PRST 300 Test 1

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 11
subject Words 2984
subject Authors Stephen P. Robbins, Timothy A. Judge

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Group decisions are generally less accurate than the judgments of the most accurate
individual in the group.
Social psychology is an area within psychology, blending concepts from both
psychology and socialism.
The interactionist view of conflict proposes that all conflicts are good.
When we make judgments about the behavior of other people, we tend to overestimate
the influence of external factors and underestimate the influence of internal or personal
People especially likely to comply with hard power tactics tend to be intrinsically
The rational decision-making model takes into consideration the fact that all the
information pertaining to the problem might not be available to the decision maker.
Virtual teams tend to be less task-oriented than face-to-face teams.
Material symbols convey to employees the degree of egalitarianism that is desired by
top management.
Rewards can offset dissonance.
People tend to be in their best moods on Monday.
Job sharing expands jobs by increasing the degree to which the worker controls the
planning, execution, and evaluation of the work.
According to the Hofstede's framework, individualism describes the degree to which
people in a country accept that power in institutions and organizations is distributed
If an employee expresses organizationally desired emotions during interpersonal
transactions, the employee is performing emotional labor.
________ can be defined as actions taken by representatives of the organization that
deny equal opportunity to perform or unequal rewards for performance.
A) Intimidation
B) Exclusive practices
C) Sexual harassment
D) Discriminatory policies or practices
E) Inclusive practices
A high Mach would be most suited for which of the following positions?
A) a manager who leads a team of geographically distant consultants
B) a human resources manager who ensures staff firings do not place the company in
legal jeopardy
C) an ombudsman who investigates consumer complaints and mediates their outcome
D) an auditor who checks that all company accounts are kept properly
E) a real estate broker negotiating the lease of large amounts of office space
You describe to your students a new committee within the university that brings
together specialists from all different departments to develop a new interdisciplinary
program. The structure of the committee best meets the definition of the ________.
A) matrix structure
B) simple structure
C) boundaryless organization
D) virtual organization
E) bureaucracy
The ________ theory is also called motivation-hygiene theory.
A) hierarchy of needs
B) goal-setting
C) self-determination
D) cognitive evaluation
E) two-factor
According to status characteristics theory, which of the following factors does not
determine status?
A) control over the resources needed by the group
B) contribution to goals
C) ability to conform to group norms
D) personality
E) talent
James approaches his supervisor with data and a logical presentation supporting his
request for additional personnel. Which of the following power tactics is used by
A) consultation
B) legitimacy
C) rational persuasion
D) inspirational appeal
E) exchange
Andy, Ben, Liza, Ted, and Jim are online customer service representatives. They have
all been reprimanded by their boss. Andy is 24 years old. Ben is 46 years old. Liza is 45
years old. Ted is 26 years old. Jim is 35 years old. Who is least likely to be upset by the
A) Andy
B) Ben
C) Liza
D) Ted
E) Jim
The ________ bias can explain why managers doing performance appraisals give more
weight to recent employee behaviors than to behaviors of 6 or 9 months earlier.
A) self-serving
B) availability
C) distinction
D) confirmation
E) hindsight
Barry is angry at losing his job. In order to regulate his emotions, he can do all of the
following except ________.
A) focus on the problem at hand
B) think about pleasant things
C) distract himself
D) engage in relaxation techniques
E) suppress negative thoughts
On which day of the week does negative affect tend to be the highest?
A) Sundays
B) Mondays
C) Tuesdays
D) Wednesdays
E) Thursdays
Which of the following tactics for overcoming resistance to change is most likely to be
beneficial when employees' fear and anxiety are high?
A) education
B) building support and commitment
C) participation
D) implementing changes fairly
E) coercion
Which of the following biological characteristics is a potent variable in explaining
A) tenure
B) religion
C) gender identity
D) sexual orientation
E) race
As compared to individual work, teamwork ________.
A) involves fewer meetings
B) takes more time
C) needs less resources
D) decreases communication demands
E) decreases the need for conflict management
Describe the various organizational factors that are related to political behavior.
Andrew is a software tester. He runs through the same types of programs day after day
looking for bugs and reporting them. He is taking night classes on programming. Often,
he knows the best solution to many of the bugs, but he is still learning to code. Describe
two job characteristics that Andrew is striving to improve, and explain two ways that
Andrew's manager can redesign his current job to help him reach his goals.
One of the main ways that culture is created and maintained within an organization is
for the founder to only hire and keep employees who think and feel the same as he/she
does. Discuss both the pros and cons of this idea and offer an opinion as to why this
system can be effective.
In light of the findings of the GLOBE project, what elements of transformational
leadership appear universal?
James is a scientist for a local manufacturer that employs a large percentage of the
small town where he lives. Until recently James has loved his job. However, it has been
discovered that the company is releasing small amounts of toxins into the local river.
James is extremely bothered by this information. Based on what you know about James,
describe the cognitive dissonance that he is experiencing, and two ways that James
might alter his behavior or attitude to reduce the dissonance.
Compare and contrast centralized and decentralized organizations.
Compare and contrast a manager that implements Theory Y and one that adheres to the
expectancy theory. How would each choose to motivate their employees?
What are the various causes of conflict?
Describe how attitude can shape behavior.

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