PSY 35395

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 5
subject Words 359
subject Authors Richard S. Sinacola

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Olanzepine and Lamictal ODT are also available as an orally disintegrating tablet.
Typically MAOIs are sedating medications.
Antabuse is better used with a steady drinking patient, while ReVia is better to use with
a patient who binges.
AD cannot be detected on most scans, but autopsy reveals a deficit in brain presynaptic
cholinergic systems.
Drugs that increase the availability or action of a neurotransmitter in called an
Schizophrenia can be detected on brain scans.
Vascular dementia accounts for about 20% of all dementias.
Clonazepam has a longer half life than alprazolam and typically is abused less often.
Cells within the central nervous system communicate both electrically and chemically.
Thyroid conditions may worsen one's anxiety.
The MMPI-2 contains 567 items and should be administered by a psychologist or others
with training in its interpretation.
SSRIs work equally well for anorexic and bulimic patients.
Seroquel has been studied to determine if it is a popular drug of abuse.
The 'social drift" phenomenon refers to where most schizophrenics end up living as a
result of occupational/financial loss.
t.i.d. stands for "twice a day."
Some medications like Haldol and Risperdol Consta are available as an IM preparation.
L-alpha-acetylmethadol or LAAM has properties similar to methadone, yet only needs
to be administered three times per week.
It is estimated that nearly 20% of those with an eating disorder also have a history for

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