PHYS 88980

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1429
subject Authors John A. Suchocki, Leslie A. Hewitt, Paul G. Hewitt

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The rule for the interaction of magnetic poles is similar to the rule for electric
A) circuits.
B) polarization.
C) charges.
Our ears are best at hearing
A) infrasonic sound.
B) ultrasonic sound.
C) both of these
D) none of the above
According to the law of reflection, the incident ray, reflected ray, and normal between
A) lie in the same plane.
B) may or may not lie in the same plane.
C) lie in planes that are perpendicular to one another.
Which of the following has the largest momentum relative to Earth?
A) a tightrope walker crossing Niagara Falls
B) a pickup truck speeding along a highway
C) a Mack truck parked in a lot
D) a dog running down the street
The tilt of Earth's axis greatly affects the
A) change of Earth's seasons.
B) hours of daylight.
C) intensity of sunlight that reaches Earth's surface.
D) distribution of heat energy, hours of daylight, and the change in seasons.
Warm humid air is characteristic of a
A) maritime polar air mass.
B) continental polar air mass.
C) maritime tropical air mass.
D) continental tropical air mass.
Most of the state of Nevada is in the Basin and Range Province. The predominant active
fault for this region is
A) thrust faulting.
B) reverse faulting.
C) normal faulting.
D) none of the above
P-waves travel faster through the inner core than the outer core because the inner core is
A) hotter than the outer core.
B) the same as the outer core.
C) rock.
D) solid.
According to Aristotle, a rolled ball eventually comes to a stop because
A) of friction.
B) of inertia.
C) it seeks its natural state of rest.
D) all of the above
Which of the following elements has six valence electrons?
A) Be
B) B
C) C
D) N
E) O
How is erosion different from weathering?
A) Erosion is the process of removing sediment from weathered rock.
B) Erosion produces more sediment than weathering.
C) Erosion produces less sediment than weathering.
D) Erosion and weathering are different ways of saying the same thing.
According to the following reaction, which molecule is acting as a base?
H2O + H2SO4 → H3O+ + HSO4
A) H2SO4
B) H2O
C) H3O+
E) none of the above
If a neutral element has 8 neutrons and 7 electrons, which expression correctly
identifies the element?
A) N
B) O
C) O
D) O
E) cannot tell from information given
Which of these, all of the same length, has the greater electrical resistance?
A) a copper rod
B) an iron rod
C) a rubber rod
D) all about the same
E) none of the above
The type of mineral formed is determined by
A) crystallization.
B) the elements present and the conditions that lead to formation.
C) silica content.
D) chemical bonding.
The resetting of a mineral's time clock means that
A) a mineral can be formed and reformed again and again.
B) the date obtained will be the date of the metamorphic event, not the date of the rock's
C) the date obtained will be the date of the rock's formation, not the date of the
metamorphic event.
D) minerals can tell time just like a clock can tell time.
What is the source of acid rain?
A) Acid rain is from dissolved carbon dioxide.
B) All rain is acid rain because rain has a pH is less than 7.
C) Rain is normally basic, but depending on the weather it can get slightly acidic.
D) All rain is acid rain because rain has a hydronium ion concentration greater than 10-7
E) none of the above
Sound waves can interfere with one another so that no sound is heard.
A) True
B) False
A heavy truck and a small truck roll down a hill. Neglecting friction, at the bottom of
the hill the heavy truck has greater
A) speed.
B) acceleration.
C) momentum.
D) all of the above
E) none of the above
Contact metamorphic rocks are typically not foliated because
A) the parent rock does not contain the correct type of minerals to produce foliation.
B) contact metamorphism occurs from heat and not from deformation due to stress.
C) contact metamorphism does not produce minerals, such as the micas, which are
needed for foliation to occur.
Which of the following physical properties would you expect for krypton (Kr)?
A) a gas at room temperature
B) hard
C) brittle
D) shiny
E) conducts electricity
Most minerals can be identified by easily observable physical properties. In order of
most useful to least useful, the identifiable physical properties are
A) color, crystal form, hardness, cleavage, and density.
B) hardness, cleavage, density, crystal form, and color.
C) crystal form, color, hardness, cleavage, and density.
D) crystal form, hardness, cleavage, color, and density.
Air resistance on a high-speed projectile shortens its
A) range.
B) maximum height.
C) both of these
D) none of the above
Which of these has a higher frequency than visible light?
A) radio wave
B) microwave
C) infrared wave
D) ultraviolet wave
E) all do
When an object is partly or wholly immersed in a liquid, it is buoyed up
A) by a force equal to its own weight.
B) by a force equal to the weight of liquid displaced.
C) and floats because of Archimedes' principle.
D) but sinks.
E) none of the above
At temperate latitudes, the prevailing westerlies drive surface ocean currents
A) eastward.
B) westward.
C) southward.
D) northward.
People who work around radioactivity wear film badges to monitor the amount of
radiation that reaches their bodies. These badges consist of small pieces of photographic
film enclosed in a light-proof wrapper. What kind of radiation do these devices
A) Alpha radiation
B) Beta radiation
C) Gamma radiation
D) all of the above
Igneous rocks are formed by the
A) melting and transformation of minerals in Earth's interior.
B) cooling and crystallization of molten magma.
C) partial crystallization of granitic magma.
D) cooling and crystallization of molten lava in Earth's interior.
Saturn's rings are composed of?
A) chunks of ice and rock
B) methane gas
C) hydrogen
D) old satellites and other space junk lost from Earth's orbit and other space missions
Which of the following statements best describes a cathode?
A) the negatively charged electrode of a battery or electrochemical apparatus
B) the place where oxidation is taking place in a battery or electrochemical apparatus
C) the place from which electrons are flowing away from
D) all of the above
E) none of the above
Which of the following landscapes were not carved by glaciers?
A) The Grand Canyon
B) Yosemite National Park
C) The Swiss Alps
D) The Great Lakes of North America
The solar radiation curve is a graph of
A) colors of sunlight versus their frequencies.
B) colors of sunlight versus their wavelengths.
C) the path of the Sun about Earth.
D) brightness versus frequency.
E) intensity versus distance from the Sun.
Airplane lift is achieved when air pressure on the bottom of its wings is
A) greater than pressure on top.
B) less than pressure on top.
C) the same as pressure on top.

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