Psych 10681

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 14
subject Words 1967
subject Authors James W. Kalat

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To measure temporal summation in single cells, researchers:
a. attach electrodes to the scalp.
b. insert an microelectrode into the scalp.
c. collect sodium and potassium ions from nearby glial cells.
d. record depolarizations of the postsynaptic neuron.
Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) is also known as?
a. ecstasy
b. crack
c. angel dust
d. ganja
Generally speaking, drugs used to treat epilepsy work by:
a. enhancing the effects of GABA.
b. causing apoptosis.
c. preventing the sodium-potassium pump from working.
d. relaxing the cell membrane.
Which type of leukocyte matures in the bone marrow and produces antibodies to attack
specific targets?
a. B cells
b. Y cells
c. T cells
d. natural killer cells
An EPSP is to ____ as an IPSP is to ____.
a. hyperpolarization; depolarization
b. depolarization; hyperpolarization
c. spatial summation; temporal summation
d. temporal summation; spatial summation
Which of the following is NOT true of astrocytes?
a. They wrap around the presynaptic terminals of several axons.
b. They help synchronize the activity of the axons.
c. They remove waste material.
d. They make up the myelin sheaths in the periphery of the body.
Damage to the ____ impairs the ability to organize smooth sequences of activities.
a. premotor cortex
b. prefrontal cortex
c. supplementary motor cortex
d. tabes dorsalis
Where is seasonal affective disorder most common?
a. in large cities
b. in small towns and rural areas
c. in tropical areas
d. near the poles
If findings from rat studies generalize to humans, then which of the following best
describes how brain damage affects memory for a learned skill?
a. It destroys the memory forever.
b. The memory is not affected.
c. The memory may be present, but difficult to locate.
d. The old memory is lost, but new ones are easier to acquire
Humans localize low frequencies by ____ differences and high frequencies by ____
a. timing; phase
b. loudness; phase
c. phase; timing
d. phase; loudness
Which of the following factors, if overlooked, may lead to an overestimation of
a. Prenatal environment
b. Low IQ
c. Sex-linked genes
d. RNA
Many cells in the amygdala get input from sensory modalities, especially the ____
a. basolateral and central
b. lateral and medial
c. hypothalamic
d. brain stem
Recurring nightmares, exaggerated startle response, and avoidance behavior are
common symptoms of:
a. autoimmune disorders.
b. schizophrenia.
c. alcoholism.
d. posttraumatic stress disorder.
Which of the following is NOT true regarding hibernation and sleep?
a. They conserve energy.
b. They increase body temperature.
c. They lower body temperature.
d. They increase during times of food shortages.
After damage to the ventromedial hypothalamus, an animal will most likely:
a. increase its activity level.
b. eat much more at any given meal.
c. overeat when presented with a sweetened diet.
d. only undereat when presented with a very sweet food.
In Aplysia, sensitization has been found to depend on a series of events that:
a. block sodium channels in the motor neuron.
b. decrease calcium concentration in the area surrounding the sensory neuron.
c. open chloride channels in the motor neuron.
d. block potassium channels in the sensory neuron.
Because of the effects of hormones during early development, the female
hypothalamus, UNLIKE the male hypothalamus, is capable of:
a. producing and releasing both leptin and insulin.
b. controlling cycles of release of hormones by the gonads.
c. suppressing the release of stress hormones by the adrenal glands.
d. increasing the release of melatonin by the pineal gland.
Alteration of the per gene in humans is associated with:
a. prolonged circadian rhythms.
b. shortened circadian rhythms.
c. absence of circadian rhythms.
d. narcolepsy.
If a kitten is reared with one eye shut, cells in its visual cortex become sensitive to:
a. both eyes equally, the same as a kitten reared normally.
b. both eyes, but more so to the eye that has been inactive.
c. only the eye that has been inactive.
d. only the eye that has been active.
Which of the following is a limitation of using L-dopa for Parkinson's disease?
a. It only helps those who are in the later stages.
b. It doesn't cross the blood-brain barrier.
c. It can contribute to a greater loss of dopamine neurons.
d. It blocks glutamate receptors.
If you could selectively damage the individual laminae of the cortex, damage to which
layer would most likely affect visual sensation?
a. Layer IV of the temporal cortex
b. Layer V of the occipital cortex
