PSYC 81598

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 12
subject Words 1611
subject Authors James W. Kalat

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The term mesencephalon refers to the:
a. brainstem.
b. hindbrain.
c. midbrain.
d. forebrain.
An animal with hypovolemic thirst will drink:
a. a large volume of pure water.
b. only enough to moisten its throat.
c. mildly salty water rather than pure water.
d. only water with a low pH.
When does sleep walking occur?
a. only during REM sleep
b. only during NREM sleep
c. during both stage 3 and 4 sleep
d. during the brief transition period between REM sleep and non-REM sleep
After damage to the somatosensory cortex, a person would have the most difficulty
a. perceiving moving sounds.
b. balance.
c. eye movements.
d. pointing to their own body parts.
A rat is placed in a radial maze in which it has already been trained for many trials. As
compared to rats without damage to their hippocampus, rats with damage are more
likely to:
a. enter an alley at random.
b. fail to eat the food they find.
c. enter one of the correct alleys repeatedly.
d. enter an alley that is never correct.
One difference between labeled-line coding and across-fiber pattern coding is that
labeled-line is:
a. only found in vertebrates.
b. less versatile.
c. more complicated.
d. slower.
Researchers have found several drugs, including ____, which weaken memories of
recent events.
a. gingko biloba
b. prozac
c. propanolol
d. clozapine
Chemicals that prevent sodium from crossing the membrane:
a. intensify the salty taste.
b. do not affect taste.
c. reduce the intensity of salty tastes.
d. cause an increase in sensitivity to other primary tastes.
The sodium gates in the axon are usually closed. Which of the following opens them?
a. depolarization of the membrane
b. increased concentration of socium outside the cell
c. increased concentration of sodium inside the cell
d. increased activity of the sodium-potassium pump
Individuals with amnesia who play video games such as Tetris:
a. remember playing the game, but do not improve performance.
b. don't remember playing the game, but improve their performance.
c. never get any better.
d. are more likely to do better on spatial rotation tasks.
____ occurs when solutes are more concentrated on one side of the membrane than on
the other.
a. Osmoytic thirst
b. Osmotic pressure
c. Hypovolemic thirst
d. Hypovolemic pressure
If you wanted to see a faint star at night, you should:
a. stare straight at it.
b. look slightly to one side.
c. look at a mirror's reflection of it.
d. wait until daytime.
A monkey with one deafferented limb:
a. cannot control the muscles of that limb.
b. moves that limb whenever it uses its contralateral limb.
c. uses it spontaneously, even though the animal has lost sensation to that body part.
d. does not use it, even though it can still control the muscles.
Which of the following tasks would people with Williams syndrome perform normally?
a. estimating the length of a bus
b. imagining the bus route to school
c. drawing a bus
d. singing "wheels on the bus"
What is the "phi" phenomenon?
a. When one stationary object alternates with another, we see movement.
b. People who know each other well are likely to think the same thing at the same time.
c. The more times one has been depressed, the easier it is to become depressed again.
d. A sound heard at the same time as a visual stimulus seems to come from that object.
An individual has normal eyes and normal pupillary reflexes but no pattern perception
or visual imagery. This person suffers from:
a. imagery deficit syndrome.
b. cortical blindness.
c. parietal lobe degeneration.
d. retinal degeneration.
Alternation of TIM protein levels by a pulse of light during the night will:
a. shorten the onset of sleep.
b. increase PER protein levels.
c. phase-advance the temperature cycle.
d. decrease sleepiness.
Some drugs used to treat allergies may produce drowsiness if they:
a. block histamine.
b. stimulate acetylcholine.
c. decrease adenosine.
d. block GABA.
Another aspect of sleep's contribution to memory relates to:
a. delta waves
b. sleep spindles.
c. alpha waves.
d. PKO spikes.
Bipolar cells are the light sensitive cells in the retina.
Which ganglion cells, if any, are located mostly in or near the fovea?
a. Parvocellular
b. Magnocellular
c. Koniocellular
d. They are all distributed equally.
In normal male rats, the medial preoptic area neurons strongly release which of the
following during sexual activity?
a. dopamine
b. testosterone
c. glutamate
d. estradiol
If the brain does not have enough thiamine, what is it unable to do?
a. maintain its blood-brain barrier
b. pump glucose across the blood-brain barrier
c. produce certain neurotransmitters
d. metabolize glucose
What determines whether a mammal develops male or female external genitals?
a. the amount of testosterone during prenatal development
b. the amount of estrogens during prenatal development
c. the difference (subtraction) between testosterone and estrogen levels in prenatal
d. the ratio (division) between testosterone and estrogen levels in prenatal development
"All parts of the cortex contribute equally to complex behaviors such as learning"
a. operant conditioning.
b. classical conditioning.
c. equipotentiality.
d. mass action.
The brain has ____ control of the trunk muscles.
a. ipsilateral
b. contralateral
c. bilateral
d. no
The receptors for taste are not true neurons, but are actually modified skin cells. In what
way are these cells like neurons?
a. Once taste receptors die, they are never replaced.
b. They release neurotransmitters.
c. They have axons.
d. They are covered with a myelin sheath.
An axon releases chemicals:
a. into the presynaptic terminal.
b. into the junction between neurons.
c. through the efferent terminals.
d. to the mitochondria.
Somatosensory information travels from the thalamus to which area of the cortex?
a. parietal lobe
b. frontal lobe
c. hippocampus
d. limbic cortex
In research aimed at minimizing damage due to stroke, attempts to prevent
overstimulation of cells have produced:
a. very promising results.
b. disappointing results.
c. a complex interaction between age of patient and season of the year.
d. positive results in humans, but not so for animals.
Inactivation of the "Tim" protein resets the biological clock.
When researchers try to estimate the heritability of a human behavior, what are the main
kinds of individuals they consider?
A Twins and adopted children
B People from non-western cultures
C Newborns and infants
D Uneducated people living in educated societies
A moderate fever can increase an individual's chance of surviving a bacterial infection.
Humans have a higher brain-to-body ratio than all other species.
Proliferation is the production of new cells.
Define the "hard problem" of consciousness according to David Chalmers.
Sometimes people find themselves unable to move their postural muscles immediately
after awakening. Why?
A Blood pressure is too low.
B The motor nerves are inactive until body temperature reaches its normal level.
C An increase in light striking the eyes reflexively inhibits the motor neurons.
D Part of the brain is still asleep.
A drug that blocks the effects of a neurotransmitter is an agonist.
Blind and deaf animals do not have circadian rhythms.
Deafferentation of the left arm results in the inability to move it.
In searching for the engram, Karl Lashley found that removal of larger areas of cortex
resulted in the greatest impairment of memory.
Briefly describe the columnar organization of the Visual Cortex.
Answers will vary.
Briefly describe the cellular organization of the cerebellum.
Answers will vary.
Benzodiazepines bind to the GABAC receptor.
Describe how bulimia nervosa resembles drug addiction.
Answers will vary.
H. M. had particularly severe impairment of episodic memories, or memories of single
An axon in the peripheral nervous system is more likely to recover after being cut than
if it is crushed.

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