OIM 65717

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 29
subject Words 8085
subject Authors David A. De Cenzo, Mary Coulter, Stephen Robbins

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High cohesiveness always results in a productivity increase.
Team leadership is becoming less important in today's world because teams don't need
Trust is so important in value chain management that proponents of the system say you
can never have too much trust.
French organizations have a very different view of status than American organizations.
Product quality and service quality are two different things.
Type A personality people find it easy to relax.
Management has an impact on all businesses, but there are almost no examples of
businesses that have failed because of poor management.
Formal planning can enhance creativity in an organization.
Professionals are best motivated by extra pay and promotion within the organization.
Managers should aspire to eliminate all stress from the work environment.
A key difference between Fayol's and Mintzberg's view of management is that Fayol's
view was based on empirical observations of managers in action.
There are four basic elements in organizational design.
In the socioeconomic view of organizational social responsibility, management's
responsibility includes protecting and improving society.
Formal groups tend to form around friendships and common interests.
The first step in the strategic management process is analyzing the external
A major strength of formal planning is that it gives an organization rigidity.
A single individual can have high motivation in one situation and low motivation in
One argument against businesses championing social responsibility issues is that being
socially responsible can harm an organization's public image.
A community fire department can legally deny employment to a firefighter applicant
who is confined to a wheelchair.
Perceptual shortcuts can sometimes be accurate and valuable.
A manager does not work directly on tasks for the organization.
Language that is acceptable for one audience can be a barrier to effective
communication for another audience.
Since charisma is an inborn trait, no efforts have ever been made to train people to be
Persistence is the amount of drive and intensity a person applies to a task.
Studying management can be extremely useful even for those who don't plan to be
managers themselves.
Effectiveness refers to the relationship between inputs and outputs.
A transactional leadership style is not related to a transformational style.
Uncertainty involves a situation in which the probability of a certain outcome is known
to be small.
When they first start out, most small entrepreneurial ventures have a very informal
organizational structure.
Because of its high costs, companies don't save money using teleconferencing
compared to traveling.
Production data for Streaks is shown. Using linear programming, if the plant makes 100
pairs of running shoes and 100 pairs of soccer shoes, it ends up with $3600 in profit.
Monthly Product
All organizations have a structure that in some ways serves to define and limit the
behavior of members of the organization.
When inputs are turned into goods and services, value is created.
Which kind of electronic meeting format allows participants to view nonverbal forms of
communication that include facial expressions and body language?
A) teleconferencing
B) videoconferencing
C) electronic data interchange
D) face-to-face meeting
A written statement of what a job holder does in his or her job, how it is done, and why
it is done is known as a ________.
A) job specification
B) job qualifications
C) job definition
D) job description
In Japan, the term used to describe death from overwork is ________.
A) rensei
B) karoshi
C) hanko
D) buka
Which of the following is a basic definition of ethics?
A) rules that define good and evil
B) laws that define legal and illegal
C) principles that define right and wrong
D) principles that define standards of decency
Today, selection techniques that result in reject errors can open the organization to
A) decreased productivity and efficiency
B) charges of employee discrimination
C) reduced morale
D) a weakened workforce
When a customer service customer gets frustrated from being put on hold during a
service call for 30 minutes, the company is having problems with which service quality
A) timeliness
B) consistency
C) convenience
D) courtesy
A company whose goal is to retain its ideal size and market share is employing which
kind of strategy?
A) noncorporate
B) growth
C) renewal
D) stability
A person who believes that "the ends justify the means" would be likely to have a high
level of which personality trait?
A) empathy
B) Machiavellianism
C) self-awareness
D) social skills
The promise of behavioral theories of leadership held that this would be possible.
A) picking a leader out of crowd
B) being able to train a person to be a leader
C) explaining why successful leaders were successful
D) eliminating ineffective leaders
Which statement is true?
A) The main goal of work teams is to share information.
B) The main goal of work groups is collective performance.
C) The main goal of work teams is collective performance.
D) The main goal of work groups is synergy.
Which of the following is commonly considered a category of workforce diversity?
A) education level
B) computer skills
C) style of dress
D) age
Fayol's principle of ________ refers to how to build harmony and unity in an
A) centralization
B) equity
C) order
D) esprit de corps
Deming felt that ________ with statistics.
A) employees should be capable of dealing
B) employees should not be asked to deal
C) managers only should deal
D) employees only should deal
Which of the following is NOT a common method of organization development (OD)?
A) teambuilding
B) process consultation
C) positive feedback
D) survey feedback
The General Manager (Scenario)
Michelle is the general manager of a power plant. This morning, she will meet with city
officials to discuss environmental issues. After the meeting, she will confer with the
plant's section managers to address the concerns of the city representatives. This
