PSYC 37321

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 18
subject Words 1752
subject Authors Stuart Fox

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Triglycerides are remade in intestinal epithelial cells before combining with proteins to
form chylomicrons.
Conduction without decrement means that action potentials transmitted down an axon
will not decrease in amplitude.
Sensory impulses associated with crude touch and pressure are transmitted by the
posterior spinocerebellar tracts to the thalamus.
Phagocytosis is a bulk transport process in which the plasma membrane extends as
pseudopods around a particle of organic matter.
The appendix is a short, thin out-pouching of the ileum.
Fats are digested into fatty acids and glycerol.
Interactions between B cells and helper T cells stimulate the actions of killer T cells.
Sudden death from cardiac arrhythmia culminates in asystole.
The formation of oxyhemoglobin from deoxyhemoglobin at the lungs is called an
unloading reaction.
Heart and respiratory rates increase during REM sleep as if the person were awake.
Aminopeptidase and carboxypeptidase are classified as endopeptidases.
Bile is produced by the gallbladder.
Mineralocorticoids stimulate immune suppression by inhibiting interleukin-1
Inability to detect rotational acceleration occurs when the saccule is damaged.
There are many synaptic connections between limbic system structures and the cerebral
Atropine is an antagonist to nicotine.
Protein digestion would decrease if lactase were not present on the brush border.
Carbon atoms form many organic molecules by forming polar covalent bonds with
other carbon atoms.
Destruction of Wernicke's area destroys language comprehension.
Covalent bonds are formed between monosaccharides through dehydration synthesis.
Inhibiting the actions of the parietal cells would stimulate protein digestion.
Stress hyperglycemia results from the effects of epinephrine and glucagon.
An increased GFR leads to an increase in urine production.
Interferons stimulate macrophage replication.
Functional classes of sensory receptors include chemoreceptors and thermoreceptors.
Both medullary vasomotor and cardiac control centers integrate the baroreceptor reflex.
During diastole, blood flow in the coronary arteries decreases.
Blood clotting is an example of positive feedback since the action of the effector
amplifies that of the stimulus.
GIP both inhibits gastric motility and increases the release of insulin from the pancreas.
The near point of vision decreases with increasing age.
The apical membranes of the tubular cells are impermeable to bicarbonate.
Highly elevated blood pressure would stimulate an increased glomerular filtration rate.
Inhibin prevents release of LH from the anterior pituitary.
Increased blood flow to an organ is induced by decreased tissue H+ concentrations.
Atoms sharing a pair of electrons form covalent bonds.
Pulse pressure is the difference between systolic and diastolic blood pressures.
Most synapses in the body are electrical.
The liver, heart, and kidneys have a circadian rhythm.
Excitable cells are incapable of maintaining a constant resting membrane potential.
Potassium secretion by the kidneys is only possible due to the action of aldosterone.
The binding of a neurotransmitter to its receptor protein causes ion channels to open in
the post-synaptic membrane. What type of gates are these?
A. chemically-regulated gates
B. voltage-regulated gates
C. ligand-regulated gates
D. Chemically-regulated gates and ligand-regulated gates are correct.
Impaired motor coordination in Parkinson's disease is often due to
A. degeneration of the red nucleus.
B. degeneration of the substantia nigra.
C. lack of regulation of the cerebral peduncles.
D. degeneration of the mesolimbic system.
Which area of the brain has shown to be involved in complex problem-solving?
A. hippocampus
B. prefrontal cortex
C. amygdala
D. medial temporal lobe
Lipid digestion and absorption requires the coordinated actions of ______ and ____.
