Psych 127 Final

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 4
subject Words 846
subject Authors Diane Halpern, Michael Gazzaniga, Todd Heatherton

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1) joe is especially talented at memorizing material that he reads in books. however, he
has significant difficulty getting to work in the morning because the bus schedule
confuses him. joe most likely:
a.performs quickly on simple reaction time tests
b.has a high iq like galton a savant
2) compared to the rorschach, the thematic apperception test has been found to:
a.more accurately reflect the unconscious conflicts present in the test taker less reliable a better predictor of behavior more difficult to interpret
3) an advantage of the prototype model is that: represents a combination of typical attributes
b.a particular prototype can be chosen for different reasons allows for flexibility in the representation of concepts
d.all of the above
4) in milgrams obedience studies, about _____ of the participants administered the
maximum shock, and _____ of them tried to quit the study.
a.66 percent; almost all
b.50 percent; almost all
c.25 percent; 50 percent
d.15 percent; 50 percent
5) dr. shaw has a patient with a phobia to spiders. the patient enjoys doing puzzles. dr.
shaw exposes the patient to spiders briefly while having the patient complete a fun
puzzle. what technique is dr. shaw using?
a.fear conditioning
c.systematic desensitization
6) dr. leleux asserts that psychologists should attempt to isolate the fundamental
attributes of mental experience. dr. leleux appears most sympathetic to the _____ school
of thought in psychology.
7) an evolutionary view of the perception of human emotions would hold that in
societies with strict power hierarchies, people lower in the hierarchy will read the
emotions of people higher in status _____ than they will read the emotions of people at
their own level.
a.less accurately accurately
c.more accurately
d.either b or c
8) the failure to offer help to someone observed to be in need is referred to as:
b.bystander intervention effect
c.aggressive response
d.frustration-aggression hypothesis
9) which of the following examples would be considered a flashbulb memory?
a.the death of michael jackson
b.the explosion of the challenger
c.the terrorist attacks on september 11, 2001
d.all of the above
10) personality traits:
a.are relatively stable over time
b.change from decade to decade
c.change from season to season
d.none of the above
11) chelsea has been sick often in the past year, and when she finally starts to recover
she gets sick again. she also has a very stressful work and family life. what is most
likely the cause of chelseas constant illness?
a.she is too busy to see a doctor
b.increased oxytocin levels due to chronic stress
c.decreased lymphocyte production due to chronic stress
d.understimulation of the sympathetic nervous system due to chronic stress
12) the reason newer antipsychotic drugs are as effective as they are, and the reason
they have largely replaced the older drugs used to treat schizophrenia, is that they work
on _____. without this feature, their effectiveness would be about the same as the older
drugs, and the side effects would be the same.
a.the limbic system as well as the frontal lobe
b.brain areas in both the left and right hemispheres
c.multiple neurotransmitter systems other than dopamine
d.lithium and dopamine receptors
13) which emotion is an infant not capable of expressing at 2 months?
14) four witnesses see a truck hit a small car. if they all saw the same thing, who is
likely to give the highest estimate of the trucks speed when testifying in court?
a.sue, who was asked, how quickly was the truck going when it hit the car?
b.bob, who was asked, how quickly was the truck going when it smashed into the car?
c.tom, who was asked, what speed was the car going when the accident happened?
d.both a and b
15) cognitive-behavioral therapy works best with:
a.personality disorders
c.anxiety and mood disorders
16) motivation _____, whereas emotion _____.
a.produces behavior; influences motivation
b.influences emotion; produces behavior caused by cognition; influences cognition
d.influences cognition; is caused by cognition
17) sleep deprivation may lead to:
a.immune system suppression
b.problems in mood
c.problems in cognitive performance
d.all of the above

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