PSYC 94381

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1498
subject Authors B. R. Hergenhahn, Tracy Henley

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Fechner found that for the magnitude of a sensation to rise arithmetically, the magnitude
of stimulation must rise:
A. arithmetically
B. geometrically
C. algebraically
D. exponentially
The particular form or pattern of an object is its ____ cause.
A. material
B. formal
C. efficient
D. final
Using the method of ____, pairs of stimuli are presented to the subject. One stimulus
remains the same, the standard, and the other varies from one presentation to the next.
A. limits
B. constant stimuli
C. adjustments
D. stimulus fixation
According to the text, Albert Bandura's social cognitive theory can be considered a
direct descendent of ____ theory.
A. Ebbinghaus's
B. Piaget's
C. Hebb's
D. Tolman's
What was one important discovery of Fritsch and Hitzig?
A. They stimulated the cortex and found that muscular movements are elicited from the
opposite side of the body.
B. They used electrical stimulation to produce a more articulated map of the motor
C. They mapped cortical regions to the senses.
D. They performed autopsies on humans to determine the cause of behavioral deficits.
Hobbes' approach to studying humans was:
A. inductive
B. Baconian
C. deductive
D. metaphysical
In order for psychology to qualify as humanistic, it must:
A. study things of concern to humans
B. seek to improve the human condition
C. emphasize the uniqueness of humans
D. accept the continuity between human and nonhuman animals
What term did Lewin use for intentions as wanting a car, wanting to go to college, or
wanting to go to a party?
A. achievement needs
B. self-esteem needs
C. Zeigarnik needs
D. both psychological needs and quasi-needs
According to Melanie Klein, notions of good and bad, and right and wrong, come from:
A. an infant's interactions with his or her mother's breast during the oral stage
B. a child's religious training
C. the modeling experiences provided by a child's parents
D. the internalization of parental values during the phallic stage of development
Khler said that the brightness constancy exists because:
A. the ratio of the brightness of the figure to the brightness of the ground remains
B. of the constancy hypothesis
C. of learning
D. of unconscious inference
When studying humans, James felt that:
A. we must use scientific introspection
B. the scientific method is the only method that could yield useful information
C. both a scientific and philosophical approach must be used
D. we must use the deductive rationalistic approach
The term "modernism" has come to be used synonymously with the term:
A. perspectivism
B. enlightenment
C. postmodernism
D. romanticism
In his hypothetic-deductive theory, Hull conceived of a process in which a(n):
A. set of postulates are created from which empirical relationships are predicted
B. small segment of behavior such as a reflex or a habit s isolated for study
C. pattern of stimuli is experienced along with a response such that the two become
D. organism learns to make a response that is instrumental in producing reinforcement
Who founded the Center for Cognitive Studies at Harvard in 1960?
A. Claude Shannon and Warren Weaver
B. George Miller and Jerome Bruner
C. Allen Newell and Herbert Simon
D. Tracy Kendler and Howard Kendler
Titchener concluded that there are about ____ identifiable sensations, most of which are
related to the sense of ____.
A. 1,200; audition
B. 40,000; audition
C. 400; vision
D. 40,000; vision
According to James, what keeps people working at boring jobs and also keeps the social
strata from mixing?
A. free will
B. habit
C. pragmatism
D. the stream of consciousness
Watson's final position on instincts was that:
A. human behavior is largely instinctive
B. humans have only a few powerful instincts
C. humans are born with powerful instincts but they are soon displaced by learned
D. humans have no instincts
According to Lewin, a psychological fact was:
A. anything of which a person was aware at any given moment
B. something that could be proven beyond any doubt
C. nonexistent
D. anything that existed in the geographical environment
To study the higher mental processes, Wundt believed that we must use ____.
A. rationalistic introspection
B. immediate analysis
C. naturalistic observation of various forms
D. controlled experimentation
According to Plato, whether one is a philosopher-king, a soldier, or a slave, is largely
determined by:
A. personal effort
B. educational experience
C. the social influence of one's parents
D. biological inheritance
Which of the following did Wundt believe about experimental psychology:
A. it was useless in understanding higher mental processes
B. it represented the only worthwhile type of psychology
C. it was impossible
D. it could be used only to investigate the higher mental processes
For Titchener, attention is:
A. a clearness of sensation
B. the result of apperception
C. explained by the faculties, functions, and powers of the mind
D. dependent on apperception
Petrarch believed in which of the following?
A. Life in this world serves the purpose of preparing for life after death.
B. Religion should reflect the philosophy described by St. Paul.
C. The human spirit should be freed from medieval traditions.
D. Scholasticism contained most of the solutions to human problems.
According to Kierkegaard, the ethical stage consists of which of the following?
A. People are open to experiences and seek out many forms of pleasure, but they do not
recognize their ability to choose.
B. People accept the responsibility of making choices, but use as their guides ethical
principles established by others.
C. People recognize and accept their freedom and enter into a personal relationship with
D. People assume that God is dead.
Schopenhauer's philosophy was based on the distinction between the noumenal and
phenomenal worlds proposed by:
A. Kant
B. Rousseau
C. Goethe
D. Freud
Who was the first to emphasize natural explanations and to minimize supernatural
A. Heraclitus
B. Anaximander
C. Thales
D. Democritus
During Witmer's time, what were the prevailing attitudes toward applied psychology?
A. First came rigorous, scientific training; second came the attempt to apply scientific
knowledge to practical problems.
B. First came the attempt to apply scientific knowledge to practical problems; second
came rigorous, scientific training.
C. First came a deep philosophical inquiry into psychology; second came the attempt to
apply scientific knowledge to practical problems.
D. First came the attempt to apply scientific knowledge to practical problems; second
came a deep philosophical inquiry into psychology.
What was James's advice with regard to emotional experience?
A. Pursue minimum goals in order to avoid frustration.
B. Act the way you want to feel.
C. Use free will to inhibit such experience.
D. Give emotional experience full and uninhibited expression.
Comte and Mach had in common the belief that:
A. only overt behavior can be studied objectively
B. only the immediate conscious experience of a scientist can be studied
C. metaphysical speculation must be avoided
D. the only valid tool available for studying humans is introspection
Thorndike's identical elements theory of transfer states that:
A. the extent to which information learned in one situation will transfer to another
situation is determined by the similarity between the two situations
B. for the transfer of training to occur, mental elements must first be discovered
C. learning difficult topics in school will make it much easier for students to adjust to
society when they leave school
D. transfer from a learning situation to a new situation will only occur if the two
situations are identical
The founder of the Nancy School of hypnosis was:
A. Bernheim
B. Charcot
C. Braid
D. Libeault
Klpe's technique of ____ involves giving subjects problems to solve and then asking
them to report the mental operations they engage in to solve them.
A. subtractive reaction time
B. intentionality
C. systematic experimental introspection
D. pure phenomenology

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