PSY 526 Midterm

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 5
subject Words 1186
subject Authors Diane Halpern, Michael Gazzaniga, Todd Heatherton

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1) there is a loaf of bread behind a container of milk on the table in front of you. you
see the bread as a single loaf rather than two half loaves, one on either side of the milk
container. which gestalt principle accounts for this outcome?
b.good continuation
2) mr. griffin has been encouraging his students to set the goal of concentrating
completely all the way through their long calculus exam. if he wants to help his
students achieve this goal, he should write the first few questions so that they are:
b.moderately difficult
d.a mixture of difficulty levels
3) primary reinforcers:
a.come first in second-order conditioning
b.satisfy biological needs
c.are the first behaviors to be rewarded in shaping
d.represent symbolic value
4) donato and quincy are identical twins who were separated at birth. donato tends to be
fearful of many things and can easily be made to feel guilty. if these same qualities were
evaluated in quincy, you would expect that he would have _____ of fear and _____ of
a.high levels; unpredictable levels
b.unpredictable levels; high levels
c.high levels; high levels
d.unpredictable levels; unpredictable levels
5) christi will be starting college in the fall. she is filling out the questionnaire that will
be used to match roommates. to maximize the probability that she and her roommate
will become friends, christi ought to:
a.focus on practical things, such as how much quiet she needs clear about the things that she does not like in others
c.describe her own looks very accurately
d.describe her interests and personality as specifically as possible
6) kendra loves spicy curry, but her husband prefers a milder curry. starting with a bland
curry, kendra increases the spiciness every time she cooks. one day her husband
complains that the curry is too spicy. after that, kendra always makes the curry as spicy
as the last time before her husband complained. kendra is assessing her husbands:
a.difference threshold
b.absolute threshold
c.just noticeable difference
d.psychophysical limit
7) your friend says her dog, a cocker spaniel, has a very outgoing personality. on the
basis of research reported in your textbook, you argue that:
a.your friend is projecting her views of humans onto other animals
b.that is entirely possible
c.your friend is using her stereotype of cocker spaniels to come to this conclusion
d.animals do not possess personality in the sense that psychologists use that term
8) gamiel takes aliyah out to dinner for the first time. she is very surprised when he
does not leave a tip for the waiter. if aliyah decides that gamiel did not leave a tip
because he is stingy, she is making a _____ attribution. if aliyah decides that gamiel did
not leave a tip because the service was terrible, she is making a _____ attribution.
a.situational; personal
b.personal; situational
c.stable; variable
d.variable; stable
9) good clinical interviewers tend to: trained within a particular theoretical position
b.have a high iq nonjudgmental and trusting those who get the most information from the client
10) psychologist wolfgang khlers problem solving experiment with the chimpanzee, the
banana, and the box was important because it:
a.showed the extreme effectiveness of shaping behavior using reward and punishment
b.showed that chimpanzees have an unconscious mind
c.suggested that animals such as chimpanzees think and use cognition
d.demonstrated how animals were unable to think; that this was a purely human
11) zheng and glenn are talking about ways that when a man first meets a woman he
can tell if she likes him. given your knowledge of sensory systems, you could suggest
that the man look to see if the woman:
a.turns down the corners of her mouth
b.has enlarged pupils off a subtle odor
d.starts to speak more softly
12) the scientific method consists of which of the following elements?
d.all of the above
13) sun is a wonderful history student. according to spearmans theory, her abilities at
science should be _____; according to gardners theory, her abilities at science should be
a.high; unrelated
b.low; high
c.high; high
d.unrelated; high
14) naomi was raised by her parents as a vegetarian her entire childhood. when she gets
to college she finds that all of the new friends she spends most of her time with eat
meat. after her first year with these new friends, naomi finds herself starting to eat meat
as well. naomis situation demonstrates the effect of _____ on attitudes.
a.classical conditioning
b.implicit attitudes
d.unconscious influence
15) artists did not learn to represent depth in paintings until the renaissance. this fact
suggests that:
a.the use of these cues is not easily accessible to conscious analysis
b.these cues mimic but are not the same as those available in the world was counterintuitive to think that three dimensions could be represented in two
d.depth is a matter of perception and so cannot be accurately depicted
16) as andre came into the room in which his introductory psychology exam would take
place, he noticed that his heart rate had increased due to his _____. as he settled into the
test and was able to correctly answer the questions, he calmed down. this response was
due to the _____.
a.endorphins; peripheral nervous system
b.sympathetic nervous system; parasympathetic nervous system
c.central nervous system; peripheral nervous system
d.endocrine system; autonomic nervous system
17) a prosecutor in a rape trial needs to be aware of the fact that some members of the
jury will likely believe that the woman who was raped must have done something to
deserve or provoke the attack. this type of attribution is part of the:
a.just-world hypothesis
b.fundamental attribution error
c.self-serving bias effect
18) one sign that a child is securely attached to his or her caregivers is that:
a.the child continues to play happily when the caregiver leaves
b.the child is not afraid of strangers when the caregiver is present
c.when the caregiver returns after an absence, the child ignores the caregiver the caregivers absence, the child can be comforted by a stranger

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