PSY 642

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 5
subject Words 1629
subject Authors Jeanne Ellis Ormrod

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1) Which one of the following is the closest approximation to co-regulated learning?
a.Kieran takes detailed notes during a lecture in his class.
b.When studying for a quiz, Malika tries to answer the questions on the study guide her
teacher has provided.
c.Suki is studying for a history test. She knows she has trouble with dates, so she checks
herself by giving herself a short quiz after each chapter.
d.Norm is preparing to take the SAT test important for admission to many colleges, so
he gets an SAT preparation book from the local library and reads it from cover to cover.
2) Three of the following are accurate statements about elaboration. Which one is false?
a.It typically involves the use of prior knowledge.
b.It invariably increases the accuracy of what is remembered.
c.It is usually a more effective means of long-term memory storage than rehearsal.
d.Different people are apt to elaborate differently on the same piece of information.
3) From the perspective of cognitive psychology, recognition memory tasks are easier
than recall memory tasks because recognition tasks:
a.Can be answered by using less working memory capacity
b.Dont need to be learned in a meaningful fashion
c.Provide more retrieval cues
d.Can usually be answered by using skills that have been learned to automaticity
4) Mr. McDonald wants his students to ask him for help on their geometry problems
only after they have tried to solve the problems independently for at least five minutes.
Mr. McDonald should reinforce students help-seeking behavior on a ___________
a.fixed ratio
b.variable ratio
c.differential rate of low responding
d.differential rate of high responding
5) Three of the following illustrate various ways that learning might be reflected in a
persons behavior. Which one of the following changes does not necessarily reflect
a.Although its a school night, Dean plays video games until well past his usual bedtime.
As he becomes more tired, he finds it increasingly difficult to concentrate on what hes
b.Even as a young child, Jerry could tell you that his grandparents immigrated to the
United States from Ireland. But after a conversation with his grandmother, he can now
describe the circumstances of the familys immigration in considerable detail.
c.Day after day, Martin practices his basketball skills (shooting, dribbling, etc.) on a
basketball court at a local park. With each practice session, his movements become
faster and smoother.
d.Lewis occasionally asks for help when he has difficulty with his classwork, but most
of the time he just struggles quietly on his own. After his teacher assures him that
asking for help is not a sign of weakness or inability, he begins asking for help much
more frequently.
6) Which one of the following teaching strategies is most likely to increase students
sense of self-determination?
a.Mr. Aas reminds his students that they cant participate in the schools extracurricular
sports program if their grade-point-averages fall below 2.0.
b.Ms. Brown asks her third graders to develop some class rules to ensure that all class
members will have a chance to express their ideas openly.
c.Mr. Cranwell tells his middle school students that good writing skills are important in
the business world.
d.Mr. Diaz gives his students enough practice with basic arithmetic facts that they learn
them to a level of automaticity.
7) Researchers have found that when we human beings think about performing a
particular physical skill (e.g., using scissors, dribbling a basketball), we activate some
of the same brain regions that we use when actually executing that skill. Which one of
the following concepts best reflects this research finding?
a.guided participation
8) Which one of the following is the best example of a social reinforcer?
a.Getting a new outfit you think is cool
b.Being allowed to play basketball at a friends house after you finish your homework
c.Being told that you did a good job
d.Feeling good about your own generosity toward a less fortunate classmate
9) Marks previous girlfriend always told him how handsome he looked whenever he
wore his green sweater. Tonight Mark is going out with a new girlfriend and puts on the
same green sweater. In behaviorist terminology, Mark is:
a.on a differential rate of low responding schedule
b.showing generalization
c.on a fixed interval schedule
d.showing stimulus discrimination
10) During the elementary and secondary school years, much of the brains development
occurs in regions of the brain that are largely responsible for
a.thinking and reasoning
b.generation of emotional responses
c.muscular strength and coordination
d.making discriminations among highly similar stimuli
11) In English, the word llama is pronounced LA-MA. In Spanish, the same word is
pronounced YA-MA (the double-L is pronounced similarly to a Y sound). Analyzing
this situation in terms of the similarity of stimuli and responses, we can predict that a
person who first learns to read the word in English and then learns to read it in Spanish
a.Benefit from positive transfer
b.Suffer from negative transfer
c.Have little or no transfer from one language to the other
d.Benefit from positive transfer only if the two languages are learned close together in
12) Which one of the following examples most clearly illustrates the effect of functional
fixedness on problem solving?
a.Arnie is trying to solve a physics problem on a classroom test. He is so anxious that
he cant recall the problem-solving strategies he needs.
b.Bradley is looking for something to haul water but doesnt have a bucket. He fails to
realize that his plastic wastebasket could easily carry water.
c.Charlie is doing a series of addition problems. He overlooks the subtraction sign on
the last problem and so adds when he should subtract.
d.Doug is angry that another boy stole his bicycle. Rather than report the theft to the
police, he steals a bicycle from someone else.
13) The use of instructional objectives in instruction has several advantages. Which of
the following is not a benefit that objectives provide?
a.They help a teacher choose appropriate instructional methods and homework
b.They facilitate student achievement even in areas not covered by the objectives.
c.They facilitate communication from one professional to another.
d.They facilitate the evaluation of student achievement.
14) The textbooks perspective regarding various theories of learning is that:
a.Behaviorist theories are probably more accurate.
b.Cognitivist theories are probably more accurate.
c.There is currently no right theory, but one will eventually be developed.
d.Different theories may be applicable in different situations.
15) Three of the following are examples of self-regulation as social cognitive theorists
describe it. Which one is not a good example of self-regulation?
a.A student reminds herself in a whisper that she should raise her hand before speaking
in class.
b.A student thinks, I paid better attention in class today. Im going to reward myself by
watching television when I get home from school.
c.A student keeps track of the number of times hes gone to the pencil sharpener in a
single day.
d.A student tries hard to earn the reinforcer his teacher has told him he will get for good
16) Which one of the following statements is most accurate statement regarding
theories of learning?
a.They have been proven to be true.
b.They will eventually be replaced by physiological explanations of how learning
c.They are often modified as new data emerge.
d.Any theory can be used to explain virtually every instance of learning.
17) Several teachers complain, Our students just arent motivated. Is it possible that
these teachers are describing their students accurately?
a.No, because virtually all students have motives of one kind or another.
b.Perhaps, but only if the teachers are working in the elementary grades.
c.Perhaps, but only if the teachers are working with high school students.
d.Perhaps, especially if the teachers are working in low-income school districts.
18) Three of the teachers below are using strategies consistent with the textbooks
recommendations for holding class discussions. Which teacher is using a strategy that is
not consistent with the textbooks recommendations?
a.Mr. Poston assures students that its okay if they change their minds about an issue.
b.Mr. Morris has students discuss a topic about which they know almost nothing.
c.Mr. Sheehan reminds students that they can criticize ideas but not people.
d.Mr. Retzlaff divides his class into groups of four students each to discuss a
controversial issue.
19) Which one of the following students is displaying extrinsic motivation?
a.Albert wants to be an accountant because he likes working with numbers.
b.Brad wants to be a veterinarian because he loves animals and wants to help them.
c.Caryn wants to become a varsity soccer player so others will admire her.
d.Donnetta wants to become an actress because she thinks acting is fun.

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