PSY 783 Midterm 2

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 3
subject Words 490
subject Authors Diane Halpern, Michael Gazzaniga, Todd Heatherton

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1) dr. brierly wishes to study the response of the autonomic nervous system to
emotionally arousing stimuli. the best approach for such research is that of:
a.experience sampling
b.psychophysiological assessment
c.participant observation
2) according to skinner, what consequence is most conducive to learning?
3) haloperidol is a medication that acts on key neurotransmitter systems to effect
cognitive and behavioral changes. jake takes haloperidol to ease his hallucinations and
delusional thinking. jake is taking:
a.illicit drugs
b.psychedelic drugs
c.a set of endogenous neurotransmitter agonists antipsychotic medication
4) the endocrine glands involved with sexual behavior are called the:
b.penis and vagina
5) which variables of behavioral genetics can be examined with adoption studies?
a.genetics only
b.environment only
c.genetics and environment
6) expected standards of conduct, which influence behaviors, are referred to as:
a.conformity norms decision making
7) brad has experienced a relatively severe left hemisphere stroke. as a result, he is
unable to move his right arm and has a great deal of difficulty with planning and with
maintaining attention. the location of his stroke is most likely the:
a.frontal lobe
b.parietal lobe
c.temporal lobe
d.occipital lobe
8) at age 5, connie is better able to delay gratification than gerald. at which of the
following will connie not necessarily be better than gerald when they are adolescents?
a.academic achievement
b.frustration tolerance
c.need for affiliation competency
9) using standardized questionnaires that provide reliable assessment of broad
personality traits is essential for:
a.evaluating the validity of freudian theories
b.understanding which personality trait theory is the most parsimonious one
c.evaluating the similarities and differences of personality traits across cultures
d.finding evidence for humanistic versus behaviorist trait theories
10) in 1898, a man named edward thorndike suggested that behaviors that lead to
rewarded outcomes will be repeated. what is the name of thorndikes theory?
a.the learning and reward effect
b.the law of effect
c.the reward of learning theory
d.the law of conditional learning
11) among the factors contributing to the mistreatment of prisoners at abu ghraib was
that the guards:
a.had not received sufficient psychological screening
b.were being taunted and insulted by the prisoners
c.were under pressure to get critical intelligence from the prisoners
d.probably saw the prisoners in a way that dehumanized them

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