psy 482 quiz 1

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 7
subject Words 1467
subject Authors Dee Unglaub Silverthorn

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1) crossover effects are sometimes seen among
a) most hormones.
b) all hormones.
c) peptide/protein hormones.
d) steroid hormones.
2) match the terms to changes presented, assuming a resting membrane potential of -70
mv. answers may be used once, more than once, or not at all.
a. electrical polarization
b. hyperpolarization
c. depolarization
d. repolarization
e. more than one of the answers
to -90 mv from resting potential
3) the function of the pericardial fluid is to
a) provide oxygen to the heart.
b) reduce friction between the heart and the pericardium.
c) provide fuel to the heart.
d) remove waste products from the heart.
e) store calcium for the heart.
4) the hairpin-shaped segment of the nephron is the
a) loop of henle.
b) proximal tubule.
c) distal tubule.
d) vasa recta.
e) minor calyx.
5) match each leukocyte to its normal percentage in a differential cell count.
a. 50-70%
b. 20-40%
c. 2-8%
d. 1-4%
e. < 1%
6) match the following plasma proteins with the correct function.
a. albumins
b. globulins
c. fibrinogen
d. transferrin
e. antibodies
essential to the process of blood clotting
7) which of the following conditions would have the greatest effect on peripheral
a) doubling the length of a vessel
b) doubling the diameter of a vessel
c) doubling the viscosity of the blood
d) doubling the turbulence of the blood
e) doubling the number of white cells in the blood
8) match each term with the appropriate description.
a. peptide hormone
b. steroid hormone
c. amino acid-derived hormone
d. anterior pituitary
e. hypothalamus
f. posterior pituitary
true endocrine gland of epithelial origin
9) match the change with the cardiovascular event described.
a. increased
b. decreased
c. unchanged
d. stopped
during fasting, some capillary beds in the digestive tract are closed and therefore have
no blood flow. others are open to meet the minimal need of the tract for blood flow.
during eating and as long as food is present in the tract, all capillary beds open to flow.
what happens to total cross-sectional area of vessels in the digestive tract?
10) the term polar is used to describe molecules because
a) polar covalent molecules are found in colder climates.
b) polar covalent molecules were first discovered in polar bears.
c) there are at least two distinct ends of the molecule regarding electron position and the
resulting charge.
d) there are at least two distinct ends of the molecule regarding hydrogen placement.
e) such molecules are always linear in shape.
11) which of the following is a buffer zone between the outside world and most of the
cells of the body?
a) blood
b) lumen
c) lymph
d) extracellular fluid
e) all of the answers are correct.
12) a student in your lab volunteers to enter a hypoxic breathing chamber for 10
minutes, and his alveolar po2 drops to 50 mm hg. what other change would occur?
a) decrease in arterial ph
b) decrease in arterial pco2
c) decrease in ph of cerebrospinal fluid
d) increase in alveolar pco2
e) hypoventilation
13) match the structures with the accurate description.
a. muscle fiber
b. fascicle
c. sarcolemma
d. myofibril
e. t-tubules
inward extensions of the muscle cell membrane
14) the hering-breuer reflex
a) functions to increase ventilation with changes in blood pressure.
b) alters pulmonary ventilation when the po2 changes.
c) alters pulmonary ventilation when the pco2 changes.
d) prevents overexpansion of the lungs.
e) is an important aspect of normal, quiet breathing.
15) if a hyperpolarizing graded potential and a depolarizing graded potential of similar
magnitudes arrive at the trigger zone at the same time, what is most likely to occur?
a) an action potential is fired off more quickly than usual.
b) nothing. they will cancel each other out.
c) the cell becomes hyperpolarized.
d) the cell becomes easier to excite.
e) the cell dies.
16) a rise in cortisol would cause each of the following except one. identify the
a) enhanced rate of glucose synthesis by the liver
b) increased rate of glycogen usage by the liver
c) higher levels of fatty acids in the blood
d) suppression of the immune system
e) increased acth levels
17) excess growth hormone prior to puberty would result in
a) osteoporosis.
b) cretinism.
c) rickets.
d) giantism.
e) dwarfism.
18) the youngest female documented to have given birth to a healthy child was a
5-year-old girl in the 1930s; the father was never identified. she began having regular
menstrual periods around eight months of age. she was diagnosed as pregnant after
being taken to a doctor for suspicion of having an abdominal tumor; her periods had
ceased several months earlier and her breasts were well-developed. when do the
reproductive organs normally develop? describe the maturation her body underwent to
render her fertile, specifying at what ages these changes normally take place. even
without a positive pregnancy test, what clues suggest pregnancy rather than a tumor?
what is the earliest age at which gamete development normally begins and ends in both
19) name the proenzymes that the pancreas secretes. which one is involved in the
activation of the other proenzymes? what are their active forms?
20) the membrane proteins that catalyze reactions that take place on the external or
internal surface of the cell are ________.
21) what is the trigger zone? where is the trigger zone found in efferent, afferent, and
interneurons? do the terms trigger zone and axon hillock have the same meaning?
22) it has been reported that king henry viii of england divorced his wives because they
were unable to produce a male heir to the throne. some say the lack of a male heir is
also used as justification for marrying additional wives in polygamous societies. from a
genetics standpoint, what is wrong with these assumptions?
23) the opposing layers of pleural membrane are held together by a thin film of
24) list the three accessory glands of the male reproductive system and describe their
25) the contraction phase of the cardiac cycle is termed ________.

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