PSY 23566

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 10
subject Words 1459
subject Authors B. R. Hergenhahn, Tracy Henley

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Which of the following was true of Aquinas' theology?
A. It united faith and reason.
B. It deplored the study of nature.
C. It demonstrated that church dogma was debatable.
D. It argued that the Christian church should be as it had been described by St.
Abelard's proposed compromise between nominalism (concepts summarize individual
experience) and realism (once concepts are formed, they exist apart from individual
experience), is called:
A. conceptualism
B. scholasticism
C. the ontological argument
D. the dialectic
Watson allowed for some influence of genetics on personality by saying that ____
interacts with experience to produce specific behavior patterns.
A. bodily structure
B. innate ideas
C. intelligence
D. instincts
According to Kant:
A. we are forever ignorant of the true physical reality
B. Hume's contention that we can never know the physical world is incorrect
C. physical reality is just as we perceive it to be
D. God shapes our physical reality and thus our perceptions
A major problem with the animal research performed by Romanes was that it:
A. could not be replicated
B. was not related to any theory
C. had no use "in real life" and was of no interest outside the laboratory
D. depended on anecdotal evidence and was characterized by anthropomorphizing
In order for an object to pass from point A to point B, it must first traverse half the
distance between those two points, and then half of the remaining distance, and so forth.
Therefore A can never logically reach point B. This scenario best illustrates:
A. the relativity of truth
B. philosophical inconsistency
C. a Kuhnian paradigm clash
D. Zeno's paradox
According to Skinner, a reinforcer is anything that:
A. reduces a biological drive
B. confirms an organism's expectancies
C. provides the organism with useful information
D. changes the rate with which a response is made
Who was the astronomer who suggested that the earth revolves around the sun 1700
years before Copernicus?
A. Ptolemy
B. Aristarchus of Samos
C. Aristotle
D. Bruno
Concerning the rate of nerve conduction, Helmholtz found that:
A. it is measurable in frogs but not in humans
B. it is almost instantaneous and therefore not measurable
C. it is measurable, and that it is fairly slow
D. it is essentially what Mller thought it to be
What philosophical position postulates an active mind that transforms sensory
information and is capable of understanding abstract principles or concepts not
attainable from sensory information alone?
A. sensationalism
B. positivism
C. rationalism
D. empiricism
In their research on group dynamics, Lewin, Lippitt, and White found the ____ group to
be highly aggressive.
A. democratic
B. authoritarian
C. laissez-faire
D. largest
According to Popper, the highest status that a scientific theory can attain is:
a. confirmed
b. not yet confirmed
c. scientific law
d. falsifiability
When a patient expresses emotions toward the therapist that once were expressed
toward another person, this is called ____.
A. resistance
B. transference
C. countertransference
D. anticathexis
Which of the following phrases best captures the spirit of Renaissance humanism?
A. "We the people have the power to bring great change to the world."
B. "We must treat others with respect, sensitivity, and dignity."
C. "Do not look to the past for answers; we must only look ahead to the future."
D. "We must follow an Aristotelian way of life."
For Comte, we can be certain only of things that are:
A. publicly observable
B. divinely revealed
C. logically deduced
D. experienced through introspection
Gilbert Ryle is famous for his distinction between ____ as it applies to human
A. empirical observations and rational thought
B. action and impulse
C. pondering the future and pondering the past
D. knowing how and knowing that
According to your text, the most important concept that Sechenov introduced into
psychology was:
A. the conditioned reflex
B. inhibition
C. association
D. unconscious inference
Koch believes that it is more realistic to refer to the discipline of psychology as ____
rather than as ____.
A. the science of psychology; psychological studies
B. psychological studies; the science of psychology
C. empirical; rational
D. rational; empirical
Leibniz's term for awareness was:
A. petites perceptions
B. limen
C. apperception
D. epiphenomenon
Concerning the mind-body relationship, Sperry was a(n):
A. interactionist
B. epiphenomalist
C. physical monist
D. idealist
According to John Locke primary qualities ____ and secondary qualities ____.
A. are attributes of a physical reality; are attributes of a subjective reality
B. produce ideas; merely influence ideas
C. create ideas of physical attributes; create ideas with no physical counterpart
D. are created by divine intervention; are created by mankind
James acknowledged that his concept of ____ was similar to the older concepts of 'soul"
or 'spirit".
A. self as knower
B. spiritual self
C. material self
D. social self
Kant agreed with Hume that:
A. we can never experience the physical world directly
B. humans have no notion of causation
C. all knowledge is derived from sensory experience alone
D. some truths are based on subjective experience
The naturalistic and humane treatment of patients that was inspired by Hippocrates and
Galen lasted until the:
A. Renaissance
B. collapse of the Roman Empire
C. Reformation
D. present time
According to the Gestaltists, what governs brain activity is:
A. innate
B. learned
C. the invariant dynamics that govern all physical systems
D. very much like the animal spirits described by Descartes
Melanie Klein believed that children as young as two years of age could be
psychoanalyzed by examining their:
A. dreams
B. free associations
C. play activities
D. parents
According to Clements (1967), which Renaissance humanist is correctly paired with
their area of great influence?
A. da Vinci and pedagogy
B. Machiavelli and medicine
C. Vives and psychology
D. Shakespeare and science
James referred to individuals who are intellectual, idealistic, religious, and who believe
in free will, as:
A. tender-minded
B. tough-minded
C. fools
D. pragmatic
Socrates used the method of ____ to determine what all examples of a concept such as
beauty have in common.
A. Sophistry
B. inductive definition
C. introspection
D. logical deduction
Which aspect of Empedocles' philosophy might be used to explain the types of
intrapersonal and extrapersonal conflicts described later in history by Freud?
A. The transmigration of the soul
B. The forces of love and strife that wax and wane within us
C. The elements of earth, fire, air, and water
D. The clashes of atoms
According to Aristotle, the unmoved mover:
A. is God
B. is nature
C. sets nature in motion and does little else
D. has the same essence as the form of the good
A fundamental difference between the views of Erasmus and the views of Luther
concerned the:
A. practices of the Catholic church
B. role of free will in religion
C. existence of God
D. need for celibacy
According to Hebb, ____ allows neurons that are temporarily separated to become
A. mass action
B. equipotentiality
C. thinking
D. reverberating neural activity
For Koffka, the ____ environment constituted the physical environment and the ____
environment constituted subjective reality.
A. geographical; behavioral
B. behavioral; geographical
C. neurophysiological; behavioral
D. transposed; geographical
According to Jung, ____ is the process by which the various components of the
personality are manifested within the context of a person's life.
A. teleology
B. displacement
C. individuation
D. thanatos

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