PSYC 98851

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 2106
subject Authors Gerald Corey

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Within the counseling profession, a specialty is officially recognized when:
A.practitioners achieve either a specialty accreditation through a group or certification
through a professional organization.
B.the practitioner receives a doctorate degree.
C.the counselor works in a specific area for at least two years.
D.there is state regulation of the practice of that particular counseling specialization.
Research has provided evidence that therapists' values influence the following aspect(s)
of psychotherapy:
a. the theories of personality and therapeutic change
b. assessment strategies
c. goals of treatment
d. evaluation of therapy outcomes
e. all of the above
_____________________ therapists attend to interruptions in the client's contacting
functions, and the result is a "functional diagnosis" of how individuals experience
satisfaction or blocks in their relationship with the environment.
a. Gestalt
b. Existential
c. Adlerian
d. Brief solution- focused
e. Family system
Delaying the termination of a client by a therapist could be considered:
a. an attempt to help clients work through resistances.
b. a form of fostering client dependence.
c. a form of transference on the client's part.
d. a measure of preventing malpractice suits.
e. a legal requirement to provide a standard of care to the client.
The following is not true concerning therapeutic use of the DSM-IV-TR to diagnose
A.Emphasis is on pathology, deficits, limitations, problems, and symptoms.
B.The process of determining a diagnosis requires clients to meet a number of criteria
stated in the DSM-IV-TR
C.It is based on the assumption that distress in a family or social context is the result of
individual pathology.
D.It is based on a systemic approach that views the source of distress as being within
the entire system, rather than on the individual.
Which of the following individuals would be considered a poor candidate for a
heterogeneous outpatient intensive therapy group?
a. a brain-damaged person
b. a paranoid person
c. a hypochondriac
d. an acutely psychotic person
e. all of the above
The APA has developed a set of specialty guidelines for psychotherapy with lesbian,
gay, and bisexual clients that prohibit unfair discrimination based on sexual orientation.
Which of the areas stated below are not mentioned in the guidelines?
a. Attitudes toward LGB people and sexual orientation issues
b. Relationships and family concerns
c. The complex diversity within the LGB community
d. The training and education needed to work effectively with this client population
e. None of the above
Concerning counseling via the Internet, which statement is most accurate?
A.The codes of the major professional organizations offer detailed guidance regarding
ethical practices in the use of technology.
B.There are both advantages and disadvantages in using Internet technology to deliver
counseling services.
C.Most experts agree that what is being currently offered via Internet counseling is a
form of traditional psychotherapy.
D.This form of counseling is not suited to a problem-solving approach.
_____________________________, which is rooted in a client's______________, is at
the core of effective therapy.
A.The verbal exchange method; right to express himself or herself
B.Confidentiality; right to privacy
C.Latent material; unconscious
D.Uncovering trauma; repressed memories
Written consent forms should not include:
A.a discussion of how a managed care system will affect the treatment, if applicable.
B.a detailed description of what will occur in therapy and a guarantee that the client
will resolve their issues.
C.a statement describing the counselor's theoretical orientation and how this will affect
D.clarification pertaining to fees and charges and procedures for filing for insurance
In a study that assessed therapists' sexual values for both themselves and their clients,
results indicated that they valued which of the following?
a. Sex as an expression of love and commitment
b. Fidelity and monogamy in marital relationships
c. Committed life partnerships
d. All of the above
Training programs have a responsibility to
a. honor their commitment to the students they admit.
b. protect future consumers who will be served by those who graduate.
c. screen candidates for their appropriateness.
d. all of the above.
Ruth is counseling a woman who describes an extremely unhappy marriage. Ruth
suggests that she consider leaving her husband; however, the client has a deep spiritual
conviction that marriage is for life and is not willing to consider divorce as an option.
Ruth attempts to change her client's viewpoint. In this case, Ruth is:
a. teaching her client to look at the negative consequences of her decision.
b. exploring the client's spiritual reasons for staying in the marriage.
c. imposing her values on the client instead of exploring the client's reasons for staying
in the marriage.
d. helping her client to explore healthy options.
The managed care model:
a. allows practitioners to decide what clients need, how and when to treat them, and
how long therapy will last.
b. stresses time-limited interventions, cost-effective methods, and a focus on
preventative strategies.
c. encourages curative interventions, accurate diagnosis and hospital admissions when
d. assumes that practitioners will set therapeutic goals of personal growth and
self-actualization for their clients.
The following guiding principle was the basis for the decision in which court case?
"The public policy favoring protection of the confidential character of
patient-psychotherapist communications must yield to the extent to which disclosure is
essential to avert danger to others. The protective privilege ends where the public peril
a. the Tarasoff case
b. the Bradley case
c. the Jablonski case
d. the Hedlund case
e. the Jaffee case
