psyc 420 quiz

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 5
subject Words 1039
subject Authors Dee Unglaub Silverthorn

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1) which fibers generate more force?
a) fast-twitch fibers
b) slow-twitch fibers
2) erythropoietin (epo) was first isolated from the urine of anemic patients who had
high circulating levels of the hormone. despite the presence of the hormone that
stimulates red cell production, however, these patients were unable to produce adequate
amounts of hemoglobin or red cells. give some possible reasons that the patients' own
epo was unable to correct their anemia.
3) match the condition with its description.
a. giantism
b. kyphosis
c. moon face
d. myxedema
e. goiter
caused by elevation of tsh
4) the characteristic yellow color of urine is attributed to the presence of
a) urobilinogen.
b) uric acid.
c) urea.
d) renin.
e) bile.
5) the contraction cycle is triggered by the rise in ________ released from the
sarcoplasmic reticulum (sr).
a) na+
b) k+
c) ca2+
following is a table of data collected from one section of an 8 a.m. physiology lab. there
were 20 students present, 10 men and 10 women. information collected from the
students included their height, weight, age, and resting pulse rate. in addition, the
students were surveyed to see if they smoked cigarettes, considered themselves "regular
exercisers," if they had consumed caffeine the morning of the lab, and if they had eaten
breakfast that day. a "y" or "n" (yes or no) was recorded to indicate their answers. each
student did "jumping jacks" for 5 minutes and recorded the time required to regain their
resting heart rate, which is listed on the table as "recovery time." finally, each student
participated in an exercise designed to measure their reaction time (in milliseconds) in
catching an object dropped by a lab partner according to specified criteria. use this table
to answer the following questions. ignore statistical problems caused by small sample
size, and so on.
table 1.3
refer to table 1.3 and the bar graph.
a. disregarding gender, write a hypothesis that expresses the relationship between
weight and height.
b. what is the dependent variable? what is the independent variable?
c. from the data in table 1.3, construct a graph that examines this relationship.
7) in order for a synapse to be an effective means of cellular communication, slow
removal or inactivation of neurotransmitter molecules from the synapse is important.
a) true
b) false
8) restoring lost fluid from the capillaries back to the circulatory system is one of the
major functions of the ________ system.
a) urinary
b) thirst-quenching
c) lymphatic
d) immune
e) digestive
9) which of the following are the two anticoagulants produced by the body?
a) heparin and plasmin
b) antithrombin iii and heparin
c) antithrombin iii and plasmin
d) tissue plasminogen activator and plasmin
e) protacyclin and heparin
10) blood pressure and flow to the brain are monitored by receptors located in the wall
of the
a) carotid artery.
b) aorta.
c) venae cavae.
d) cerebral arteries.
e) cephalic arteries.
11) the ________ are double sheets of peritoneal membrane that hold some of the
visceral organs in their proper position.
a) serosa
b) adventitia
c) mesenteries
d) fibrosa
e) lamina propria
12) chemicals such as histamine, prostaglandins, serotonin, and substance p
a) only sensitize nociceptors.
b) only activate nociceptors.
c) only inhibit nociceptors.
d) only sensitize and activate nociceptors.
e) sensitize, activate and inhibit nociceptors.
13) in bone, the calcium phosphate forms crystals of ________.
14) multiple sclerosis (ms) is one of the better known diseases resulting from
demyelination of axons (in ms, only cns axons are affected). some of the earliest
symptoms of the disease are difficulty in focusing the eyes, such as in reading, and
difficulty in maintaining balance, and frequently not being able to make adjustments in
posture to avoid falling. how do these symptoms "fit" with what you know about nerve
impulses, myelin sheaths, and the location of gated ion channels in the membranes of
15) distinguish between intrapulmonary and intrapleural pressure.
16) the ________ lie between and around the glomerular capillaries.
17) name the two mechanisms and the factors involved that limit the extent of blood
clotting within a vessel.

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