PSYC 230 Quiz 1

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 4
subject Words 1258
subject Authors Jeanne Ellis Ormrod

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1) Three of the following characterize virtually all instances of human learning. Which
one is not necessarily an aspect of human learning?
a.Some sort of change occurs.
b.Conscious thought is involved to some extent.
c.Whatever is acquired lasts longer than a few seconds.
d.Some sort of experience brings it about.
2) B. F. Skinner has criticized traditional educational practices for:
a.Failing to teach students to work for delayed reinforcement
b.Using concrete reinforcers more often than social reinforcers
c.Using intrinsic reinforcers more often than concrete reinforcers
d.Relying heavily on artificial reinforcement for mastery of classroom topics
3) William is trying to remember his new nine-digit social security number, and he does
so by thinking of it as three groups of three digits each. William is demonstrating:
a.The use of chunking
b.Storage in the sensory register
c.Retrieval from working memory
d.The use of maintenance rehearsal
4) In applied behavior analysis, it is often important to promote, quite explicitly, the
generalization of newly acquired behavior to a variety of contexts. Three of the
following are recommended strategies for promoting such generalization. Which one of
the following, although possibly beneficial for other reasons, will not necessarily
promote generalization?
a.Teach the desired behavior in a variety of contexts to begin with.
b.Reinforce desired responses on a variable interval schedule.
c.Reinforce generalization when it occurs spontaneously.
d.Teach various forms of the desired behavior.
5) Below are four situations in which a behavior is being imitated. Only one of them
can be explained from an instrumental conditioning perspective. Which one?
a.Ann sees all the attention her older sister gets for playing varsity basketball. She is too
short to make the varsity basketball team, so she works hard to gain a spot on the
varsity softball team.
b.A few days after watching a gourmet chef make chocolate mousse on television, Bill
tries making mousse in his own kitchen.
c.Carlos throws a football the way he saw a well-known football quarterback do it on
d.Immediately after she watches her teacher demonstrate how to use a microscope,
Debbie uses it correctly and is praised by her teacher for doing so.
6) Which one of the following best illustrates the self-reaction aspect of self-regulation?
a.Adele feels terrible when she inadvertently hurts a classmates feelings.
b.Bonnie knows how happy her parents will be if she brings home a good report card.
c.Clint doesnt like striking out when its his turn at bat because his teammates will think
hes a bad baseball player.
d.Daryl checks his watch frequently as he takes a standardized test to be sure he can
finish the test in the allotted time.
7) Which one of the following examples best illustrates involvement of a central
executive in the human memory system?
a.Adam absentmindedly cracks his knuckles every minute or two.
b.Brigette works hard to keep her mind on her textbook as she reads.
c.As she sits in a science lecture, Claudias thoughts continually drift to other topics.
d.David is frightened the first time he hears the loud noises at a fireworks display.
8) Research indicates that mastery learning approaches are superior to traditional
instruction in several ways. Which one of the following conclusions should not be
drawn on the basis of research on mastery learning?
a.Academic achievement is higher in classrooms that emphasize mastery learning.
b.High-ability students are the primary beneficiaries of mastery learning approaches.
c.Students remember material for a longer period of time when taught with a mastery
learning approach rather than with traditional instructional methods.
d.Some forms of mastery learning (e.g., Kellers PSI) promote regular study habits
rather than procrastination and cramming.
9) Three of the following teaching strategies are likely to promote performance goals.
Which one is likely to promote a mastery goal?
a.Encouraging students to strive for perfect scores on their math quizzes
b.Reminding students that colleges look for applicants who have high GPAs
c.Awarding first, second, and third prizes for the three best science fair exhibits
d.Helping students see that theyre making progress in their persuasive writing
10) Which one of the following is the most accurate statement about how people
perceive the world around them?
a.Visual perception is heavily dependent on sensation, whereas auditory perception is
b.Auditory perception is heavily dependent on sensation, whereas visual perception is
c.People often fill in information that they do not actually sense.
d.Perception is almost totally a function of what is sensed.
11) When Rochelle has an on-the-road lesson as part of her driver education class, she
fails to stop at a school crossing zone, as is required by law. Her instructor has her drive
around the block several times and stop each time at the crossing zone. He also insists
that, once she has stopped, she must wait at least eight seconds before proceeding. The
instructors strategy illustrates the use of _______ as a way of bringing about behavior
a.An intermittent reinforcement schedule
b.Positive-practice overcorrection
c.Response cost
12) Memory theorists believe that people encode information in long-term memory in a
number of different ways. They also believe that:
a.Propositions are eventually transformed into images.
b.Images represent information more precisely than propositions do.
c.One form of encoding informationthe verbal codeis by far the most prevalent.
d.Pieces of information stored in different codes are associated with one another.
13) Piagets sensorimotor stage is characterized by:
a.The beginnings of conservation
b.Basic schemes for dealing with abstract ideas
c.Schemes based primarily on perceptions and behaviors
d.Inaccurate mental representations of the physical and biological world
14) An early theory of imitation, one proposed by Miller and Dollard in 1941,
suggested that individuals:
a.Form mental images of the behaviors they observe
b.Are reinforced for imitative behavior
c.Encode imitated behaviors verbally (i.e., by describing to themselves what they have
d.Find imitation to be an intrinsically reinforcing activity
15) With the textbooks discussion of arousal and anxiety in mind, identify the best
approach to taking a challenging exam.
a.Worry a little bit about the exam, but not too much.
b.In your mind, imagine the worst possible thing that could happen if you fail the exam.
c.Worry about the exam as you study the night before, but be as relaxed as possible
when you take it.
d.Be completely relaxed both when you study and when you take the exam.
16) Which one of the following is the best example of problem-based learning?
a.Learning the logic behind certain problem-solving procedures in math
b.Learning history by reading detective novels set in certain historical eras
c.Devising a way to move a large, heavy object using principles of physics
d.Solving a series of mathematical word problems that gradually progress in difficulty

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