OBHR 791 Midterm

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 2982
subject Authors Stephen P. Robbins, Timothy A. Judge

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Legitimate power is influence wielded as a result of expertise, special skill, or
Research evidence indicates that hindrance stress improves job performance in a
supportive work environment, whereas challenge stress reduces job performance in all
work environments.
Employees with an internal locus of control are more likely to engage in political
United States federal law does not allow any exceptions to allow employers to
discriminate against employees based on their religion.
Moods are more action oriented in nature than emotions.
If one is interested in changing employee attitudes or in improving organizational
performance, representative participation would be a good choice.
OB draws from several research-based theories about how people behave in
organizations and contains several straightforward cause-and-effect relationships.
CEOs are less likely to manipulate firm earnings reports to make themselves look good
in the short run when they don't have an ownership share.
Randy always turns in reports with punctuation errors. The reports of the three other
employees on the QA report writing team always produce grammatically clean reports.
Randy is about to turn in another report, and his manager has already noticed errors.
Randy demonstrates ________. His sloppy reports can be attributed to an ________
A) low distinctiveness, low consensus, and high consistency; internal
B) high distinctiveness, low consensus, and high consistency; external
C) low distinctiveness, high consensus, and high consistency; internal
D) low distinctiveness, low consensus, and high consistency; external
E) high distinctiveness, high consensus, and high consistency; internal
Your company, Johnson Farm Products, has decided to expand its traditional business
serving farm owners in order to include home gardeners in its customer base. This
change is not met with enthusiasm by the sales personnel who have had good long-term
relationships with area farmers. You know that the change will be difficult if you cannot
overcome the resistance of the sales personnel and obtain their cooperation. You have
brought in the local extension agent to explain demographics and the changing nature of
the area in which you live. The method for overcoming resistance that you have chosen
is ________.
A) education and communication
B) participation
C) negotiation
D) manipulation and cooptation
E) coercion
According to a study of 45 self-managed factory teams, ________ improved for both
individuals and the team as a whole when ________ were dependent on input from
A) attitudes; economic rewards
B) economic rewards; performances
C) performances; attitudes
D) performance; economic rewards
E) economic rewards; attitudes
Which of the following is not a barrier to effective communication?
A) filtering
B) silence
C) selective perception
D) information overload
E) the grapevine
Joe comes to you with a request for funds for a project. He reminds you that company
policy supports his position. He is using the tactic of ________.
A) coalition
B) consultation
C) ingratiation
D) legitimacy
E) pressure
An ethically healthy climate ________.
A) exists where employees confront a minimal degree of ambiguity regarding what
constitutes right and wrong behaviors
B) is non-existent in businesses
C) seldom allows employees to do their work productively
D) cannot be created by managers, but must be dictated by the organization's mission
E) interferes with the actual performance of the organization
According to research, which of the following factors is most likely to influence
A) education
B) heredity
C) friends
D) moods
E) economic background
Which of the following types of teams is most likely to be assembled to improve the
efficiency of a company's production process?
A) cross-functional
B) problem-solving
C) self-managed
D) critical
E) task
When a bank robber points a gun at a bank employee, his base of power is ________.
A) coercive
B) referent
C) positional
D) authoritative
E) expert
Which of the following act(s) as a common denominator to unite members of a given
culture or subculture?
A) mechanistic organizational structure
B) 360 degree appraisals
C) jargons and acronyms that are specific to the organization
D) bureaucratic organizational structure
E) unity of command
When Ariana is told that her dog has been killed by a car, her eyes widen in disbelief
and tears begin to stream down her face. Later that day she is able to laugh and talk
about the fun times she had with her dog. What is one of the reasons that Ariana's
reaction can be categorized as an emotion?
A) It is a general, unambiguous feeling.
B) It is accompanied by facial expressions.
C) It has a lengthy duration.
D) It is a positive feeling.
E) Her reaction is cognitive in nature.
Discuss the attribution theory.
What are the eight key parts of the communication process?
In terms of intraorganizational behavior, all things being equal, why is integrative
bargaining preferable to distributive bargaining?
What is deviant workplace behavior? How is deviant workplace behavior influenced by
the group to which the individual belongs?
Describe the full range of leadership model.
List and describe different variable-pay programs. Be sure to include piece-rate plans,
profit-sharing plans, and gainsharing.
Explain the effect of core self-evaluation on job performance.
What is impression management? Who is more likely to engage in impression
Describe the relationship between cohesiveness and productivity.

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