PSYC 79253

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1439
subject Authors B. R. Hergenhahn, Tracy Henley

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Which of the following did Comte believe?
A. Metaphysical speculation is essential to understanding humans.
B. Internal sensations and perceptions are all of which we could be certain.
C. Humans cannot be studied objectively because cognitions cannot be known.
D. Scientific laws are statements that summarize experiences.
At one point, Freud believed that adult hysteria was the result of an actual sexual
incident that occurred in the life of the patient. This was called the:
A. seduction theory
B. theory of catharsis
C. theory of countertransference
D. Oedipus complex
What was true of the British empiricists?
A. They attempted to explain the functioning of the mind according to Newton's
B. They rectified the existence of divine intervention with sensory experience.
C. They believed that sensory experience distorted the truth.
D. They denied the existence of mental events.
Kant believed:
A. that in order for psychology to be a science, it must focus on empirical research
B. that in order for psychology to be a science, it must focus on the categories of
C. psychology could not become an experimental science
D. that the mind must be studied scientifically through introspection
Which of the following philosophies most influenced Wundt?
A. materialism
B. rationalism
C. empiricism
D. sensationalism
Which of the following was true of the Ptolemaic system?
A. It was unable to make accurate astronomical predictions.
B. It was unable to make predictions in accordance with the testimony of the senses.
C. It was congenial to Christian theology because it gave humans a central place in the
D. It accepted the heliocentric theory.
Which of the following statements is most closely associated with Angell?
A. Coeducation violates a custom so universal that it expresses a fundamental human
B. Pragmatism is willing to take anything, to follow either logic or the senses and to
count the humblest and most personal experiences.
C. If we wish to conquer undesirable emotional tendencies in ourselves we must
mercilessly go through the outward movements of those contrary dispositions which we
prefer to cultivate.
D. Mind and body cannot be separated; they act as a unit in an organism's struggle for
According to ____, the best government is one that provides the greatest amount of
happiness to the greatest number of people.
A. empiricism
B. utilitarianism
C. rationalism
D. interactionism
According to the Gestaltists, when an organism was confronted with a problem, a ____
was set up and continued until the problem was solved.
A. cognitive map
B. behavioral environment
C. mental set
D. cognitive disequilibrium
According to Skinner, punishment is widely used in efforts to modify behavior because
A. is the most effective method available
B. is reinforcing to the punisher
C. weakens undesirable behavior just as reinforcement strengthens desirable behavior
D. has the advantage of increasing stress tolerance in those who are punished
Heidegger believed that when individuals exercise their freedom, they experience ____,
and if they do not, they experience ____.
A. excitement; boredom
B. guilt; anxiety
C. anxiety; guilt
D. neurotic anxiety; moral anxiety
According to Guthrie, the association between stimuli and a(n) ____ is formed in
A. act
B. movement
C. skill
D. habit
The study of knowledge is called:
a. epistemology
b. psychophysics
c. metaphysics
d. rationalism
At the heart of Nietzsche's psychology is the tension between:
A. Apollonian and Dionysian tendencies
B. the church and the state
C. science and religion
D. good and evil
According to Leibniz's law of continuity:
A. events experienced together are remembered together
B. our thoughts run from one event to similar events
C. there are no leaps or gaps in nature
D. the mind and the body are one
For Jung, dream analysis:
A. provides a window to the collective unconscious
B. helps us understand the ego
C. helps determine which aspects of the psyche were being adequately expressed and
which were not
D. provides a way to understand the interaction of the animus and the anima
What was a goal of St. Thomas Aquinas?
A. To convert a large number of Aristotelians to Christianity
B. To demonstrate that Christianity existed in accord with other religions
C. To apply the scientific method in solving theological problems
D. To strengthen the position of the church through reason
Zeitgeist means:
a. the spirit of the times
b. about the same thing as presentism
c. that the history of anything must be selective
d. about the same thing as historicism
In his study and treatment of mentally ill individuals, Mnsterberg attempted to
strengthen the thoughts opposite to those causing his clients to have difficulties. He
referred to this technique as:
A. behavior therapy
B. systematic desensitization
C. reciprocal antagonism
D. conscious psychoanalysis
Spencer's application of the notion of the survival of the fittest to the study of human
societal behavior is known as:
A. premature
B. social Darwinism
C. Lamarckianism
D. the Spencer-Bain principle
For ____, ideas causes behavior, but for ____, behavior causes ideas.
A. Mnsterberg; Wundt
B. James; Mnsterberg
C. Mnsterberg; James
D. Renouvier; Wundt
According to Schopenhauer, when all of our needs are temporarily satisfied, we feel:
A. bored
B. self-actualized
C. at one with God
D. extreme pleasure
After a painful search, Descartes concluded that the only thing of which he could be
certain was:
A. that God is a myth
B. the mind and the body are a unit
C. the fact that he doubted
D. the existence of God
____ anxiety arises when the ego anticipates that it will be overwhelmed by the id.
A. Objective
B. Neurotic
C. Moral
D. Existential
Which psychologist's research was instrumental in the 1954 court decision on school
A. G. Stanley Hall
B. Francis Sumner
C. John Dewey
D. Kenneth Clark
Skinner's basic methodology was to allow an animal to respond freely in an
experimental chamber and note the effect of ____ on ____.
A. stimuli; behavior
B. reinforcement; type of response chosen
C. reinforcement; stimulus presentation
D. reinforcement; response rate
Historicism refers to the belief that:
a. the present state of a discipline should act as a guide in writing that discipline's
b. the present state of a discipline represents its highest and best state of development
c. only the past is important
d. the past should be studied for its own sake without attempting to show the
relationship between past and present
According to Jung, the ____ provided the masculine component of the female
personality and a framework within which females can interact with males.
A. persona
B. anima
C. animus
D. shadow
Ladd-Franklin's theory of color vision was based on:
A. mathematics
B. intuition
C. evolutionary theory
D. electrophysiology
Mnsterberg's efforts did much to create:
A. parapsychology
B. cross-cultural psychology
C. applied psychology
D. dynamic psychology
____ sought to reconcile Judaism and Aristotelian philosophy.
A. Avicenna
B. Averros
C. St. Anselm
D. Maimonides
When a person accepts values dictated by society (not those personally attained) as their
own, he or she is experiencing:
A. the human dilemma
B. a life of social meaning
C. constructive alternativism
D. self-alienation
For Democritus, perception occurred when atoms emanating from the surface of objects
entered the ____ and were transmitted to the ____.
A. pores of the body; heart
B. sensory systems of the body; brain
C. pores of the body; liver
D. sensory systems of the body; heart

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