Mental health professionals who are engaged in a rural practice
a. often have to become an integral part of the community to be accepted as a credible
mental health resource.
b. should avoid interacting with those in their community in order to maintain
appropriate boundaries.
c. reduce their effectiveness in the settings where they work if they become involved in
the community and are seen outside of their professional role.
d. both b and c.
___________________ aim to change the social environment to meet the needs of the
population as a whole and are carried out by influencing social policy.
A.Direct community services
B.Indirect community services
C.Community organization services
D.Community counseling services
To succeed in a malpractice claim, the plaintiff needs to show that a breach of duty did
exist in which:
A.the practitioner failed to foresee the client's intention to commit suicide despite
warning signs that the client was decompensating.
B.the client failed to get better in spite of reasonable care.
C.there was no professional relationship between therapist and client.
D.the practitioner failed to provide the appropriate standard of care.
E.a and d
Supervisors who have sexual contact with trainees are:
a. engaging in dual relationships.
b. opening themselves to legal liability for failure to provide adequate supervision.
c. exploiting their power as supervisors.
d. in violation of the codes of ethics.
e. all of the above
Samuel has been planning a two week vacation to Europe for months. He is a private
practitioner and has a caseload of clients who have dependency issues. As an ethical
practitioner, Samuel should
a. not inform his clients until a few days before he leaves.
b. not go on vacation so as to not increase his clients' anxiety levels.
c. provide his clients with another therapist in case of need.
d. bring back a souvenir for each client to show them how important they are to him.
The legal sanctions against therapists who engage in sex with their clients include:
a. being sued for malpractice.
b. not being able to continue one's professional practice.
c. having their licenses revoked or suspended by the state.
d. being ordered to undergo therapy to resolve their own problems.
e. all of the above
In a study that assessed therapists' sexual values for both themselves and their clients,
results indicated that they valued which of the following?
A.Sex as an expression of love and commitment
B.Fidelity and monogamy in marital relationships
C.Committed life partnerships
D.All of the choices
Gail feels like she has not accomplished what she wanted in her therapy group and has
decided to leave. Gail's therapist needs to:
a. encourage her to explain why she wants to leave to other group members.
b. encourage her to leave before her negative attitude affects other members of the
c. put undue pressure on her to stay in group.
d. encourage other members to pressure her to stay.
To the question "Is it possible for counselors to keep their values out of their counseling
sessions?" the authors take the position that:
a. it is possible for counselors to be neutral with respect to values in the counseling
b. it is desirable for counselors to be value neutral.
c. it is neither possible nor desirable for counselors to be neutral with respect to values
in the counseling relationship.
d. counselors should keep their values hidden so that they won"t contaminate their
clients' choices.
e. it is the counselors' job to influence their clients to adopt healthier values.
Which one of the following is not considered a guideline to minimizing the likelihood
of sexual transgressions by clinicians?
a. Seeking professional support during times of personal loss or crisis.
b. Knowing the difference between sexual attraction to clients and acting out.
c. Avoiding terminating the therapeutic relationship, even when sexual feelings obscure
d. Monitoring feelings and behaviors toward clients.
Which of the following statements reflects what spirituality and religion have in
common within the counseling context?
A.They are both ethically appropriate topics to discuss
B.They can play a major part in the client's life and be a significant source of strength
for him or her
C.They are both organized entities that provide clients with needed structure
D.All of the choices
E.Both a and b
Which of the following statements is most accurate?
A.Spirituality and religion tend to fluctuate in importance to Americans.
B.Freud believed that religious faith was important in the lives of his patients, which
stemmed from his own strong religious beliefs.
C.Counselors must understand their own spiritual/religious beliefs if they hope to gain
an in-depth appreciation of the beliefs of their clients.
D.When clients are searching for meaning in life, it is appropriate for therapists to
strongly suggest they seek religion as an answer.
Cultural mediators in a school system serve which of the following functions?
A.communicating with families and community organizations regarding cultural
B.facilitating access to community resources and social service agencies
C.creating a supportive and encouraging culturally diverse school and community
D.serving as an information hub for culturally diverse families
E.All of the choices
Licensure assures the public that the licensee:
a. has undergone his or her own personal therapy.
b. has completed maximum education and training.
c. is thoroughly competent to practice in areas he or she advertises.
d. has met certain specific requirements in terms of education and training.
Mental health practitioners must ________________ their own group as the standard by
which to assess appropriate behavior in others.
a. always use
b. often use
c. avoid using
d. be held legally liable for using
Counseling is ____________________preaching, persuasion, and instruction.
A.exactly the same as
B.not synonymous with
C.very similar to
D.better than

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