PSY Chemicals Known As And Guide Neuron Migration

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 12
subject Words 1732
subject Authors James W. Kalat

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A person with two recessive genes is considered to be ____ for that trait.
a. homozygous
b. heterozygous
c. unitary
d. marginal
A researcher is interested in how the nervous system responds when the organism is in a
certain emotional situation. This researcher might be identified as a(n):
a. neuroscientist.
b. neurosurgeon.
c. sociobiologist.
d. comparative psychologist.
Chemicals known as ____ and ____ guide neuron migration.
a. immunoglobulins; sodium
b. glia; neurothrophins
c. immunoglobulins; chemokines
d. chemokines; neurothrophins
Drugs that block NMDA synapses:
a. interfere with the maintenance of LTP.
b. prevent the establishment of LTP.
c. facilitate the maintenance of LTP.
d. facilitate the establishment of LTP.
Suppose "A" is a dominant gene for the ability to curl the tongue lengthwise, and "a" is
a recessive gene for inability to do so. Which of the following couples can be certain
that all their children will be able to curl their tongue lengthwise?
a. father aa, mother AA
b. father Aa, mother Aa
c. father aa, mother aa
d. father Aa, mother aa
All of the following are explanations for Kanzi and Mulika's language abilities
EXCEPT that?
a. their species may be more adapted to learning language.
b. learning through imitation is more effective than learning with rewards.
c. they began learning at an earlier age.
d. they were given a special diet.
Mirror neurons are active when:
a. viewing mirror images.
b. watching others perform movements.
c. identifying ourselves in the mirror.
d. playing the piano.
Glial cells:
a. are less numerous than neurons in the human brain.
b. transmit information over long distances within the central nervous system.
c. occupy about ten times more space in the brain than do neurons.
d. occupy about the same total space as do neurons.
One way by which food in the duodenum inhibits appetite is by:
a. inhibiting the release of CCK.
b. releasing CCK.
c. breaking down CCK into inactive components.
d. releasing glucagon.
Which of the following, if any, is significantly more effective than the others in
relieving depression?
a. MAOIs
b. tricyclics
c. SSRIs
d. There is no significant difference.
Which of the following is an important function of the blood-brain barrier?
a. It enables more nutrients to reach the brain.
b. It maintains an electrical gradient.
c. It aids in the production of neurotransmitters.
d. It protects the brain from most viruses.
Pairing a weak input with a strong input enhances later responses to the weak input.
This is known as the property of:
a. specificity.
b. cooperativity
c. associativity.
d. LTD.
A muscle spindle responds to the:
a. oxygen level in the muscle.
b. acetylcholine concentration at the nerve-muscle junction.
c. fatigue of the muscle.
d. stretch of the muscle.
What are the dreamlike experiences at the onset of sleep that are difficult to distinguish
from reality?
a. Hypnagogic hallucinations
b. Idiopathic hallucinations
c. Occipital illusions
d. Pseudo-psychedelic visions
Rods are to ____ as cones are to ____.
a. the periphery; the fovea
b. red; blue
c. vertebrates; invertebrates
d. reading text; reading road signs
An increase in the size of meals is most likely to occur following damage to which area
of the hypothalamus?
a. Paraventricular
b. Lateral
c. Preoptic
d. Ventromedial
Which of the following would be LEAST able to use phase differences as a means of
sound localization?
a. chimpanzees
b. humans
c. elephants
d. ground squirrels
A genetic male who has low levels of testosterone or low responsiveness to it:
a. will develop normally.
b. is predisposed to become a sex offender.
c. may develop characteristics that are intermediate between a female and a male.
d. will have a nonfunctional SRY gene.
How does the development of external genitalia differ from the development of the
internal reproductive structures?
a. Reproductive structures are influenced by hormone levels; genitals are not.
b. Reproductive structures for males and females develop from a single unisex
structure; genitals develop from separate Wolffian and Mllerian structures.
c. Genitals for males and females develop from a single unisex structure; reproductive
structures develop from separate Wolffian and Mllerian structures.
d. Genital development is controlled by estrogen; the reproductive structures are
controlled by androgen.
Why did mammals evolve a body temperature of 37 degrees Celsius?
a. They benefit from a high temperature because they seldom need to cool themselves
by much.
b. Most protein bonds begin to break at this temperature.
c. Their body proteins are stable only at 37 degrees Celsius or above.
d. It is the only way they can detect changes in the temperature of the environment.
In a small population of sheep, the dominant male may produce many more offspring
than the other males, spreading his genes. This is an example of:
a. a physiological explanation.
b. artificial selection.
c. genetic drift.
d. recombination.
Movements near the midline of the body, such as bending and turning of the trunk, are
controlled by which motor system?
a. Dorsolateral tract
b. Medial tract
c. Supplementary
d. Hippocampal
Studies of aggressive and criminal behaviors in adulthood have found that:
a. there doesn't appear to be a genetic link.
b. there appears to be more aggression by twins than non-twins.
c. monozygotic twins resemble each other more closely than dizygotic twins.
d. dizygotic twins resemble each other more closely than monozygotic twins.
In making a differential diagnosis of schizophrenia, it is most important to know:
a. if other medical conditions may account for their symptoms.
b. how many of their relatives have schizophrenia.
c. where they are employed.
d. which hand is dominant.
If a hamster in its home territory attacks an intruder, what will the hamster do if a
second intruder arrives shortly after the first intruder leaves?
a. Withdraw from the second intruder.
b. Play with the second intruder.
c. Attack the second intruder quickly and vigorously.
d. Attack the second intruder but less vigorously than the first.
In dealing with brain-damaged patients, the usual goal is to:
a. get the patients to rely on other people for the skills that they have lost.
b. get the patients to make as much use as possible of the impaired systems.
c. promote physical changes in the brain, such as collateral sprouting.
d. encourage complete inactivity to enable the brain to engage in restorative processes.
Stimuli that are below the level of conscious detection:
a. have no effect on our autonomic system activity.
b. may produce changes in autonomic responses that account for "gut feelings."
c. are easily detected if we attend to them.
d. produce memory loss.
Which of these visual items would most likely attract the attention of a newborn baby?
a. diaper
b. rattle
c. human face
d. dog
Restlessness, depression, hallucinations and loss of appetite all accompany:
a. Korsakoff's syndrome.
b. Alzheimer's disease.
c. confabulation.
d. Aplysia.
The insulating material which covers many vertebrate axons is called the:
a. dendrite.
b. myelin sheath.
c. cell body or soma.
d. presynaptic terminal.
Of these brain areas, which is most likely to show abnormalities in schizophrenia?
A prefrontal cortex
B corpus callosum
C lateral hypothalamus
D lateral geniculate
Most chemicals can easily cross the cell membrane of a neuron.
Professional organizations such as the Society for Neuroscience publish guidelines for
the use of animals in research.
How does cholecystokinin limit meal size?
Magnocellular ganglion cells transmit information about an object's color.
Describe the action of the HPA axis during stress.
Answers will vary.
The fluid-filled cavity within the neural tube becomes the central canal of the spinal
cord and the four ventricles of the brain.
Damage to area V4 would likely cause problems with color constancy.
Information from the left half of the visual field is processed in the right hemisphere.
A complex cell responds to a pattern of light in a particular orientation.
Electroencephalography records neural signals generated by the activity of populations
of neurons.
Damage to the lateral hypothalamus would increase feeding behavior.
Anorexia is a problem of lack of appetite.
The choroid plexus reabsorbs the cerebrospinal fluid.
Describe the steps in the normal prenatal development of the male reproductive

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