PSYC 181 Quiz 2

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 4
subject Words 800
subject Authors Diane Halpern, Michael Gazzaniga, Todd Heatherton

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1) brendon believes that he is worthless, that other people do not like him, and that he
will never have satisfying interpersonal relationships. to counteract this belief, brendons
therapist says to him, brendon, i like and appreciate you. i enjoy interacting with you.
what do you think of that? brendon says, well, if you like me, i guess it makes me think
i am not such a bad person after all. in discussing these issues with his therapist,
brendon starts to think differently about himself. the therapist is using _____ with
a.behavioral rationalization
b.rational creativity
c.cognitive restructuring
d.emotive analysis
2) which of the following models suggests that moral emotions are based in
physiological mechanisms that help people make decisions?
a.kohlbergs moral reasoning theory
b.damasios somatic marker hypothesis
c.bowlbys attachment models
d.piagets developmental theory
3) cassie is joining a yoga studio because new memberships are quite inexpensive.
when the director explains the plan to her, cassie discovers that there are added costs,
such as for workshops and mats. though cassie would not have gone to sign up if she
had known the final price, she has become committed to the idea and does join the
studio. the yoga studio has effectively used the _____ to sell cassie a membership.
a.foot-in-the-door technique
b.low-balling strategy
c.door-in-the-face technique
d.gradual acquiescence strategy
4) human growth hormone is released by which gland?
5) rem sleep is paradoxical because:
a.the brain is active, but the major skeletal muscles are paralyzed
b.the skeletal muscles remain active, but the brain is inactive
c.the brain is less active than it is during other sleep stages
d.dreams occur more often during rem sleep than during other sleep stages
6) the fact that a variety of thoughts come to mind even as you are engaged in the
activity of taking this exam exemplifies psychologist william jamess concept of:
a.sea of ideas
b.ports of call
c.river of thoughts of consciousness
7) research on the fight-or-flight response has been criticized by taylor and others for:
a.focusing too exclusively on the responses of males
b.neglecting the possibility that stress can also inhibit or prevent behavioral responding
c.focusing on humans and neglecting other animal species
d.placing too much emphasis on the role of hormones in mediating these responses
8) the symbolic meaning of a dream is referred to as:
a.latent content
b.manifest content
c.freudian content
d.ideological content
9) based on your textbooks definition of psychology, which statement best reflects the
relationship between the mind and the brain?
a.the brain is the same thing as the mind.
b.the brain influences the mind.
c.the brain is unrelated to the mind.
d.the brain reflects the mind.
10) the finding that men would like to have more sexual partners than would women
makes sense from the perspective of evolutionary psychology. this is because:
a.women lose value as potential mates with each additional partner
b.having multiple partners makes men appear more desirable
c.women are less likely to have healthy babies with multiple partners can increase their number of offspring with multiple partners
11) filter theory was developed to explain:
a.change blindness
b.the selective nature of attention
c.the processing of personally irrelevant information
12) research on memory consolidation reveals that memories:
a.are aided by sleep
b.are stored as exact copies of experience
c.are easy to duplicate
d.none of the above
13) which of the following is not one of the questions behaviorism has attempted to
a.which is more important, nature or nurture?
b.does environment influence behavior? can rewards and punishments influence behavior? can the unconscious be described by neuroscience?
14) the treatment most effective for bipolar disorder is:
b.electroconvulsive therapy
c.cognitive-behavioral therapy
d.transcranial magnetic stimulation
15) according to the structuralists, the goal of psychology is to:
a.uncover the unconscious determinants of behavior
b.focus on observable behavior itself
c.identify the elements of conscious experience
d.identify the purposes of our behavior and mental processes

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