PSYC 90329

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 14
subject Words 1748
subject Authors James W. Kalat

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A neuron can have any number of ____, but no more than one ____.
a. dendrites; axon
b. axons; dendrite
c. cell bodies; axon
d. cell bodies; dendrite
What type of deficiency causes Korsakoff's syndrome?
a. Thiamine
b. Protein
c. Sodium
d. Calcium
What is the perception of the intensity of a sound wave called?
a. pitch
b. frequency
c. amplitude
d. loudness
Language studies with bonobo chimpanzees suggest that they:
a. can't learn language as well as common chimpanzees.
b. use symbols in the wild to communicate with each other.
c. comprehend spoken language comparable to that of a 2 year old child.
d. can write as well as a 2 year old child.
Increasing tryptophan helps the brain produce ____, which induces sleepiness.
a. glucose
b. phenylalanine
c. melatonin
d. lactose
Which receptors are responsible for the perception of color?
a. cones
b. rods
c. both rods and cones
d. horizontal and amacrine cells
In castrated male rats, the medial preoptic area:
a. does not have as much dopamine as other rats.
b. has normal levels of dopamine released in the presence of a receptive female.
c. has as much dopamine as normal rats, but the presence of a receptive female does not
evoke much release of it.
d. releases the same level of dopamine, but not testosterone, as a normal rat.
Alcohol, marijuana, and haloperidol tend to have a(n) ____ effect on prenatal sexual
a. aromatic
b. defeminizing
c. masculinizing
d. demasculinizing
What does myelin cover?
a. all axons
b. most dendrites
c. some axons in vertebrates and none in invertebrates
d. all vertebrate axons and some invertebrate axons
A cortical cell originally responded to stimulation of the middle finger. After
amputation of that finger it begins responding to the second and fourth fingers. What
most likely accounts for this?
a. Synaptic reorganization
b. Growth of completely new axons
c. Altered pattern of blood vessels in the brain
d. A psychotic reaction
A person with visual agnosia is unable to:
a. perceive colors.
b. point to objects.
c. recognize visual objects.
d. see.
The cerebellum appears to be critical for:
a. motor behaviors only.
b. certain aspects of attention.
c. judging which tone is louder.
d. controlling the force of a movement.
Which of the following increases the probability that someone will develop
a. being born in winter
b. eating a high-protein diet
c. living in a low-income country
d. spending time with other people who have schizophrenia
Based on research, it has been determined that the human circadian rhythm appears to
a. shorter than 24 hours.
b. exactly 24 hours.
c. just over 24 hours.
d. closer to 28 hours.
Sex-limited genes are found on:
a. X chromosomes only.
b. Y chromosomes only.
c. X AND Y chromosomes.
d. any chromosomes.
Korsakoff's patients and Alzheimer's patients have better memory for:
a. recent events than events of the remote past.
b. what is happening at a given moment than general principles.
c. skills than facts.
d. verbal information than visual information.
Control of the emotional content of speech depends on:
a. the right hemisphere.
b. the left hemisphere.
c. both hemispheres equally.
d. the corpus callosum.
The sexually dimorphic nucleus is part of the:
a. thalamus.
b. Wolffian ducts.
c. anterior hypothalamus.
d. male brain, only.
Which of the following tends to be more important for women than men in choosing a
a. health
b. earning potential
c. physical attractiveness
d. Intelligence
A common misconception is that eating turkey increases the body's supply of ____,
which enables the brain to make chemicals that make you sleepy.
a. lactase
b. tryptophan
c. lacrose
d. sucrose
The net effect of each cycle of the sodium-potassium pump is to:
a. decrease the number of positively charged ions within the cell.
b. increase the number of positively charged ions within the cell.
c. decrease the number of positively charged ions outside the cell.
d. increase the number of negatively charged ions within the cell.
Roger Sperry conducted important research in what field of study?
a. epilepsy
