PSY 347 Test 2

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 4
subject Words 1116
subject Authors Jeanne Ellis Ormrod

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1) Carl can correctly answer a question such as, If all flegs are blats, and if all blats are
dulms, are all flegs also dulms? From Piagets perspective, Carl is most likely in the
_______ stage of cognitive development.
c.formal operations
d.concrete operations
2) Under some conditions, negative feedback can increase students intrinsic motivation
to perform school tasks. The four teacher statements below all present negative
feedback. Choose the statement below that is most likely to promote intrinsic
a.I know you have the ability to write a better essay than this, Janet. Let me give you
some suggestions about what you might do differently next time.
b.Yours is the lowest quiz score in the entire class, Bill. I want you to see if you can do
better than at least half of your classmates next time.
c.The German Club should be embarrassed about the mess it left in the cafeteria after
school yesterday. Do you want the rest of the school to think that German Club
members are slobs?
d.Im not pleased with the projects that you students turned in yesterday. You should be
ashamed of yourselves for not taking the assignment more seriously.
3) Which one of the following statements best characterizes the duration of the sensory
a.Information can last indefinitely in the sensory register if the visual or auditory image
is occasionally retrieved.
b.Meaningless information fades quickly, but meaningful information may remain for
c.Most visual information lasts less than a second, with auditory information lasting
slightly longer.
d.Information remains for about ten seconds regardless of its nature.
4) Feedback about ones performance is most likely to be effective when it:
a.Is given after a short delay (perhaps 30 minutes after the performance)
b.Describes only the things that the person has done correctly
c.Comes from a peer rather than from an authority figure
d.Provides information about how to improve
5) Which of the following pairs of concepts reflects the general idea that challenge is
important for cognitive development?
a.disequilibrium and ZPD
b.self-talk and inner speech
c.conservation and internalization
d.working memory and central conceptual structure
6) Three of the teachers below are using techniques that should facilitate students
problem-solving abilities. Which one is not doing so?
a.Mr. Arons has students practice their basic multiplication and division facts until they
can recall each fact quickly and easily.
b.Mr. Bohlender emphasizes factual knowledge on classroom exams.
c.Mr. Curry gives students practice in changing ill-defined problems into more
well-defined ones.
d.On his quizzes, Mr. Dickinson includes problems that students havent seen before.
7) You perceive a shape as a rectangle even though two of its lines are too short to
connect at one corner. Which one of the following Gestaltist concepts best accounts for
this phenomenon?
8) According to social cognitive theorists, reinforcement affects learning because it:
a.Encourages the learner to pay attention
b.Reduces the likelihood of punishment
c.Increases the strength of an SR connection
d.Makes the learner feel good, thus reducing emotions that interferes with the learning
9) Knowledge about how to swim is most likely to be stored in long-term memory as
one or more:
c.verbal codes
10) In Mr. Greenes third-grade class, math problems are easy enough that students
always solve them quickly and correctly. From the textbooks perspective, is this a good
situation? Why or why not?
a.Yes, this is the ideal situation for learning math: Although the students may not move
as quickly through the schools math curriculum as students in other classes do, they will
learn that math is an easy and enjoyable activity.
b.Yes, this is a good situation provided that Mr. Greene also warns students that the
math curriculum will be more difficult for them once they reach high school.
c.This might be a good situation if students are solving problems in small, cooperative
groups. However, if theyre working on the problems individually, they need harder
problems to help them discover whether they have a natural aptitude for math.
d.No. If students never have any trouble with math problems, they wont know how to
handle the occasional failure and frustration theyre likely to encounter when they tackle
more challenging problems at higher grade levels.
11) Extinction is one method of eliminating undesirable conditioned responses, but
there are several problems associated with its use. Which one is not a problem
encountered in using extinction?
a.Some responses extinguish slowly, if at all.
b.Extinguished responses may reappear through spontaneous recovery.
c.Extinction often occurs too quickly to be controlled.
d.Organisms tend to stay away from stimuli they have learned to fear, thus preventing
their exposure to the conditioned stimulus in the absence of the unconditioned stimulus.
12) Mona is showing signs of learned helplessness. Which one of the following would
we be least likely to see her do?
a.Learn more slowly than other children.
b.Be slow to exhibit behaviors that are likely to be reinforced.
c.Express anger and aggression.
d.Be fearful and withdrawn.
13) The textbook recommends that teachers encourage students to set and work toward
proximal goals. Which one of the following illustrates a proximal goal?
a.Becoming a reporter for a national news channel such as CNN
b.Maintaining a 4.0 GPA throughout the high school years
c.Learning the symbols for all the elements in a chemistry class
d.Shooting for admission to a local community college rather than a prestigious and
highly selective private college
14) People often have multiple goals toward which they are striving. Under such
circumstances, they may do any three of the following. Which one are they least likely
to do?
a.Pursue one or two goals first, leaving others to be accomplished at a later time
b.Redefine their ideas about what it means to achieve their goals successfully
c.Find activities that enable them to accomplish two or more goals simultaneously
d.Become so frustrated that they dont accomplish any of their goals

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