psyc 113 test

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 5
subject Words 948
subject Authors Dee Unglaub Silverthorn

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1) the only blood vessels whose walls permit exchange between the blood and the
surrounding interstitial fluids are the
a) arterioles.
b) venules.
c) capillaries.
d) arterioles and capillaries.
e) venules and capillaries.
2) anabolism is a term that describes
a) reactions that release energy.
b) reactions that require a net input of energy.
c) reactions that result in the synthesis of large biomolecules.
d) reactions that release energy and reactions that result in the synthesis of large
e) reactions that require a net input of energy and reactions that result in the synthesis of
large biomolecules.
3) during childhood, growth and development of the brain primarily occurs by
a) neuron numbers only.
b) neuron size only.
c) number of dendrites and synapses only.
d) neuron numbers and neuron size.
e) neuron size and number of dendrites and synapses.
4) list the male and female analogs that develop from the following bipotential
structures: genital tubercle, urethral folds and groove, labioscrotal swellings, gonad
(cortex), gonad (medulla), wolffian duct, mllerian duct.
5) the lungs are enclosed in ________ membranes.
a) pericardial
b) pulmonary
c) pleural
d) thoracic
e) costal
6) which of the following conditions would have the greatest effect on peripheral
a) doubling the length of a vessel
b) doubling the diameter of a vessel
c) doubling the viscosity of the blood
d) doubling the turbulence of the blood
e) doubling the number of white cells in the blood
7) myelin is formed by
a) axons only.
b) schwann cells only.
c) oligodendrocytes only.
d) schwann cells and oligodendrocytes.
8) thyroid hormone contains the mineral
a) sodium.
b) thallium.
c) iron.
d) iodine.
e) zinc.
9) match the type of reflex to its description.
a. somatic
b. autonomic
c. spinal
d. cranial
e. innate
f. acquired
g. polysynaptic
an example would be slowing or speeding the heart and other internal organs that are
not consciously controlled
10) the two-point discrimination test
a) is used to determine clarity of vision.
b) provides information about olfactory receptors.
c) provides a measure of receptive field size for touch receptors.
d) is used to test for hearing disorders.
e) monitors the activity of taste buds.
11) match the structures with the accurate description.
a. muscle fiber
b. fascicle
c. sarcolemma
d. myofibril
e. t-tubules
highly organized bundles of contractile proteins within a skeletal muscle cell
12) during the plateau phase of the action potentials of myocardial contractile cells,
which ion(s) is/are crossing the membrane?
a) ca2+ only
b) k+ only
c) na+ only
d) both ca2+ and k+
e) both na+ and k+
13) using the figure below (fig. 14.18 from your text), calculate the following values:
a) heart rate
b) stroke volume
c) cardiac output
d) mean arterial pressure
14) match the change in gas composition with the response (disregard weak responses).
a. po2 increases.
b. pco2 increases.
c. po2 decreases.
d. pco2 decreases.
arterioles: systemic dilate, pulmonary constrict.
15) molecules that attract immune cells are known as
a) interferons.
b) lysozymes.
c) antigens.
d) opsonins.
e) chemotaxins.
16) in an experimental situation, a virus is injected into a rabbit and the rabbit is
allowed to make antibodies for the viral antigen. these antibodies are then removed
from the rabbit plasma and injected into a human to help combat the same viral disease.
this is an example of
a) innate immunity.
b) active immunization.
c) passive immunization.
d) natural immunity.
e) autoimmunity.
17) the condition where the skin and the whites of the eyes appear slightly yellow is due
to high blood levels of the substance ________.
18) the ________ is a wall that separates the two sides of the heart.
19) chemical reactions that release energy are said to be ________.
20) list the five taste receptors, what they respond to and describe how each of these
receptors transduce that response.
21) glucose is phosphorylated to ________ with a phosphate from ________.

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