b. the physiological effects of addictive drugs
c. split-brain patients
d. language training for chimpanzees
Evolution improves the fitness of the population, which is defined as:
a. the number of copies of one's genes that endure in later generations.
b. survival of the individual.
c. ability to adapt to a variety of environments.
d. overall health and well-being.
The hormones LH, FSH, and estradiol reach a peak:
a. in the first month of pregnancy.
b. at the start of the menstrual period.
c. at the end of the menstrual period.
d. around the time of ovulation.
An experimental drug, Ro15-4513, has been shown to block the behavioral effects of:
a. tricyclics.
b. amphetamines.
c. alcohol.
d. endozepines.
In what order does visual information pass through the retina?
a. receptor cells, ganglion cells, bipolar cells
b. ganglion cells, bipolar cells, receptor cells
c. receptor cells, bipolar cells, ganglion cells
d. bipolar cells, receptor cells, ganglion cells
Which of the following senses sends input only to the ipsilateral hemisphere?
a. hearing
b. vision
c. smell
d. touch
Compared to a long distance runner, a world class sprinter probably has more of which
kind of fibers in her legs?
a. slow-twitch
b. fast-twitch
c. smooth muscle
d. striated muscle
Pavlov believed that classical conditioning reflected a strengthened connection between
two brain areas that were activated by:
a. reinforcement and punishment.
b. the response and a consequence.
c. the UCS and UCR.
d. the CS and UCS.
A tap on the knee just below the kneecap will elicit extension of the leg. This reflex
indicates that:
a. muscle spindles have been stretched.
b. Golgi tendon organs have been stretched.
c. neurons have been damaged in the spinal cord.
d. muscle spindles have been relaxed.
How does saltatory conduction affect energy use in a neuron?
a. It eliminates the need for action potentials.
b. It increases the duration of the refractory period.
c. It reduces the frequency of action potentials.
d. It reduces the work load for the sodium-potassium pump.
Estrogens directly stimulate parts of the prefrontal cortex that are important for:
a. sexual behavior
b. working memory
c. blood circulation
d. critical thinking
Most Korsakoff's victims have a loss or shrinkage of neurons throughout the brain,
especially in the:
a. cingulate gyrus.
b. occipital lobe.
c. dorsomedial thalamus.
d. cerebellum.
The optic nerve is composed of axons from which kind of cell?
a. rods and cones
b. bipolar cells
c. horizontal cells
d. ganglion cells
The more glutamine repeats that a person has, the earlier the age of onset of
Huntington's disease.
The vestibular organ consists of the saccule, utricle, and three semicircular canals.
Women are less sensitive to odors than men.
The Pacinian corpuscle detects sudden displacements or high-frequency vibrations on
the skin.
Individuals with PTSD usually have a smaller than average hippocampus.
Ganglia in the parasympathetic system are arranged in a chain near the spinal cord.
The limbic system is important for motivation and emotional behaviors.
Changes in EEG waves occur when neurons fire in synchrony.
The symptoms of cerebellar damage resemble those of alcohol intoxication.
Describe the major brain mechanisms of eating and hunger.
Answers will vary.
Dendrites contain the nuclei, ribosomes, mitochondria, and other structures found in
most cells.
The sexually dimorphic nucleus is larger in females than males.
Briefly describe sprouting.
Answers will vary.
Define major depression.
Narcolepsy is a condition characterized by frequent periods of sleepiness during the
An evolutionary explanation describes why a structure or behavior evolved.
Some people with damage to area V1 show a surprising phenomenon called blindsight.
Describe the differences between antagonists and agonists.
Why do humans suffer from sleepiness, decreased muscle activity, and decreased sex
drive during illness?
A The illness suppresses nearly all brain activity.
B The virus saps the organism's energy and uses it to attack the body.
C They are useful ways of conserving energy while the body is attacking the illness.
D An illness decreases blood flow to the brain and muscles.

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