and women
8) as a research participant, you read a list of names of unknown individuals. on another
day, you read a list that includes some of those names, and you are asked if anyone on
the list is famous. according to the _____, you will remember the individuals from the
first list as famous.
a.procedural memory schema
b.prospective memory effect
c.shadowing effect
d.false fame effect
9) the embryonic stage of development ends at _____ weeks of development.
10) attitude formation falls under which memory category?

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