PHYS 54886

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1209
subject Authors Paul G. Hewitt

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The cones in the retina of the eye are
A) most densely packed at the center of vision.
B) uniformly spread along the visual field.
C) concentrated along the periphery of vision.
Which temperature scales have equal sized degrees?
A) Fahrenheit and Celsius
B) Fahrenheit and Kelvin
C) Celsius and Kelvin
D) none of the above
If you measure the width of an outdoor barn with a steel tape on a very cold day, your
measured width will be
A) a bit short.
B) a bit long.
C) the same as on an average-temperature day.
The transmission of power from one place to another is evident in
A) household electricity.
B) radio broadcast.
C) mobile phones.
D) all of the above
Room temperature on the Kelvin scale is about
A) 100 K.
B) 200 K.
C) 300 K.
D) 400 K.
E) more than 400 K.
A decibel is a measure of a sound's
A) frequency.
B) wavelength.
C) speed.
D) loudness.
E) all of the above
The unit of electric charge, the coulomb, is the charge on a
A) single electron.
B) specific large number of electrons.
C) neutron.
D) specific number of neutrons.
E) quark.
Modern automobile headlights are connected in
A) parallel.
B) a perpendicular orientation.
C) series.
D) none of the above
Phil leans over the edge of a cliff and throws a rock upward at 5 m/s. Neglecting air
resistance, one second later the rock's speed is
A) zero.
B) 5 m/s.
C) 10 m/s.
D) 15 m/s.
E) none of the above
An excited atom decays to its ground state and emits a photon of green light. If instead
the decay is to an intermediate state, then the light emitted could be
A) red.
B) violet.
C) blue.
D) any of the above
E) none of the above
An uncharged pith ball is suspended by a nylon fiber. When a positively-charged rubber
rod is brought nearby, the pith ball
A) moves toward the rod.
B) is unaffected.
C) moves away from the rod.
D) none of the above
A machine that promises more energy output than input is
A) a fantasy.
B) commonplace in today's technology.
C) a long-shot worth investing in.
The contained air in a closed, sealed can placed on a hot stove will undergo an increase
A) internal energy.
B) temperature.
C) pressure.
D) all of the above
E) none of the above
A boulder following a straight-line path at constant velocity has
A) a net force acting upon it in the direction of motion.
B) zero acceleration.
C) no forces acting on it.
D) none of the above
The average speed of light is greatest in
A) red glass.
B) orange glass.
C) green glass.
D) blue glass.
E) same in all of these
As a high-altitude balloon sinks lower into the atmosphere, it undergoes a decrease in
A) volume.
B) density.
C) weight.
D) mass.
E) none of the above
Weigh yourself on a weighing scale and the scale shows your normal weight. If you
carefully stand on tiptoes, the scale reading will be
A) slightly more.
B) slightly less.
C) about half as much.
D) no different.
A neutron bouncing off a heavy nucleus loses speed. If it instead bounces off a light
nucleus it loses
A) less speed.
B) more speed.
C) the same amount of speed.
Carbon was used in Fermi's first nuclear reactor to
A) slow neutrons.
B) increase the speed of neutrons.
C) absorb neutrons.
D) none of the above
When Kepler devised his laws of planetary motion, he was most influenced by
A) Galileo.
B) Newton.
C) Tycho Brahe.
When oxygen and hydrogen gases combine, the result is
A) water.
B) methane.
C) a noble gas.
Magnetic domains normally occur in
A) copper.
B) silver.
C) iron.
D) all of the above
E) none of the above
A beam of singly-charged ions entering a magnetic field are swept into circular paths.
The wider paths are those of
A) the lighter ions.
B) the heavier ions.
C) neither particularly.
Power is defined as the energy expended per unit of time. When translated to electrical
terms, power is equal to
A) current multiplied by resistance.
B) current multiplied by voltage.
C) current divided by time.
D) voltage divided by time.
E) none of the above
Consider two flywheels of the same size and shape, but one with twice the mass.
Rotational inertia of the more massive one is
A) two times greater.
B) four times greater.
C) the same as the other one.
D) half.
Parallax is evident when you view objects
A) with one eye.
B) with both eyes.
C) with one or both eyes.
D) in a completely dark room.
To make a profit a buyer purchases metal by weight at one altitude and sells it at the
same price per pound at another altitude. The supplier should
A) buy at a high altitude and sell at a low altitude.
B) buy at a low altitude and sell at a high altitude.
C) it makes no difference.
The force of Earth's gravity on a capsule in space will lessen as it moves farther away.
If the capsule moves to twice its distance, the force toward Earth becomes
A) half.
B) three-quarters.
C) one-fourth.
D) none of the above
X-rays may be correctly regarded as
A) high frequency sound waves.
B) high frequency radio waves.
C) both of these
D) none of these
Minimal orbital speed about Earth is about 8 km/s, and about the Moon is
A) less than 8 km/s.
B) more than 8 km/s.
C) about 8 km/s.
Compared to a bar of pure gold, the density of a pure gold ring is
A) less.
B) the same.
C) slightly more.
D) much more.
The discovery of electromagnetic induction is credited to
A) Joseph Henry in America.
B) Michael Faraday in England.
C) both of these
D) neither of these

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