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subject Words 1815
subject Authors Bruce N. Waller

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Pojman holds that the accidental execution of an innocent person:
a. is an acceptable loss
b. does not or has not actually occurred
c. is never an acceptable trade-off for the possible benefits of the death penalty.
d. does count against the retention of the death penalty
According to Hobbes, the state of nature is
a. a state of general cooperation
b. a scientific description of the environment
c. a state of war of all against all
d. none of the above
According to the emotivist a statement such as "Murder is wrong" is the same as
a. don"t murder or boo murder?!
b. I (the speaker) believe murder is wrong.
c. murder is a violation of the categorical imperative
d. murder is intuitively wrong
The difference between psychological egoism and ethical egoism is:
a. ethical egoism says we are naturally egoistic, and psychological egoism says we
should act egoistically.
b. the two theories are essentially the same.
c. psychological egoism holds that we are egoistic by nature, while ethical egoism states
that we ought to be egoistic.
d. ethical egoism is a psychological theory that states that we are naturally ethical,
while psychological egoism tells us that we ought to adjust our psychology and act
Emerson believes that moral theorizing ought to be scientific and is therefore an
advocate of experimenting with various moral systems to see which works best.
Emerson is best described as a
a. pluralist
b. monist
c. scientist
d. pragmatist
Non-objectivists and objectivists may differ on how best to shape their children to be
cooperative moral citizens in that
a. non-objectivists would hold that we instill moral truth in children rather than teaching
them to recognize moral truth
b. objectivists would hold that we shape a positive moral outlook in children rather than
teaching to recognize moral truth.
c. non-objectivists believe we need not teach children anything since there are no
objective moral values
d. none of the above
According to Simon, an "ethic of athletic competition" amounts to:
a. a new theory of ethics that includes physical activity
b. principles of good sportsmanship in competitive athletic events
c. a view of athletics as a mutual quest for excellence through challenge
d. the ethics each individual athlete brings to competition
Rawls's "veil of ignorance" excludes knowledge of all of the following EXCEPT
a. physical characteristics
b. intelligence
c. aesthetic preferences
d. desire to live and prosper
According to Coady, terrorism is defined as:
a. the use or threat of use of force designed to bring political change
b. the illegitimate use of force to achieve a political objective when innocent people are
c. the organized use of violence to target non-combatants ("innocents in a special sense)
for political purposes.
d. the use of violence to make non-combatants live in perpetual fear.
According to the utilitarian the right action is the one that produces the greatest
happiness for
a. oneself.
b. those we care about the most.
c. the greatest amount of happiness for feeling things
d. those we have a duty to make happy.
Moral realism could be established by
a. the outcome of a single experiment
b. investigations carried out at the molecular level
c. a paradigm shift
d. demonstrating its effectiveness as a plausible productive theory
According to Marquis, murder is wrong because:
a. it deprives the person killed of valuable future experiences
b. it deprives the family of the deceased their love one
c. it makes the murderer a bad person
d. everybody knows murder is wrong
Moral realism would fail as a theory if
a. a more plausible theory was found
b. it failed in a single instance as an effective theory
c. a general agreement on moral principles is not found
d. both a and c
According to Finnis, pre-Christian philosophers and cultures:
a. generally condoned homosexual behavior
b. did not address the issue of homosexuality one way or another
c. generally disapproved of homosexual behavior
d. at best tolerated homosexual behavior
"President Obama's arguments for a public option to be included in the health care
reform bill can"t possibly be good. After all, he has all of his medical needs taken care
of by a private doctor". This argument commits which of the following fallacies:
a. ad hominem fallacy
b. strawman fallacy
c. red herring
d. fallacy of irrelevant reason
The "spectator's perspective" is
a. the best seat at a sporting event
b. an impartial perspective on a moral issue
c. the view the majority of people have on a moral issue
d. the perspective we have once we have reflected on a moral issue
Monique holds that while many of our choices are influenced if not outright determined
by forces outside our control, there is a small domain of free will that allows us to
overcome these forces and choose freely. Monique is best described as a:
a. fatalist
b. libertarian
c. compatibilist
e. determinist
According to Bok, all of the following are justifications for lying EXCEPT:
a. preventing harm
b. producing benefit
c. fairness
d. protecting feelings
Virtue theorists hold that one becomes virtuous by
a. determining which actions are moral according to the categorical imperative and then
habitually doing those things.
b. doing those actions which are most beneficial to society
c. doing those actions that the virtuous person would perform if they were in the same
d. none of the above
Jim's seven year old daughter brings home an art project and excitedly shows her father.
According to
Kant, when his daughter asks whether Jim likes what is clearly the ugliest art project
ever Jim should
a. lie and tell his daughter what a great artist she is
b. avoid the question an offer to buy her ice-cream
c. tell her the truth about the project
d. avoid having more children so he doesn"t fact these types of moral dilemmas
An ethic of care emphasizes all of the following EXCEPT
a. friendship
b. self-interest
c. empathy
d. affection
According to Kant, if we want to know whether a given action is moral we should ask
ourselves if
a. the action has good consequences
b. that action is such that we could make it a rule that everyone should follow
c. it results in my being better off, regardless of how others are affected
d. I feel the action is the morally correct one given the situation
According to Brown, the health risks associated with performance drugs are:
a. inconclusive
b. harmful only if taken in large doses
c. not harmful
d. not harmful is prescribed by a doctor or trainer
The relationship between care ethics and traditional approaches to ethics is
a. Adversarial
b. Complementary
c. Essentially the same
d. completely incompatible
Virtue ethics is different from other ethical approaches in that it
a. emphasizes rules over other moral concerns
b. emphasizes outcomes as opposed to duties
c. emphasizes self-interest over all other concerns
d. emphasizes character over all other moral concerns
Moral sense theorists hold that moral judgments are in many respects similar to
a. aesthetic judgments
b. scientific determinations
c. legal judgments
d. judgments based on our senses
According to Bok, lies can be publicly defended when:
a. police believe the lie may be effective means of gaining information
b. there are alternatives to lying but they require more effort on the part of police
c. lying would produce a surfeit of benefits versus harms
d. lying can never be publicly defended since lying is always wrong
All of the following are possible answers to the question of moral responsibility
a. Libertarianism
b. Compatibilism
c. Determinism
d. Essential element of the social structure
The end result of not being able to find a definition of unnatural that also entails that
homosexuality is immoral implies that most objections to homosexuality are:
a. based on a personal religious view that does not provide grounds for legally
prohibiting homosexuality
b. based rationalizations from people who dislike their own latent homosexual
c. based on idea that "It is wrong because we"ve been taught it is wrong"
d. both a and c
Gauthier believes that social contract can be based on
a. altruism and self-interest
b. altruism alone
c. self-interest alone
d. pity and self-interest
Pojman's argument for the death penalty relies on a:
a. utilitarian justification
b. social contract justification
c. a Kantian justification
d. a and c
Misrepresenting or distorting the argument of one's opponent in order to make it easier
to attack is called a (an):
a. ad hominem fallacy
b. strawman fallacy
c. red herring
d.fallacy of irrelevant reason
According to Steinbock, one reason Marquis's argument fails is:
a. it fails to take into account potential persons
b. it fails to look at the past experiences of beings
c. it allow for active euthanasia
d. it fails to establish a specific moment of personhood of the fetus.
Contemporary moral realism is _________ about the existence of moral facts than
traditional approaches.
a. more certain
b. less certain
c. just as certain
d. generally indifferent
According to both libertarians and compatibilists, to be morally responsible for an act
a. being free to act or not act
b. the act be compatible with your deep beliefs
c. the act be one that is rational
d. none of the above

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