OBHR 804

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1403
subject Authors Herbert Heneman, John Kammeyer-Mueller, Timothy Judge

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Contingent assessment methods are always used in the selection process.
Scored evaluations of unweighted application blanks are good predictors of job
Asking different questions of job applicants during comparisons of interview ratings
between these same job applicants is an example of contamination error.
The clinical prediction method of determining an applicant's score on a job assessment
instrument relies on adding the individual predictor scores together to arrive at the
applicant's total score.
The person/job match model says that individuals are characterized by their level of
qualifications and motivation.
Performance tests and work samples are readily accepted by applicants as job relevant.
The evaluation of staffing systems should focus on the operation of the staffing process,
the results and costs of the process, and the satisfaction of the customers of the staffing
SaaS vendors provide both the hardware, software, and day-to-day management of
Hiring bonuses can be problematic because recipients of these bonuses might take the
bonus and then quit soon after.
Most employers note that high school graduates have more than adequate skills in the
areas of reading comprehension, writing, and math, but do not have sufficient critical
thinking and time management skills.
Research shows that having an employment brand can attract applicants to an
organization, even beyond job and organizational attributes.
Most private employers cannot legally require applicants or employees to take a
polygraph test, except in special circumstances.
Closed internal recruitment systems are very efficient to administer.
Which of the following are absolutely necessary for maintaining test security?
A. A method for disseminating information to the pool of candidates regarding the
scores of other candidates
B. A scoring key for the questionnaire provided to candidates after the test is completed
C. Identical forms of the test for all test-takers
D. Assurances that the test results will only be communicated by someone trained in
how to interpret scores
Which of the following is prohibited discrimination under civil rights law?
A. discrimination in hiring
B. discrimination in compensation
C. discrimination in classification
D. all of these
Regarding the person/job match model, ________.
A. staffing is only concerned with the job requirements-KSAO portion of the match
B. job requirements should be expressed in terms of only tasks involved and not
C. It applies only to tasks that have been identified and written down
D. none of these are correct
Which of the following is true regarding the Big Five personality factors?
A. They are reasonably valid in predicting job performance.
B. They represent emotional traits.
C. They represent cognitive abilities.
D. None of these.
Which of the following is not a choice involved in a strategic approach to job offers?
A. determining a compelling offer the finalists will find difficult to turn down
B. deciding which short and long term pressures to respond to in an offer
C. deciding on specific pay levels that will apply to all individuals
D. determine whether there will be a 'standard offer" for all finalists or whether
"enhanced offers" will be possible for some finalists
The likelihood that a correlation exists in a population, based on knowledge of the
actual value of r in a sample from that population is the _____________.
A. practical significance
B. likelihood ratio
C. functional statistic
D. statistical significance
Measures which assess an individual's capacity to function in a certain way are called
A. interest inventories
B. ability tests
C. personality tests
D. knowledge tests
In terms of who should participate in selection decision making (i.e., HR professionals
vs. line managers), HR professionals would be least likely to _________.
A. make the hiring decision
B. establish selection procedures
C. ensure relevant laws and regulations are being followed
D. represent the interests of employees to management
Rankings of the finishes of competitors in a foot race is an example of a(n) ________.
A. ratio scale
B. ordinal scale
C. interval scale
D. none of these
An employment arrangement that is based on negotiating unique terms of employment
for individual employees is called a(n) _____________.
A. idiosyncratic deal
B. procedural misstep
C. key skill premium
D. factor uniqueness
The correlation coefficient expresses __________.
A. causality
B. variance
C. strength of the relationship between two variables
D. the range between two variables
______ prohibit current or departing employees from the unauthorized use or disclosure
of information during or after employment.
A. Non-compete agreements
B. Retainers
C. Confidentiality clauses
D. Mixed-motive contracts
The goal(s) of the socialization process is(are) ____________.
A. to achieve an effective person/job match
B. to achieve an effective person/organization match
C. to help the newcomer fit into the job in the long-term
D. all of these are true
According to the overall staffing organizations model, HR and staffing strategy are
driven by ______________.
A. the mission, goals and objectives of the organization
B. support activities
C. legal compliance activities
D. all of these are correct
What is the job-analysis approach that involves collecting information on activities
performed on the job, and uses this information to assess needed KSAOs for each job
A. Competency-based
B. Job requirements
C. Job rewards
D. all of these involve this process
Which of the following best represents the order of aspects important for job
satisfaction identified in surveys, from most valued to least valued?
A. variety of work, relationship with supervisor, compensation, and networking
B. relationship with supervisor, networking, variety of work, and compensation
C. job security, benefits, opportunities to use skills and abilities, and financial stability
D. networking, variety of work, relationship with supervisor, and compensation
An empirical study of the characteristics of a job posting system which lead to high user
satisfaction found that _________ was(were) critical.
A. the adequacy of job descriptions
B. the adequacy of job notification procedures
C. treatment during the interview
D. all of these
Which of the following are likely to occur during job expansion periods?
A. New hire rates increase for entry level jobs, but decrease for higher level jobs
B. Departure of some employees to take opportunities at other firms
C. Stagnation of movement through internal labor markets
D. Reductions in turnover rates
Which of the following statements, when placed in a job message, would not be likely
to create problems with the EEOC?
A. "Applicants must be enthusiastic and willing to take risks."
B. "Applicants should be recent college graduates."
C. "Applicants should be healthy and athletic."
D. "Applicants should be gentlemen of outstanding character."
Which of the following is a potential benefit associated with downsizing?
A. focus on core businesses, eliminating peripheral ones
B. spreading risk by outsourcing activities to other organizations
C. lower payroll and benefit costs
D. all of these
Formal mentoring, training, and flexible work hours all may reduce the problems of the
glass ceiling.

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