psy 449 homework

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 7
subject Words 1647
subject Authors Dee Unglaub Silverthorn

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1) match the structure to its function.
a. mouth
b. stomach
c. rectum
d. small intestine
e. large intestine
protein digestion is completed here.
2) the qrs complex of an ecg corresponds to
a) the depolarization of the atria.
b) the progressive wave of ventricular depolarization.
c) the repolarization of the ventricles.
d) atrial repolarization.
e) none of the answers are correct.
3) when the immune system creates a response that is overblown in relation to the threat
it has been exposed to, the response is called an
a) autoimmune response.
b) immunodeficiency.
c) allergic reaction.
4) match each substance with its primary mode of transport across the kidney
a. transcytosis
b. active transport
c. symport with a cation
d. passive reabsorption/diffusion
small plasma proteins
5) several blood-borne chemicals affect the lumen size of arterioles. which are not
paired correctly?
a) kinins vasodilation
b) histamine vasodilation
c) serotonin vasodilation
d) sumatriptan vasoconstriction
e) epinephrine vasoconstriction with alpha receptors
6) decreased ecf volume causes
a) sympathetic output from the cardiovascular control center to increase.
b) parasympathetic output from the cardiovascular control center to increase.
c) the force of ventricular contraction to decrease.
d) arteriolar vasodilation.
e) sympathetic output from the cardiovascular control center to increase and arteriolar
7) fat stores are used for energy only after muscles have depleted their carbohydrate
energy stores.
a) true
b) false
8) the lamina propria and mucous epithelium are components of the
a) serosa.
b) adventitia.
c) muscularis mucosa.
d) mucosa.
e) submucosa.
9) the structure that separates the cochlear duct from the tympanic duct is the
a) tectorial membrane.
b) basilar membrane.
c) membranous labyrinth.
d) bony labyrinth.
e) stapedius.
10) indicate the relative osmolarities of the following solutions.
solution a: 2 osmolar nacl
solution b: 1 molar nacl
solution c: 900 milliosmolar glucose
a.a is ________ osmotic to b.d.a is ________ osmotic to c.
b.b is ________ osmotic to a.e.b is ________ osmotic to c.
c.c is ________ osmotic to a.f.c is ________ osmotic to b.
11) when an enzyme is working as fast as it can because its active site is continually
refilled with substrate, the condition is referred to as
a) allosteric modulation.
b) equilibrium.
c) saturation.
d) the ricardo-mertz phenomenon.
e) specificity.
12) match the change with the cardiovascular event described.
a. increased
b. decreased
c. unchanged
d. stopped
if total cross-sectional area of vessels in an organ remains the same but blood flow to
that organ increases, what happens to velocity of blood?
13) what is/are the major role(s) of the phospholipid bilayer?
a) the absorption of fats only
b) the formation of a barrier that is selectively permeable to lipid-soluble molecules
c) to provide a framework for membrane proteins only
d) to carry water-soluble molecules through a hydrophobic environment only
e) the formation of a barrier that is selectively permeable to lipid-soluble molecules and
to provide a framework for membrane proteins
14) sodium ions are more concentrated in the extracellular fluid than in the intracellular
fluid. this is an example of
a) electrical disequilibrium.
b) osmotic equilibrium.
c) chemical disequilibrium.
d) failed homeostasis.
15) the bowman's capsule and glomerulus make up the
a) renal pyramid.
b) loop of henle.
c) renal corpuscle.
d) renal papilla.
e) collecting system.
16) what stops the rising phase of the action potential?
a) the k+ gate closes.
b) the na+ activation gate opens.
c) the na+ inactivation gate closes.
d) the na+ inactivation gate opens.
e) the sodium activation gate closes.
17) the hair cell of the semicircular canal hyperpolarize when the stereocilia are bent
a) in any direction.
b) towards the kinocilium.
c) away from the kinocilium.
d) towards the longest stereocilia.
e) hair cells are not hyperpolarized by bending of the sterocilia.
18) allosteric modulator
a. involved in phosphorylation
b. cannot be displaced by competition
c. bind to proteins away from the active site
d. reversible antagonist
19) colony-stimulating factors are cytokines made by
a) endothelial cells.
b) fibroblasts from bone marrow.
c) white blood cells only.
d) endothelial cells and fibroblasts from bone marrow.
e) endothelial cells, fibroblasts from bone marrow, and white blood cells.
20) using nacl to illustrate, explain atomic mass and molecular mass, and an estimated
and true mass of one molecule. your explanation should include the appropriate
measurement unit for each, and why the estimated and true masses are not exactly
21) cholesterol is absorbed without being digested into smaller pieces. how does this
compare to absorption of carbohydrates and proteins? what characteristic of cholesterol
suggests it would be transported by simple diffusion? what is the evidence that transport
proteins are involved in cholesterol absorption? does this discovery rule out transport
by simple diffusion? explain.
22) describe the different types of cholinergic receptors in the nervous system. which
neurotransmitter binds to each type?
23) in a condition known as endometriosis, endometrial cells are present in the uterine
tubes and/or in the peritoneal cavity where they become established tissues. a major
symptom of endometriosis is periodic pain. why do you think this occurs?
24) glucose-6-phosphate (g6p) binds to the enzyme glycogen synthase (gs), increasing
the probability of enzyme-substrate binding. g6p is an example of a(n) ________. based
on its name, what do you think is the role of gs?
25) smooth muscle fibers can sustain a contraction without fatigue by allowing
dephosphorylated myosin to remain attached to actin in what is called the ________.
26) some diseases, such as phenylketonuria, classical hemophilia, cystic fibrosis, and
muscular dystrophy are a result of enzyme malfunction. each of these diseases is
inherited. explain how there might be a relationship among these observations.
27) the ________ branch off the ________ and supply blood to the kidneys.

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