PSY 230 Homework

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 4
subject Words 653
subject Authors Diane Halpern, Michael Gazzaniga, Todd Heatherton

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1) which of the following philosophers is most noted for promoting dualism as an
explanation of the mind/body problem? descartes
b.leonardo da vinci
d.sigmund freud
2) which of the following statements is true?
a.monozygotic twins have the same environment.
b.dizygotic twins have the same genes.
c.nontwin siblings share exactly the same genes.
d.dizygotic twins have different environments.
3) iq scores typically predict how much of the variation in work or school performance?
a.10 percent
b.25 percent
c.50 percent
d.70 percent
4) what term is used to describe an increase in a behavioral response after exposure to a
threatening stimulus?
5) which of the following criteria is used in determining if a behavior represents
a.the behavior deviates from cultural norms.
b.the behavior causes personal distress.
c.the behavior would be considered maladaptive.
d.all of the above are used.
6) which of the following came first?
a.human genome project
b.selective breeding
c.discovery of dna
d.gene silencing
7) when margot was a child, her mother baked bread on fridays. as an adult, whenever
margot smells bread baking she remembers her mother and feels happy. the mood and
memories result from the processing of smell information in the:
b.olfactory epithelium
c.haptic receptor
d.prefrontal cortex
8) the solution to a problem appears to occur spontaneously, through insight. however,
it is clear that the solution was arrived at through several steps. these facts suggest that
insight involves:
a.implicit subgoal analysis
b.holistic processing
c.unconscious processing
d.suppressed awareness
9) what is the main concept behind spearmans theory of general intelligence (g)? main intelligence factor is supplemented by smaller factors. intelligence factor operates in all intellectual tasks.
c.the main intelligence factor is composed of many small intelligence factors.
d.both a and c represent the main concept behind spearmans theory of general
10) at a party, you get into an argument with someone by making an insulting remark.
the next day, you remember the argument as being the other persons fault. you do not
remember that you were actually to blame because of:
a.alcohol blocking
c.memory bias
11) some people are generally happy and optimistic; other people are generally sad and
pessimistic. one possible explanation for these general dispositions on life might be that
optimistic people _____ and pessimistic people _____. cerebral symmetry; show cerebral asymmetry cerebral asymmetry; show cerebral asymmetry
c.are left hemisphere dominant; are right hemisphere dominant
d.are right hemisphere dominant; are left hemisphere dominant
12) major depression and bipolar disorder:
a.are both personality disorders
b.are fundamentally different and require different treatment approaches
c.both respond to lithium
d.are as difficult to treat as personality disorders
13) the placebo effect is most often based on:
a.whether or not the placebo is prescribed by a doctor
b.patient expectations about the placebos effectiveness
c.the dosage of the placebo
d.the initial, biochemical effect of the placebo
14) when jon visits his grandmothers house, he always thinks about his childhood.
something about the way her house smells triggers the memory. this phenomenon is
referred to as:
a.context-dependent memory association network
c.memory nodes
d.none of the above

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