c. Layer IV of the occipital cortex
d. Layer II of the frontal cortex
Which of the following is NOT true of axons?
a. They can vary greatly in length.
b. They carry information toward the soma.
c. They release chemicals that cross the synapse.
d. Some of them are covered with myelin sheaths.
Researchers have found that the brains of schizophrenics release:
a. too little dopamine.
b. too much GABA.
c. too little serotonin.
d. too little glutamate.
In studies of eyelid conditioning in rabbits, Thompson and his colleagues have
demonstrated that learning for this conditioned response takes place in the:
a. red nucleus of the midbrain.
b. temporal lobe of the cerebral cortex.
c. lateral interpositus nucleus of the cerebellum.
d. ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus.
What is the most common thought disorder of schizophrenia?
a. obsessive concentration on a single thought
b. alternating between one personality and another
c. excessive anxiety when thinking about one particular topic
d. impaired understanding of abstract concepts
Someone shows symptoms resembling schizophrenia, especially the positive
symptoms, but is not schizophrenic. Which of the following disorders is most likely?
a. seasonal affective disorder
b. bipolar disorder
c. substance-induced psychotic disorder
d. Korsakoff's syndrome
The endoplasmic reticulum is a:
a. network of thin tubes that transport newly synthesized proteins.
b. site where the cell synthesizes new protein molecules.
c. structure that separates the inside of the cell from the outside.
d. structure that contains the chromosomes.
A drug that decreases the flow of potassium through the potassium gates of the
membrane would:
a. block action potentials.
b. increase the threshold of the membrane.
c. slow the return of the membrane to its resting potential.
d. cause the membrane to be hyperpolarized.
The proper order of a reflex arc is:
a. motor neuron, sensory neuron, interneuron.
b. sensory neuron, motor neuron, interneuron.
c. motor neuron, interneuron, sensory neuron.
d. sensory neuron, interneuron, motor neuron.
The term ____ refers to temperature regulation and other biological processes that keep
body variables within a fixed range.
a. negative feedback
b. positive feedback
c. homeothermic
d. thermostasis
Some memory-enhancing supplements appear to act in common by:
a. increasing blood flow to the brain.
b. blocking LTP.
c. decreasing calcium levels.
d. stimulating acetylcholine receptors.
A gene is found that controls the age at which a man grows bald, if at all. That gene
seldom affects women, even if they have the gene. What kind of gene is this MOST
likely to be?
a. an X-linked gene
b. a sex-limited gene
c. a sex-linked dominant gene
d. a sex-linked recessive gene
Which type of leukocyte destroys tumor cells and cells infected with viruses?
a. T cells
b. B cells
c. Schwann cells
d. natural killer cells
The brain chemicals known as endorphins and enkephalins produce effects similar to
which substance?
a. vitamin B-1 (thiamine)
b. substance P
c. opiates
d. amphetamines
The relative percentage of fast- and slow-twitch fibers is unchangeable after birth.
The right hemisphere is dominant for recognizing both pleasant and unpleasant
emotions in others.
Describe bipolar disorder including discussions of the role of genetics and possible
Answers will vary.
Diaschisis refers to the decreased activity of surviving neurons after damage to other
Briefly describe the role of the left and right hemispheres contribution to emotions
according to Jeffrey Gray.
Hippocampal damage impairs spatial memory.
Vasopressin increases blood pressure by constricting the blood vessels.
In operant conditioning, an individual's response leads to a reinforcer or punishment.
How do fast and slow-twitch muscle fibers differ?
Briefly describe the role of the locus coeruleus in arousal and attention.
The critical period for learning a second language is shorter than for learning a first
Describe how the digestive system influences food selection.
Answers will vary.
Describe the relationship of conscious decisions and movements. What may this
relationship reveal about consciousness?
Answers will vary.
Briefly describe the function of the lateral hypothalamus.
According to the place theory, the basilar membrane resembles the strings of a piano in
that each area along the membrane is tuned to a specific frequency.
The more important contributions to emotions come from the effects of the autonomic
nervous system, not muscle activity.
Describe how light resets the SCN.
Answers will vary.
Young children are more likely to be "morning people" than older adults.

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