afternoon, Michelle will meet with a team leader to go over a complaint filed by an
employee. After the complaint meeting, Michelle plans to spend time in the library and
on the Internet researching new technologies that can be used to improve the
performance of her plant.
When Michelle addresses a complaint filed by an employee, she is performing which
management role?
A) resource allocator
B) disturbance handler
C) liaison
D) figurehead
A constraint causes stress because it ________.
A) helps you achieve your goal
B) prevents you from achieving your goal
C) helps you define your goal
D) prevents you from defining your goal
The General Manager (Scenario)
Michelle is the general manager of a power plant. This morning, she will meet with city
officials to discuss environmental issues. After the meeting, she will confer with the
plant's section managers to address the concerns of the city representatives. This
afternoon, Michelle will meet with a team leader to go over a complaint filed by an
employee. After the complaint meeting, Michelle plans to spend time in the library and
on the Internet researching new technologies that can be used to improve the
performance of her plant.
When Michelle learns from city officials about how her plant's operations may be
affecting the environment, she is performing which management role?
A) leader
B) resource allocator
C) entrepreneur
D) liaison
Kurt Lewin originated some of his most important group dynamics ideas by studying
which of the following?
A) family vacations during World War I
B) force fields in physics
C) how football has blocking and driving forces
D) family food habits during World War II
Which of the following is NOT a way to increase productivity?
A) increase inputs
B) decrease costs
C) increase outputs
D) increase efficiency
Emotions and feelings ________ decision making.
A) often have no effect on
B) can improve
C) always decrease performance in
D) are more important than facts and logic in
A survey on email and content security found that ________ of companies saw their
businesses affected by the exposure of sensitive information.
A) less than 5 percent
B) almost 10 percent
C) one quarter
D) one half
Who stands to benefit least from studying management?
A) a pro football coach
B) a pro football fan
C) a pro football owner
D) a pro football player
Technological leapfrogging is defined as ________.
A) adopting new technology late in the hype cycle
B) adopting new technology as soon as it is released
C) bypassing certain stages of technology to come up with a radical innovation when
upgrading to new products
D) boosting demand artificially by postponing the sale of new technology in the market
A unique problem that virtual leaders face is being understood without a ________
form of communication.
A) reliable
B) written
C) clear
D) nonverbal
Which of the following was directly influenced by Herzberg's two-factor theory?
A) Maslow's hierarchy of needs
B) the job characteristics model
C) McClelland's three-needs theory
D) expectancy theory
Which of the following is NOT a function of planning?
A) defining goals
B) identifying a strategy for attaining goals
C) settling disputes between employees
D) coordinating organizational activities
Implementation of a value chain should be driven by ________.
A) technology
B) customers
C) employees
D) management
What was the primary cause of demise for such companies as Enron, Dave & Barry's,
and Circuit City?
A) poor management
B) difficult economic conditions
C) corruption
D) governmental regulation
In which country is equity meant to closely link pay to performance?
A) Japan
B) United States
C) Greece
D) Mexico
The most important reason for why managers are increasingly using
performance-simulation tests is that they have been found to be ________.
A) valid predictors of job performance
B) nondiscriminatory
C) a good way to test an applicant's character
D) easy to administer
The transformation process transforms ________.
A) goods and services into products
B) inputs into services only
C) materials into goods only
D) inputs into goods and services
Consultant estimates state that ________ team leaders.
A) 15 percent of managers are not natural
B) 70 percent of managers are not natural
C) 85 percent of managers are not natural
D) 30 percent of managers are natural
The ability of a nation to govern its own affairs is known as ________.
A) sovereignty
B) liberalization
C) interdependence
D) homogenization
The difference between firing and layoffs is that ________.
A) layoffs are not permanent
B) layoffs are permanent
C) firing is not permanent
D) firing is not voluntary
In a short essay, list three major sources of potential job candidates. Include a
discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of each major source to support your
In a short essay, list and discuss the first four steps in the decision-making process. Give
an example of each step.
In a short essay, explain how language can serve as a barrier to effective
In a short essay, explain what an entrepreneurial venture is and how it differs from a
small business.
In a short essay, discuss how social loafing can affect a team and how it can be
In a short essay, list and explain the four basic functions of management.
In a short essay, discuss Porter's focus strategy.
In a short essay, discuss why people resist change due to uncertainty. Include an
example to support your answer.
In a short essay, list and discuss two reasons for planning.
In a short essay, discuss the difference between efficiency and effectiveness.
In a short essay, describe the managerial grid that emerged from the early leadership
In a short essay, discuss why 360-degree appraisal is a popular appraisal method among
successful companies.
In a brief essay, discuss how managers can use rewards to shape team behavior.
In a short essay, describe the characteristics of a problem-solving team.
In a short essay, discuss the impact that the publication of Adam Smith's Wealth of
Nations had on management.
In a short essay, explain what stress is and how it arises.
In a short essay, explain the concept of motivation with respect to an organization. Then
identify and describe the three key aspects of motivation.

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