PSYC 41602

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1303
subject Authors Gerald Corey

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Which humanistic approach places emphasis on the basic attitudes of the therapist?
a. Psychoanalytic therapy
b. Adlerian therapy
c. Person-centered therapy
d. Cognitive-behavioral therapy
Adlerian therapy emphasizes the individual's:
a. development of a unique lifestyle.
b. quality world.
c. irrational, crooked thinking.
d. polarities.
Dialectical behavior therapy requires both individual and group treatment.
a. True
b. False
Which one of the following is not associated with the cognitive-behavioral
action-oriented therapies?
a. Existential therapy
b. Cognitive behavior therapy
c. Choice theory/relative therapy
d. Behavior therapy
In feminist therapy, adjustment rather than transcendence is a primary goal of therapy.
a. True
b. False
What is nota part of the steps in a self-directed change program?
a. Exploration of one's family constellation
b. Selecting goals
c. Selfmonitoring
d. A self-reinforcement system
In our quality world we develop an inner:
a. total behavior.
b. freedom.
c. picture album.
d. power.
The process of encouragement in Adlerian counseling includes all of the following
a. helping clients focus on their resources and strengths.
b. helping clients become aware of their assets and strengths rather than dealing
continually with their deficits and liabilities.
c. helping clients recognize or accept their positive qualities.
d. helping clients understand their liabilities and weaknesses and process them in detail.
In the book Staring at the Sun: Overcoming the Terror of
Death(2008),________________ develops the idea that confronting death enables us to
live in a more compassionate way.
a. Martin Buber
b. Justin Bieber
c. Irvin Yalom
d. Stephen King
Which of the following is nottrue about how behavior therapists function in the
therapeutic setting?
a. They use techniques such as summarizing, reflection, clarification, and open-ended
b. They focus on using a variety of techniques in narrowly treating specific behavioral
c. They complete a formal assessment prior to treatment to determine behaviors that are
targets for change.
d. They serve as a model for the client and do not require behavioral change in the
Personal therapy for therapists can be instrumental in assisting them to:
a. heal their own psychological wounds.
b. gain an experiential sense of how to control the therapeutic session.
c. understand their own needs and motives and how to heal them while counseling
d. learn how to work through their own personal conflicts while counseling others.
Existential therapy is especially useful in working with culturally diverse populations
because of its focus on individuality.
a. True
b. False
WDEP stands for:
a. wants, decision, self-evaluation, perception.
b. wishes, direction, engagement, purpose.
c. wants, doing, self-evaluation, planning.
d. wants, direction, efficacy, planning.
Of the following, what is an interest that social constructionists tend to share?
a. Helping clients better understand objective reality
b. Using paradoxical techniques
c. Using a genogram to teach families about conflicts
d. Generating new meaning in the lives of individuals
The Adlerian approach to family counseling focuses on the family atmosphere.
a. True
b. False
Gestalt therapy makes use of a wide variety of techniques that are designed to increase
the client's awareness of his or her present experiencing.
a. True
b. False
Solution-focused brief therapy has parallels with__________________,which
concentrates on what is right and what is working for people rather than dwelling on
deficits, weaknesses, and problems.
a. brief psychodynamic therapy
b. positive psychology
c. Adlerian therapy
The existential approach can be used in a brief therapy context.
a. True
b. False
When a client recognizes he or she has a choice describes which stage of Miriam
Polster's threestage integration
a. Discovery
b. Accommodation
c. Assimilation
d. Retroflection
Personcentered therapy is a(n):
a. actionoriented approach to therapy.
b. humanistic approach to therapy.
c. existential approach to therapy.
d. deterministic approach to therapy.
Gestalt therapy is a form of:
a. Freudian psychoanalytic therapy.
b. neo-Freudian analytic therapy.
c. behavior therapy.
d. existential therapy.
Commitment puts the responsibility directly on clients for changing.
a. True
b. False
Which of the following approaches to therapy stresses the attitude of the therapist over
the use of techniques?
a. Person-centered therapy
b. Psychoanalytic therapy
c. Cognitive-behavior therapy
d. Behavior therapy
An integrative perspective is not developed in a random fashion.
a. True
b. False
Time-limited existential treatments:
a. can serve as a catalyst for clients to become actively and fully involved in each
therapy session.
b. are by definition, lacking in depth and richness.
c. lack structure and clear goals.
d. are well studied and shown to be effective.
Which of the following is nota key concept of the person-centered approach?
a. The focus is on experiencing the immediate moment.
b. In a climate of safety in the therapeutic session, the client comes to realize that there
are more authentic ways of being.
c. The client is primarily responsible for the direction of therapy.
d. The focus is on exploration of a client's past.
Since humor shows the absurdity of certain ideas that clients steadfastly maintain, it is
always inappropriate to use in sessions as it might be perceived as offensive.
a. True
b. False
The _________measures a client's perception of the quality of the therapeutic
relationship, which includes the relational bond with the therapist, the perceived
collaboration around specific tasks in therapy, and agreement on goals, methods, and
client preferences.
a. Session Rating Scale
b. Outcome Rating Scale
c. Income Rating Scale
d. Termination Rating Scale
Which approach would be most interested in the interactional patterns, or sequences, in
the family?
a. Bowenian family therapy
b. Human validation process model
c. Structural-strategic family therapy
d. Social constructionism
Which is nota key concept of feminist therapy?
a. The personal is political.
b. The counseling relationship is egalitarian.
c. Commitment to confronting oppression
d. Women's problems are viewed from an intrapsychic perspective.
Which of the following is notpart of the five-step treatment procedure used in a coping
skills program?
a. Exposing clients to anxiety-provoking situations by means of role playing and
b. Evaluating the anxiety level of the client by using both physiological and
psychological tests
c. Teaching clients to become aware of the anxiety-provoking cognitions they
experience in stressful situations
d. Helping clients examine their thoughts by reevaluating their self-statements
Solution-focused therapists often use scaling questions.
a. True
b. False
Carl Rogers's original emphasis was on reflection of feelings expressed by the client.
a. True
b. False
Collaborative empiricism involves a cognitive therapist's collaboration with colleagues
on a client's case.
a. True
b. False

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