PHY 10308

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 10
subject Words 1330
subject Authors Paul G. Hewitt

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As a system becomes more disordered, entropy
A) increases.
B) decreases.
C) remains the same.
There would be only one ocean tide per 24-hour day if the
A) Earth and Moon were equally massive.
B) Moon were more massive than Earth.
C) Sun's influence on the tides were negligible.
D) Moon's mass were small only a few kilograms.
E) none of the above
Surface tension is a direct result of
A) viscosity.
B) Archimedes' principle.
C) adhesive forces between molecules in a liquid or solid.
D) cohesive forces between molecules in a liquid.
Hydrogen and oxygen molecules in a sample of gas have the same temperature. This
means the hydrogen molecules, on average, have the same
A) speed and the same kinetic energy.
B) speed, but more kinetic energy.
C) speed, but less kinetic energy.
D) kinetic energy, but more speed.
E) kinetic energy, but less speed.
Dean teaches that the phenomenon of regelation is due to the
A) freezing point of water.
B) melting point of ice.
C) open-structured nature of ice crystals.
D) high specific heat of water.
A liter of cold water will warm faster in sunlight in a
A) black pot.
B) silver pot.
C) red pot.
D) none of the above
Three kids pull on a toy. Kim pulls with a force of 30 N north, Jim pulls with a force of
30 N south, and Tim pulls with a force of 15 N east. The acceleration of the toy is
A) 10 m/s2.
B) 15 m/s2.
C) 33 m/s2
D) need more information
An inventor proposes to equip an office with a polarized source of background music
and polarizing earplugs for non-listeners. His idea is
A) a good one that provides personal choice.
B) too expensive.
C) bothersome.
D) nonsense because sound cannot be polarized.
Credit for research in our knowledge of the electron includes
A) William Crookes.
B) J.J. Thomson.
C) Robert Millikan.
D) all of the above
E) none of the above
According to the principle of complementarity, wavelike and particle-like properties of
A) only slightly contradict each other.
B) very much contradict each other.
C) make up a wholeness that better describes nature.
D) none of the above
A block of Styrofoam floats on water while a lead block of the same size block lies
submerged in the water. The buoyant force is greatest on the
A) lead.
B) Styrofoam.
C) same for both
To melt 50 grams of 0-degree-Celsius ice requires
A) 25 calories.
B) 50 calories.
C) 80 calories.
D) none of the above
Harry takes a space voyage and returns to find his twin sister has aged more than he
has. This is evidence that
A) she has changed frames of reference.
B) he has changed frames of reference.
C) both have changed frames of reference.
D) neither has changed frames of reference
Figure S-4
A supersonic aircraft flies between observers A and B as shown. The resulting sonic
boom will soon be heard by
1) only observer A.
2) only observer B.
3) both A and B.
4) neither A nor B.
The intensity of the sonic boom depends on the
5) speed of the aircraft.
6) size of the aircraft.
7) distance from the aircraft.
8) all of the above.
9) none of the above.
If the Moon were covered with water, tidal effects caused by Earth would find the
Moon with
A) 1 tidal bulge.
B) 2 tidal bulges.
C) 3 tidal bulges.
D) 4 tidal bulges.
E) no tidal bulges.
A humming bird flying at 4 km/h that gets caught in a 3-km/h crosswind has a resultant
speed of about
A) 3 km/h.
B) 4 km/h.
C) 5 km/h.
D) more than 5 km/h.
A sample of highly-radioactive material is somewhat
A) warmer than the environment.
B) cooler than the environment.
C) neither of these
An electric diode is useful for
A) storing electrical energy.
B) boosting voltage.
C) limiting current.
D) voltage modification.
E) changing ac to dc.
When you vigorously shake a can of chicken broth, you
A) are doing work on the broth.
B) increase the temperature of the broth.
C) both of these
D) neither of these
The unit of electrical resistance is the
A) volt.
B) ampere.
C) ohm.
D) none of the above
Eratosthenes' measurements of Earth's size involved
A) a deep well in Syene.
B) a pillar's shadow in Alexandria.
C) surveying the distance between Alexandria and Syene.
D) all of the above
The force that propels a cannonball when fired from a cannon is
A) huge compared to the recoil force on the cannon.
B) equal and opposite to the force the ball exerts on the cannon.
C) in some cases, equal and opposite to the force the ball exerts on the cannon.
Which has the greater density?
A) a cup-full of fresh water
B) a lake-full of fresh water
C) both the same
D) need more information
Which of these strongly relate to a piano string?
A) mass
B) length
C) pitch
D) all of the above
E) none of the above
Which of these are good conductors?
A) feathers.
B) wood.
C) snow.
D) all the above
E) none of the above
One kilowatt-hour represents
A) 1 N.
B) 60 N/s.
C) 60,000 W.
D) 3.6 million joules.
E) none of these
The most basic of the sciences of physics, chemistry, and biology is
A) physics.
B) chemistry.
C) biology.
D) none of the above
A blueberry pie will be a net absorber of energy when its temperature is
A) higher than its surroundings.
B) lower than its surroundings.
C) none of these
When heat is added to boiling water, its temperature
A) increases.
B) decreases.
C) remains unchanged.
D) none of the above
In accord with general relativity, a person living at the top of a skyscraper ages
A) faster than a person on the ground floor.
B) slower than a person on the ground floor.
C) at the same rate as a person on any floor.
A creature that is scaled up in size, keeping its proportions,
A) will be stronger relative to its greater weight.
B) will be weaker relative to its greater weight.
C) both of these
D) neither of these
The safest way to view an image of the Sun is to use
A) a telescope.
B) binoculars.
C) a pinhole.
D) colored sunglasses.
Our Moon in Earth orbit travels fastest when it is
A) involved in an eclipse.
B) rotating.
C) revolving.
D) closest.
E) all of the above
When fast-moving water molecules collide they tend to
A) rebound without sticking.
B) stick.
C) both of these
D) neither of these

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