A.hydrochloric acid, pepsin.
B.bile, bicarbonate.
C.lipase, bile.
D.water, bile.
During an action potential
A. Na+ efflux causes depolarization.
B. K+ influx causes repolarization.
C. Na+ influx causes depolarization.
D. K+ influx causes after-hyperpolarization.
Vision would be impaired by
A.damage to the superior colliculus.
B.ablation of the medial geniculate nucleus.
C.damage to the temporal lobe.
D.damage to the vestibulocochlear nerve.
What enzyme is needed for transcription?
A. spliceosomes
B. RNA polymerase
C. RNA promoter
D. DNA polymerase
Failure of the SA node to depolarize would result in an ECG
A.lacking a T wave.
B.lacking a QRS complex.
C.lacking a P wave.
D.that is isoelectric.
Which of the following is NOT a polypeptide or glycoprotein hormone
C.antidiuretic hormone
D.parathyroid hormone
Alpha motoneurons innervate
A.nuclear chain fibers.
B.nuclear bag fibers.
C.extrafusal fibers.
D.intrafusal fibers.
Secretion of insulin from the pancreas is increased in response to
A.increased secretin.
B.increased GIP.
C.increased guanylin.
D.increased gastrin.
What hormone is necessary for the epiphyseal discs (growth plates) to seal and stop
bone growth in length?
All glands that secrete into the digestive tract are
A. endocrine.
B. exocrine.
C. sebaceous glands.
D. both endocrine and exocrine.
Curare is a competitive ACh antagonist at _____________ ACh receptors.
A. muscarinic
C. kainate
D. nicotinic
Primary, annulospiral endings are found associated with
A.the nuclear bag fibers.
B.the extrafusal fibers.
C.the mossy fibers.
D.the basal nuclei.
Hyperventilation is stimulated by
A.increased activity of the apneustic center.
B.decreased contraction of the scalenes.
Venous return is increased by all of the following EXCEPT
B.the skeletal muscle pump.
D.sympathetic stimulation of the veins.
Which of the following gastrointestinal hormones is NOT secreted by the small
B.gastric inhibitory peptide
Metabolic alkalosis
A.may be caused by excessive vomiting.
B.occurs when the partial pressure of oxygen is decreased.
C.occurs when arterial pH is less than 7.4. induced by hypoventilation.
Goose bumps would occur in response to adrenergic antagonist. adrenergic agonist.
C.a cholinergic antagonist.
D.a cholinergic agonist.
For the rhythm method to be successful, coitus (sexual intercourse) must not happen
A.during the first 10 days of the menstrual cycle.
B.6 days prior to ovulation through 2 days after ovulation.
C.during the last 10 days of the menstrual cycle.
D.Both during the first 10 days of the menstrual cycle and during the last 10 days of the
menstrual cycle.
Vasopressin induces renal water
Limits on stretching the lungs are due to the
A.Haldane effect. of Laplace.
C.Hering-Breuer reflex.
D.None of the choices is correct.
The primary site of ketone body synthesis is
A. the lung.
B. the kidney.
C. the liver.
D. adipose tissue.
Pepsin would have the greatest activity
A.immediately upon secretion into the stomach.
B.immediately upon entering the duodenum.
C.when the pH of the chyme is greater than 3.
D.when the pH of the chyme is less than 3.
What structures carry the action potentials into the interior of the muscle to cause
muscle contraction?
A. T tubules
B. terminal cisternae
C. sarcoplasmic reticula
D. ryanodine receptors
Insulin is secreted from structures called
A.pancreatic islets.
B.sebaceous glands.
C.apocrine glands.
D.intercalated discs.
Prostacyclin, PGI2, prevents
A. vasodilation.
B. platelet aggregation.
C. vasoconstriction.
D. clot retraction.
Based on differences in their endothelial lining, capillaries can be classified as all of the
following EXCEPT
Enzymes which remove hydrogen atoms from their substrates are referred to as
Which molecule blocks the myosin head from binding to actin in a relaxed muscle?
A. tropomyosin
B. troponin
C. calcium
D. titin
Pineal gland production of melatonin is stimulated by the _______________ of the
A. supraoptic nuclei
B. paraventricular nuclei
C. suprachiasmatic nucleus
D. None apply.

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