psy 485 homework

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 6
subject Words 1449
subject Authors Dee Unglaub Silverthorn

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1) stretch-sensitive mechanoreceptors known as ________ are located in some artery
a) nociceptors
b) chemoreceptors
c) baroreceptors
d) elasticeptors
2) which of the following is/are vasoconstrictors?
a) platelet-activating factor
b) serotonin
c) adenosine diphosphate
d) thromboxane a2
e) serotonin and thromboxane a2
3) the primary function of the proximal tubule is
a) filtration.
b) reabsorption of ions, organic molecules, and water.
c) secretion of acids and ammonia.
d) secretion of drugs.
e) adjusting the urine volume.
4) which is not a basic method of cell-to-cell communication?
a) cytoplasmic transfer of signals
b) contact-dependent signals
c) diffused chemical signals
d) nerve and blood-transported signals
e) mechanical signals
5) a drug that blocks the action of the hormone cholecystokinin would affect
a) the amount of bile produced by the liver.
b) the composition of pancreatic secretions.
c) the level of intestinal gastrin.
d) secretions of the duodenal glands.
e) all of the answers are correct.
6) glucose and amino acids are reabsorbed by
a) diffusion.
b) symport with sodium.
c) cotransport.
d) countertransport.
7) the number of mitochondria in skeletal muscle cells is ________ adipose (fat) cells.
a) greater than
b) less than
c) equal to
8) match the membrane protein with its function.
a. transfer signals from the extracellular environment to the cytoplasm of the cell
b. form cell-to-cell connections
c. bind to molecules to facilitate entry to or exit from the cell
d. ligands bind to these proteins and are changed by the protein
structural proteins
9) the highly branched contractile cells that regulate capillary permeability are called
a) podocytes.
b) vascular smooth muscle.
c) endothelial cells.
d) pericytes.
e) epitheliocytes.
10) describe pitch and loudness and how these are properties of sound are processed by
the cochlea.
11) a blockage of the ducts from the parotid glands would
a) result in the production of more viscous saliva.
b) impair the lubricating properties of saliva.
c) interfere with carbohydrate digestion in the mouth.
d) eliminate the sense of taste.
e) cause all of these effects.
12) a unique aspect of hematopoiesis is that
a) white blood cell production always results in the same proportion of leukocytes.
b) white blood cell development varies with the specific needs of the body.
c) neutrophils direct all development from the lymph nodes.
d) lymphocytes never die.
13) the graph below has had its labels removed. one axis is plasma osmolarity. the other
axis is either plasma vasopressin concentration or plasma aldosterone concentration.
write the correct label on each axis of the graph, and explain how you came to that
14) the types of junction proteins important in growth and development are
a) claudins.
b) occludins.
c) cams.
d) connexins.
e) integrins.
15) match the following terms with the correct descriptions.
a. lymphocytes
b. erythrocytes
c. eosinophils
d. platelets
e. neutrophils
these cells contain hemoglobin and iron.
16) which of the following elements combine to form nonpolar covalent bonds?
a) carbon and hydrogen
b) nitrogen and hydrogen
c) sodium and chlorine
d) hydrogen and oxygen
e) carbon and chlorine
17) acute phase proteins are produced by the
a) macrophages.
b) lymph nodes.
c) liver.
d) thymus.
e) lymphocytes.
18) the small paired glands at the base of the penis that produce a lubricating secretion
are the
a) seminal vesicles.
b) prostate glands.
c) preputial glands.
d) bartholin's glands.
e) bulbourethral glands.
19) if a myocardial infarction results in the formation of scar tissue along the pathway
of the left bundle branch,
a) cardiac arrhythmias may occur.
b) blood flow to the lungs will decrease.
c) the ventricle will contract more forcefully.
d) conduction through the left ventricle would remain normal.
e) the right ventricle will fail to contract.
20) with acclimatization, the body begins to do a better job of conserving
a) water only.
b) heat only.
c) salt only.
d) water and heat only.
e) water, heat, and salt.
21) the t-tubular membrane contains ________ receptors that are ________ and
therefore respond to action potentials. this receptor is mechanically linked to ________
receptors in the adjacent sarcoplasmic reticulum.
22) during the winter, brad sleeps in a dorm room that lacks a humidifier for the heated
air. in the mornings he notices that his nose is 'stuffy," similar to when he has a cold, but
after showering and drinking some water, the stuffiness disappears until the next
morning. what might be the cause of brad's nasal condition?
23) analysis of a single dna strand yielded this information on amounts of some
nucleotides: 43 units of cytosine and 51 units of adenine. what amounts would you
expect of guanine and thymine in that strand? what amounts would you expect of all
bases in the complementary strand?
24) calcium, released by the sarcoplasmic reticulum, binds to ________ to move the
________, which allows actin to form of a ________ with myosin.
25) explain what a concentration gradient is and how it assists a cell in doing its work.

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