psyc 468

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 6
subject Words 1317
subject Authors Dee Unglaub Silverthorn

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1) match the membrane protein with its function.
a. transfer signals from the extracellular environment to the cytoplasm of the cell
b. form cell-to-cell connections
c. bind to molecules to facilitate entry to or exit from the cell
d. ligands bind to these proteins and are changed by the protein
2) powerful contractions that occur a few times each day in the colon are called
a) segmentation.
b) tonic contractions.
c) phasic contractions.
d) peristalsis.
e) mass movements.
3) meghan thinks she has an abscessed tooth (a bacterial infection). if she does, what
type of white blood cell would you expect to see in elevated numbers in a differential
a) neutrophils
b) eosinophils
c) basophils
d) lymphocytes
e) monocytes
4) which of the following features of the alveolar sacs allows for the ease of diffusion of
a) they are made of a single layer of simple squamous epithelium.
b) type ii alveolar cells secrete surfactant.
c) elastin fibers allow the alveoli to stretch thin enough for diffusion to occur.
d) they are made of a single layer of simple squamous epithelium and elastin fibers
allow the alveoli to stretch thin enough for diffusion to occur.
5) diffuse lymphoid tissue includes
a) tonsils.
b) galt (gut-associated lymphoid tissue).
c) the spleen.
d) tonsils and galt (gut-associated lymphoid tissue).
e) tonsils, galt (gut-associated lymphoid tissue), and the spleen.
6) a hormone that can lower blood levels of calcium ion is
a) parathyroid hormone.
b) thyroxine.
c) calcitonin.
d) glucagon.
e) oxytocin.
7) in which of the following situations would the end-systolic volume (esv) be the
a) when sympathetic stimulation of the heart is increased
b) when parasympathetic stimulation of the heart is increased
c) when the force of myocardial contraction is increased
d) when the intracellular stores of calcium are increased
e) when stroke volume is increased
8) the "normal" contractile fibers of the muscle are also called the
a) extrafusal fibers.
b) intrafusal fibers.
c) muscle spindle fibers.
9) the brain consumes about half of the ________ circulating in the body.
a) oxygen
b) glucose
c) sodium
d) potassium
e) fatty acids
10) identify the false statement.
a) under normal conditions, all action potentials in a given cell are identical.
b) between nodes of ranvier, signal conduction is decremental.
c) the amplitude of the action potential depends on the amplitude of the graded potential
that precedes it.
d) the voltage-gated sodium and potassium channels begin to open during the
11) most obese humans are deficient in leptin.
a) true
b) false
12) match the name of the wave with the correlated event.
a. p wave
b. qrs complex
c. t wave
d. pr segment
e. st segment
atrial contraction
13) total cross-sectional area ________ with each division of the airways.
a) increases
b) decreases
c) does not change
14) the cells that are actively involved in immunological surveillance are the
a) nk cells.
b) plasma cells.
c) b lymphocytes.
d) helper t cells.
e) suppressor t cells.
15) when the ions move across the cell membrane, an electrical potential change results.
as you are probably aware, nerves trigger muscle movement. when you place your
finger on a sharp object (such as a tack), you quickly draw your hand away and develop
a sensation of pain. which types of channels are operating under these conditions to
allow nerve conduction and subsequent muscle movement?
16) physiological role is unclear
17) the ovaries produce eggs also known as ________.
18) the rise in body temperature triggers two thermoregulatory mechanisms: ________
and ________.
19) the folding of proteins occurs via the formation of weak ________ and ________
bonds between amino acids. much stronger covalent bonds like ________ bonds can
occur between ________ amino acids.
20) the ability of a lung to recoil, or recover from stretch, is called ________.
21) explain how it is possible for an enzyme to catalyze a chemical reaction in two
different directions.
22) gossip, an undergraduate, has normal pco2 levels, high h+ levels, low ph and
bicarbonate levels. what type of disturbance is gossip suffering from and what might
cause this? if his pco2 were elevated, would your answer change? explain.
23) sonja is pregnant. over the next 40 weeks, her uterus will enlarge as the placenta
develops and the fetus grows, her abdomen will add skin to accommodate distension,
her breasts will grow, her blood volume will increase, and many other changes will
occur. using what you have learned about basic cardiovascular physiology, predict how
parameters such as blood pressure and cardiac output will change. (note that the fetus
has a separate cardiovascular system, which does not need to be considered.) explain
your answer.
24) explain alpha-gamma coactivation.

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