PSYC 720 Midterm

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 4
subject Words 982
subject Authors Jeanne Ellis Ormrod

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1) Only one of the following is a true statement about long-term memory storage.
Which one?
a.New information has little or no effect on previously stored information.
b.All people tend to store a given piece of information in essentially the same way.
c.How effectively information is stored influences how easily it can be retrieved later
d.Long-term memory has a limited capacity; thus, when new information is stored
there, some old information may be lost as a result
2) Three of the following can be effective strategies for helping students work together
well in cooperative groups. Which one is inconsistent with the textbooks
a.Assign a specific role that each group member should play; have students periodically
rotate their roles.
b.Ask the highest-ability student in each group to serve as group leader and monitor the
learning of the other group members.
c.Assign complex tasks that require diverse abilities and talents, such that every group
member has something unique to contribute.
d.Give students a particular procedure to follow; for instance, give them examples of
the kinds of questions they should ask one another as they jointly study new material.
3) A mastery learning approach would probably be most suitable for teaching:
a.introductory Russian
b.a philosophy seminar
c.advanced techniques of photography
d.controversial issues in history
4) Three of the following are strategies that good readers use to enhance their
comprehension. Which one is not?
a.They ask themselves questions to make sure they understand.
b.They take steps to clarify possible sources of confusion.
c.They read through material relatively quickly.
dThey anticipate what is likely to come next in the passage.
5) Three of the following strategies should engage students interest in class material.
Which one is least likely to do so?
a.Have each student read a different characters lines when the class is reading the play
Our Town.
b.Asking students to imagine what it must have been like to live in medieval England.
c.Showing students a scientific phenomenon that isnt what theyd expect to happen
given their existing beliefs about the world.
d.Telling students that occasional failures are probably due to circumstances beyond
their control.
6) Jacob knows that lions and tigers are both members of the cat family, and that cats
and dogs are all mammals. Which one of the following statements best describes the
information Jacob has stored?
a.It is organized as a hierarchy.
b.It is organized as a network.
c.It is encoded in the form of visual images.
d.It is encoded in the form of productions.
7) Students have just done well on what was obviously an easy assignment. If their
teacher praises them for their success, they are likely to:
a.Exert more effort next time
b.Have high self-efficacy for academic tasks
c.Adopt mastery goals rather than performance goals
d.Conclude that they will have difficulty with more challenging tasks
8) Considering contemporary theorists views on general transfer, which one of the
following skills is most likely to transfer across very different situations?
a.The ability to take good notes on a lecture
b.The ability to remember complex ideas
c.The ability to memorize a poem
d.The ability to solve challenging problems
9) Which one of the following alternatives best illustrates the notion of a personal
a.Agnes has memorized the formula a2 + b2 = c2, but she cannot remember what the
formula is called or what its used for.
b.Bert has memorized the formula a2 + b2 = c2 and also knows that its called the
Pythagorean theorem; however, he doesnt know in what situations it is useful.
c.Christine is familiar with the formula a2 + b2 = c2; furthermore, she knows that the
Pythagorean theorem provides a means of predicting the hypotenuse of a right triangle
when the lengths of the other two sides are known.
d.Darnell thinks of living creatures as being defined in terms of their biological origins,
but he thinks of manmade objects as being defined in terms of their functions.
10) Which one of the following instructional objectives most clearly focuses on
students higher-level thinking skills?
a.Students will describe the laws of momentum and inertia.
b.Students will use the laws of momentum and inertia to explain how objects move.
c.Students will take accurate notes during a lecture on momentum and inertia.
d.Students will learn formulas that involve momentum and inertia.
11) On several occasions Edward is severely beaten by his alcoholic father. Before long,
Edward begins to shake whenever his father approaches. In this situation, Edwards
shaking at the sight of his father is a(n) _____; the severe beating he has received is a(n)
a.unconditioned stimulus; conditioned response
b.unconditioned response; conditioned stimulus
c.conditioned stimulus; unconditional response
d.conditioned response; unconditional stimulus
12) In an early investigation of memory, Frederic Bartlett asked students to read a story
called The War of the Ghosts and then on later occasions asked them to recall the story.
Bartlett made a number of observations about how students recollections of the story
were different from the story itself. Which of the following was not one of his
a.Students retold the story in a way that made little sense.
b.Students remembered the main idea of the story.
c.Students retold the story in different words.
d.Students forgot many of the storys details.

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