PSY 385 Midterm 1

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 5
subject Words 1217
subject Authors Diane Halpern, Michael Gazzaniga, Todd Heatherton

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1) you know that genetics has given your new baby sister innate traits, such as how to
suckle and cry. yet some people tell you that she is born knowing nothing. these people
believe in _____, which says that the environment teaches infants everything.
a.pure minds
b.tabula rasa
c.a clean start
d.white space
2) dr. lin and dr. marino both study obesity. dr. lin relates the likelihood of obesity to
levels of the trait of neuroticism - the tendency to experience upsetting emotions. dr.
marino relates obesity to the frequency with which individuals eat alone, with family
members, or in the presence of larger groups of friends, acquaintances, or strangers.
which of the following statements is most likely true regarding the subfields in which
drs. lin and marino specialize?
a.dr. marino is a social psychologist.
b.dr. lin is a social psychologist.
c.both drs. lin and marino are personality psychologists.
d.both drs. lin and marino are social psychologists.
3) in the rescorla-wagner model, the more surprising the unconditional stimulus is, the
greater the need for an organism to _____ it using a conditional stimulus.
4) research on thought suppression has shown that trying to suppress negative thoughts
can lead to:
d.a rebound effect
5) george is looking for a research project. he could make use of theory because:
a.theories are shown to be true, so subsequent research is successful of the benefits of theories is that they lead to testable hypotheses
c.a theory can be successfully replicated by researchers
d.theories are likely to result in serendipity, which leads to successful research
6) yuming becomes nauseous while driving down a curvy mountain road. her
uncomfortable feeling is due to:
a.the feedback receptors of her kinesthetic system getting overloaded
b.conflicting signals from the visual and vestibular systems
c.conflicting signals from the visual and kinesthetic systems
d.the feedback receptors of her vestibular system getting overloaded
7) token economies are widely used in _____, an area that involves the application of
operant-conditioning procedures to help people engage in better behaviors.
a.classical conditioning learning
c.behavior modification
d.observational learning
8) laken takes a course in which her professor talks about virginia woolfs novel, to the
lighthouse. the next semester, laken writes a paper for another class on virginia woolf.
in her paper, laken uses ideas that her earlier professor had presented, while believing
that she has developed these ideas herself. lakens behavior comes from:
d.the sleeper effect
9) which factor may account for the relation between childrens observing violence in
the media and their later likelihood of showing aggression?
a.the children learn how to be aggressive. without media, they would not know how to
be aggressive. reinforce the childrens biological tendency toward aggression.
c.individuals who engage in violence in the media are typically rewarded, and thus the
observing children are also vicariously reinforced.
d.there is no relation between observing violence in the media and the later likelihood
of showing aggression.
10) dr. prajna treats patients with anxiety and mood disorders. she bases her therapeutic
techniques and medication choices on recent scientific literature. she uses only
treatments that have been shown to be effective in large, double-blind, controlled
clinical trials. she never prescribes a drug or form of talk therapy for which she does not
know the research findings related to its effectiveness. dr. prajnas views are similar to
those of _____, who emphasized the use of _____.
a.carl rogers; humanistic treatment of subjective experiences
b.ray carroll; an approach he called rational therapy
c.david barlow; evidence-based treatments
d.b. f. skinner; behavior-based treatments
11) with respect to the mind/body problem, which of the following alternatives best
captures the view of dualism held by contemporary psychological scientists?
a.most psychological scientists reject dualism.
b.most psychological scientists accept dualism.
c.while many psychological scientists reject dualism, a growing minority promote a
return to dualism.
d.while many psychological scientists accept dualism, a growing minority reject the
12) bethanys boyfriend has just broken up with her. at first, she is heartbroken, thinking
she has lost the perfect man. as the weeks go by, she realizes that she had never
acknowledged the negative aspects of the relationship. eventually, she comes to see the
breakup as an opportunity rather than a disaster. bethany is engaging in _____, which
research suggests will _____.
a.rumination; change neural processing of emotion
b.rumination; change patterns of physiological arousal
c.reappraisal; change patterns of physiological arousal
d.reappraisal; change neural processing of emotion
13) professor smith is doing research on fish. he refuses to learn his students names
because he believes that the names take up space in his long-term memory, which could
be better used for fish information. he is incorrect because:
a.different types of information, such as facts about fish and names of people, are stored
in different parts of memory
b.the students names would have been stored in short-term memory
c.long-term memory can hold essentially unlimited amounts of information
d.the students names that are preserved in long-term memory could be replaced later
with different information
14) according to self-determination theory, _____ rewards may reduce _____ value.
a.extrinsic; extrinsic
b.extrinsic; intrinsic
c.intrinsic; intrinsic
d.intrinsic; extrinsic
15) operational definitions make it possible for researchers to do what?
a.identify variables
b.record a variables quantity
c.identify variables and record their quantity
d.none of the above
16) if a researcher created two groups by assigning the first 30 people to the
experimental group and the last 30 to the control group, the process would violate the
principle of:
c.random assignment
d.correlational research
17) the process by which chromosomes duplicate and the cell divides into new cells
with identical chromosome structure is called:
b.cell division
18) freud thought that anxiety resulted from:
a.conflict between the id and the superego
b.parents lack of unconditional positive regard for their children
c.the inability to bring preconscious wishes into consciousness
d.the development of sexual instincts
19) nadia changed her computer password on monday. on friday, she realizes that she
failed to change the password in one system. when she tries to get in with her old
password, she cannot remember it; her new password keeps coming to mind. nadias
problem is due to:
c.proactive interference
d.retroactive interference

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