subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 10
subject Words 1379
subject Authors John A. Suchocki, Leslie A. Hewitt, Paul G. Hewitt

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Which of the following not generally thought of as matter?
A) light
B) trees
C) air
D) clouds
E) rain
A standing wave can occur when
A) two waves overlap.
B) a wave reflects upon itself.
C) the speed of the wave is zero or near zero.
D) the amplitude of a wave exceeds its wavelength.
What is the mass of one mole of H2?
A) 2 g
B) 1 g
C) 20 g
D) 6.022 1023 g
E) none of the above
The Mississippi River has a huge delta. With each year and each episode of deposition,
the river
A) lengthens its course and the delta shrinks.
B) becomes choked and shortens as the delta grows.
C) course lengthens and the delta grows.
D) shortens as the delta moves upriver.
A wave of 60 vibrations per second travels 30 m in 1 s. Its frequency is
A) 30 Hz.
B) 60 Hz.
C) more than 60 Hz.
D) none of the above
A rain shadow is associated with
A) the leeward slope of a mountain.
B) orographic lifting.
C) descending dry air.
D) descending dry air on the leeward slope of a mountain.
Which of the following boxes represents a compound?
A) only A
B) only B
C) only C
D) both A and C
Earth exerts a force on the Moon. These two bodies make up
A) one interaction.
B) two interactions.
C) multiple interactions.
Passing arsenic contaminated water through a long pipe filled with sand and iron
powder leads to removal of the arsenic by
A) a physical change.
B) an oxidation-reduction reaction.
C) ion exchange.
D) filtering out the suspended arsenic particles.
E) only a and b
Elements that are in the same ________ have a tendency to have very similar chemical
properties due to periodic trends.
A) group
B) period
C) textbook
D) compound
E) row
Glacial deposits are characteristically
A) well sorted and well rounded.
B) composed of unsorted, angular rock fragments.
C) asymmetrical rock debris.
D) called outwash.
How many atoms are in one molecule of Na2SO4?
A) 7
B) 2
C) 4
D) 3
E) 24
Where is dark matter found in the periodic table?
A) within the noble gas elements
B) the transition metals
C) all radioactive elements
D) no where at all
The Mercalli scale measures an earthquake's
A) effects.
B) damage.
C) intensity.
D) intensity, damage, and overall effect.
By radiometric dating, the oldest mineral in a sedimentary rock was found to be 1.4
million years old. What is the age of the sedimentary rock?
A) 1.4 million years
B) no older than 1.4 million years
C) no younger than 1.4 million years
D) Radiometric dating does not work for sedimentary rocks.
What will halt the collapsing Sun's core once its fuel has been exhausted?
A) the inability of electrons to enter into neighboring electrons quantum state
B) outward thermal pressure
C) random quantum fluctuations
D) the shift from fusion to fission nuclear reactions
To save the most energy when you leave your cool house for an hour or so on a hot day,
you should turn the temperature setting on the air conditioner
A) down.
B) up.
C) off.
D) to room temperature.
When water changes from a vapor phase to a liquid phase, it
A) loses energy.
B) gives off energy.
C) gains energy.
D) radiates energy.
Which body continually emits electromagnetic waves?
A) the Sun
B) the Earth
C) you and your classmates
D) all of the above
E) none of the above
The metamorphic property of flat or elongated mineral grains in parallel layers is called
A) schist.
B) cleavage.
C) foliation.
D) lithification.
The main producer of sediment is
A) mechanical weathering.
B) ice wedging.
C) chemical Weathering.
D) erosion.
General relativity is most concerned with
A) acceleration.
B) gravitation.
C) space-time geometry.
D) all of these
E) none of these
The flow of groundwater depends on
A) permeability and porosity.
B) permeability and gravity.
C) porosity and hydraulic gradient.
D) porosity only.
An eroded surface of metamorphic rocks on which a horizontal bed rests is called a
A) strata.
B) dike.
C) nonuniform surface.
D) nonconformity.
Which travels fastest in a vacuum?
A) radio waves
B) light
C) X-rays
D) all the same
What role does entropy play in chemical reactions?
A) The entropy determines how much product will actually be produced.
B) The entropy change determines whether the reaction will be exothermic or
C) The entropy change determines whether the reaction will occur spontaneously or
D) The entropy change determines whether or not the chemical reaction is favorable.
Headward erosion of a group of cirques around a mountain may produce
A) glacial lakes.
B) an arete.
C) a horn.
D) a hanging valley.
Common drainage networks include the
A) rectangular and divide drainage patterns.
B) radiating and undulating drainage patterns.
C) dentritic, radial, and trellis drainage patterns.
D) trellis, subsident, and perched drainage patterns.
Buoyant force is greatest on a submerged 1-cm3 block of
A) lead.
B) aluminum.
C) same on each
Metals are shiny because
A) they reflect 100% of incident light.
B) they are poor absorbers of light.
C) loose electrons vibrate to the oscillations of any incident light.
D) none of the above
Which law of thermodynamics states that no system can reach absolute zero?
A) First law
B) Second law
C) Third law
D) all of the above
What does Einstein's energy equation (E = mc2) say about the energy that is derived
from nuclear fission reactions?
A) The energy released is due to the missing mass of the products compared to the mass
of the starting materials.
B) The energy is proportional to the mass of the atom undergoing fission.
C) The energy is derived from the light that is emitted when the atom splits.
D) The energy equation does not apply towards fission, only fusion.
E) none of the above
Water is formed from the reaction of an acid and a base. Why is it not classified as a
A) Not all acid base reactions produce a salt, as in the case with the formation of water.
B) The attraction between the two ions in water molecules are too strong.
C) By definition, a salt must be able to dissolve in water, so water itself cannot be called
a salt.
D) A salt is an ionic compound, whereas water is a covalent compound.
About how deep is the photosphere?
A) 300 meters
B) 500 meters
C) 300 km
D) 500 km
Air near the equator averages higher temperatures than air near the poles because
A) polar air is cooled by ice and snow on the ground.
B) solar energy is readily absorbed due to increased levels of CO2 and water vapor in
the air.
C) sunlight falls in a more vertical position at the equator than near the poles.
D) the oceans near the equator are warmer than those near the poles.

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